Page 62 of Claimed and Tamed

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The forest ranger then secured the tag to my wrist. Rather than a typed outline of my hard limits like I had expected, the wristband featured a small list of numbers. I figured the numbers corresponded to what was memorized so that they can know the hard limits at a glance.

My hands shook and my teeth chattered, but I gave my signature.

He tsk’d and clasped my trembling fingers. “You’re going to have a blast.”

“I hope,” I quipped with a sad smile. “Life hasn’t been fun lately.”

He gave my hand a quick squeeze of reassurance in response to my vulnerability, then handed me a sealed clear bag that had a floppy ear headband and a bunny tail attached to a steel anal plug. “Restroom is over there. You’ll find all you need to prepare for play. Also find an open locker to hold your phone and car keys. You don’t want to lose those during the chase.”

All I need to prepare for play?I raised my brow as I assessed the bag. I guess he meant lubrication.

“I will show you to the restroom,” Pretty Kitty said.

“Wait. Do I need to be undressed for this scene?”

“No,” the ranger said. “Just put your tail in the best you can under your skirt. I’ll get you caged when you’re done.”

Pretty Kitty gently took my arm to guide me to the bathroom. “Who can run with a lubricated anal plug in,” I muttered.

This made my escort giggle. “If you get captured, you’re going to want all the lubrication.

Fuck me.


My cage, vinyl padded at the bottom, was large enough to allow me to sit up or lie on my side in a fetal position. That was about it. There was not much more room than that. My driver, a strapping young man who was also in a ranger uniform, had easily pushed my weight up the ramp before securing my cage to the vehicle’s wall so I didn’t roll around. He spoke in soothing tones as he did so, assuring me that I would soon be free to romp and play, and that it was just a short trip to the reserve. He then left me alone in the back of the dim cargo van.

The road was bumpy, and honestly, it seemed like an hour had passed before we slowed to a stop. I know it wasn’t an hour, but my nervous anxiety sure made it feel like it. I was a bit scared, and that fear brought with it the slow-motion hypersensitivity of a stressed brain cataloging everything my heightened senses took in.

My logical side knew I was safe—relatively speaking. I still didn’t know these people or this location, true, but everything seemed okay in that aspect. However, instinctually, I was feeling very much like a trapped rabbit. The need to make myself small until I could escape was near overwhelming.

The van door opened, and the ranger appeared with a smile. He unattached me from the van’s interior and rolled me down the ramp. We were on a road, surrounded by forest.

“We’re here. Time for you to be released into the wild. There are predators out here, so tread quietly like bunnies do.”

With that, he opened the cage and shooed me out.

“Remember,” the ranger continued as he closed the empty cage, “there are wellness stations throughout the reserve that are stocked with bottled water, food, and an emergency cellphone in case you need help. The reserve area is fenced in, so you do not need to worry that you will get permanently lost.” He winked. “Oh. You might see the occasional hunting camera strapped to the trees. Pay them no mind. They are broadcasting the hunt to hotel members wishing to see entertainment while in their rooms.”

I hadn’t put exhibition as a hard limit. I imagined some kinky couple lying in bed, watching my scene. Thrilling.

“Have fun!” With that, the forest ranger rolled the cage up into the van, shut the doors, then got into the driver’s seat.

“Thanks,” I muttered, looking around. How did I end up here, on a desolate road in the middle of the woods, dressed like I was in a pornographic version ofClueless.Can’t believe I was wearing a cottontail anal plug. What the fuck.

The ranger stuck his head out the window. “Hey! I recommend you avoid the cabins you come across unless you want to get trapped into an enclosed space.” He winked then waved before driving off.

Unsure how to proceed, I simply looked around. Was I to just pick a direction and go? I debated whether to walk the side of the road or find a station and have a snack, if only to have something to do. Otherwise, I would be wandering around aimlessly. Maybe I could find this fence and walk the parameter?

A piercing scream suddenly rent the air, and I damn near jumped out of my hiking boots. Faint growls and more cries had me trembling like the rabbit I was supposed to be. I didn’t realize how quiet the area was until now. Without the van’s running motor or talking ranger to keep my attention, my ears homed in on the sounds permeating the trees. Birds and insects, sounds of a chase…

Yelling, laughing, begging, more screams. My teeth chattered. It was startling how horror-movie-real it was feeling, like when you hear the college kids partying in the distance right before the ax murderer kills your ass for being stupid enough to be alone in the middle of the fucking woods.

The loud snaps of cracking flora. Heavy steps. Too close. Way too close.

Panicked, I sprinted into the brush, running from the road in the opposite direction of the eerie noise. Even as I ran, I felt both stalked and trapped, even though my rational mind assured that there was no way that someone could be following me…

Unless it was a real animal. Maybe a bear? A puma?

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