Page 7 of Claimed and Tamed

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Reaching out, he covered her hand with his. The static jolt that ran between them caused her to jump. “Ready to go?” he asked, ignoring the physical reaction only he understood.

She nodded as a flush crept into her cheeks. Perhaps she was more aware of their connection than he supposed?

Outside, he guided her around the building to the carpark at the back of the restaurant.

“Where is the helicopter,” she asked looking about.

“My cousin has taken care of it—ah, here we are!” He fished the car keys from his pocket and clicked the fob to open the Range Rover.

“Rolf, I really need to get back. I can’t prolong this day as much as I’d like to— “

“Don’t worry, I have everything arranged. My cousin took the helicopter to a less intrusive location.” Opening the passenger door, he gestured for her to climb inside. Instead, she drew close, looking up at him with such an intense expression of yearning he felt compelled to enfold her in his arms. His mouth slanted over hers. The instant their lips touched; it became apparent the attraction he felt for her was reciprocated. Heat sizzled, with the joining of their tongues and drew deep sounds of satisfaction from him and sweet moans of passion from her. She clung to him, one hand roped about his neck while the other spanned his backside. Rolf’s erection pressed solid and demandingly into the soft flesh of her stomach. His hands moved to cradle her face. If he didn’t put paid to this right now, he’d be taking her on the tarmacked ground. With a final kiss on her soft lips, he withdrew. “Selene, gorgeous, Selene. I want you, but not here, not like this. We have to stop.”

She swallowed and gave a nod.

His finger traced from her eyebrow, over her cheek to her lips, where his thumb swept back and forth in a lazy caress. “You are so very beautiful. I hope you will agree to see me exclusively?”

Large opalescent eyes regarded him. “Yes, I will,” she purred.

“We need to go. Get in the car, darling.”

“Oh, okay.” She settled into her seat with a soft sigh.

Once he had driven them onto the road, she yawned widely several times. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I feel so tired,” she said, covering her mouth as another yawn escaped.

“Probably a mixture of wine, excitement and sea air. Why don’t you rest your head and shut your eyes for a little while?” he suggested.

Glancing over at her a few minutes later, he noted how deeply she slept. The sedative his cousin had supplied was working perfectly. As guilty as he felt at drugging her, it was the only way he could achieve this part of his plan.

He wondered how long the sedative would last. Rolf hated the fact it had been necessary to treat Selene this way. For her own safety, it was essential that he get her to the sanctuary at Caisleán Mactire, where his family’s ancestral home was situated on the edge of Warrencourt Forest.

After driving for over an hour, he arrived at the impressive iron gates of the estate and left the car to approach the security box. Putting his eye to the scanner, the box flashed a green light, indicating recognition of his retina. A disembodied voice asked him for the daily password.

“Tafan,” Rolf replied. As the gates began to glide open, Rolf slipped back into the driver’s seat beside the still comatose Selene. Pulling through the entrance, he waited to ensure the gates closed securely behind them before driving onward. It was a mile or so before the old castle came into view. A ripple of satisfaction ran through him at first sight of the ancient grey stone facade and crenelated turrets which rose above the surrounding trees. Drawing up before this primordial building had never failed to lend him a sense of comfort and security. Contemplating the peace which reconnection with his ancestral home always gave him, Rolf stayed where he was, regarding with pleasure this unique place of sanctuary.

Looking over at the shadowed tree line, his excellent peripheral vision caught sight of two wolves emerging from the forest. They loped towards the car. Before they arrived, each one appeared to halt, drop, and stretch, lengthen then flow upright, transmuting into two tall, naked, muscular male humans.

Stepping from the car, he hugged the first man, unfazed by his nakedness and turned to take the other’s outstretched hand. “Caden, Fergal, good to see you both.”

“Alpha, cousin, it is good to have you home again.”

“It’s wonderful to be here. Is all going according to plan?”

“It is. May we see the woman of your destiny?”

“Of course. You have my permission to lift her from the car.”

The two men extracted Selene carefully from the vehicle. Caden held her gently, while exclaiming over her beauty. “Does she really not realize what she is?” Fergal asked.

“No, she has no idea of her origins, or of the cruel deception played upon her. If my plan goes well, by this time tomorrow all will become clear to her.”

Rolf locked the car. Turning, he held out his arms to Caden who carefully settled Selene into them. He gazed down at her lovely face, so innocently serene in her unconscious state. Tenderly placing a kiss on her forehead, he muttered a muted promise of protection in his native Gaelic. Noticing his two cousins had disappeared inside, he tightened his hold on his precious burden, and followed them.


Coming to, Selene licked her lips. Her mouth was dry. Cracking open an eye, she groaned at the invasive brightness in the room and quickly closed it again. Rolling over onto her side she curled into a fetal position in an attempt to find solace in more sleep, but it was no good. She was thirsty and gave up. Sitting, she blinked and gazed about the unfamiliar room. Where in hell was she?

Noticing a carafe of water and beaker on the nightstand beside her, she reached for it and poured herself out a glass of water. Thirst quenched, she slipped from the bed and realized she was only wearing her bra and panties. Wracking her groggy brain, she recalled getting into a car with Rolf, and then nothing.

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