Page 9 of Claimed and Tamed

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He moved behind her and pulled back her chair gesturing her to walk before him. Relief washed over her.

Entering the passage, he slipped his hand under her elbow. Guiding her across the baronial hall into a wider passage, they passed three closed doors. He opened a fourth at the end of the hallway, stepping back to allow her to enter first.

It was a light and spacious office with bay windows made of the same mullioned, diamond-paned, leaded-glass windows filling two walls. A large oak desk with a comfortable leather swivel chair was positioned in one bay, and a matching leather couch rested in the other. Rolf led her to the sofa where she sat perched on the edge, feeling uneasy.

“Selene, do you trust me?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” she replied honestly.

He didn’t sit as she’d expected, but instead began to pace slowly up and down the room. “The thing is, there is a lot you don’t know and don’t yet understand. I’m in a bit of a quandary over how much I should tell you and how much I should show you.”

“If it concerns me, then you should tell me everything!” she insisted indignantly.

He stopped and faced her. “I know you’re brave, but there are circumstances and undercurrents of which you are unaware, Selene. Please believe me when I tell you that you’ll find those difficult to accept or believe even if I attempt to explain. Please trust me and remain here until Monday. Can you do that?”

“What? No of course not, I have a family wedding to attend this weekend. You know that—you’re being ridiculous!”

He shook his head. “Ridiculous? No. There is no wedding, Selene. What your so-called family wished you to attend would most probably have brought about your death.”

Leaping to her feet, she strode over and raised her hand to his face. His head snapped sideways, and the sound of her slap resonated in the still air. In an instant, he’d captured her arm, spun her around until her back was held firmly against his front. Attempting to struggle was impossible. It was as if she was secured by steel.

“You don’t get to strike the Alpha, nor do you ever strike your mate.” His voice dark and succinct breathed warmth across her ear.

“Let me go!” she hissed, and lifting her foot, deliberately brought her heel down on the toes of his left foot.

She felt a vibration against her back as a deep growl resonated from behind. In the next instant she was raised into the air and in a swirl of activity found herself face down over his lap. Her stomach pressed hard over his thighs as her breath left her lungs in a whoosh.What the hell just happened?

“There was no need for that, Selene. However, two can play at that game, my girl, and be assured, as the Alpha, I will always win, and, as your mate, I’ll always overpower you. Just so you know, any act of insubordination on your part will be met with a sound spanking.”

“Letmego! You’re insane!” she screeched, attempting to swim off his knee.

She felt helpless as he proceeded to tug down her trousers and panties. Slipping them over her hips, he bared her bottom.


Rolf hadn’t expected his explanation to go down well, but it had never occurred to him that Selene might actually slap him. He’d hoped that she would ask questions and had expected her to weep, but beyond that, he’d not really known how she was likely to react. He’d thought that she’d at least let him give her a full explanation before taking any action and had not been expecting her attack. As the Alpha he couldn’t let her actions go unpunished. Perhaps it was time for her to learn who was in charge of this relationship. Better to set ground rules from the start.

“You may argue and put an opposite point of view to me, but you mayneverlash out at me. If you need a break you may call ‘wolf,’ and I’ll stop spanking immediately and check in with you. Otherwise, this punishment ends when I say it does.” With that said, he brought his hand down hard on her right buttock which flattened from the stroke only to bounce back perkily as if asking for another. The canvas of her bottom altered under his punishing hand from cream to a satisfying deep pink. Cool flesh became heated beneath his palm. He kept up his crisp staccato smacks until he was certain Selene had stopped resisting his correction and hung limply over his lap. Her gentle weeping took the place of promises he was sure she wouldn’t keep. He lifted her, turning her so that she sat across his knees as opposed to stomach-down over them.

Rolf cradled her, whispering reassurance until her fingers clutching at his shirt front released and she quietened, finally inhaling a quavering breath. “I’m sorry, I realize I shouldn’t have slapped you,” she murmured and slumped against his shoulder.

“All is forgiven and forgotten. That is the beauty of a spanking, it clears the air. However, we have other things yet to be resolved.”

“I know, but can we sit here like this for just a little bit longer?”

“Of course.” In truth he was enjoying having her in his arms. Her tantalizing scent aroused his senses, he was hard as iron. Having his mate so near and vulnerable awoke the wolf within. Rolf fought his need to claim her. His internal struggle against the overwhelming instinct to throw her to the floor right now and make her his caused havoc within. One of the requirements to becoming Alpha of a pack was the need for rigid self-control, something he prided himself on. Pushing back against the beast lurking so close to the surface, Rolf regained his self-control. “Feeling better?”

She sat up straight. “I don’t know what to say.”

“There is no need to feel embarrassed. It’s over and now we move on,” he said, swiping his thumbs tenderly over her tear-stained cheeks.

Selene dropped her head so that her hair fell forward and screened her face. “Okay,” she mumbled.

His keen sense of smell detected the unexpected aroma of her arousal. “Look at me, Selene,” he commanded.

She peeked at him quickly and glanced down again.

“I think you are less concerned about the spanking and more confused by your arousal. Am I correct?” His tone softened, coaxing an answer.

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