Page 56 of Claimed and Tamed

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She shook her head. “I didn’t know you had a brother.”

“I do, there’s a lot we need to learn about each other still.”

They talked late into the night, getting to know one another. They spoke mostly about their childhood, family, and basic things.

Up until now.

“Is this it for us?” Izzie blurted out.

“Why no, we’re just getting started.”

“How is this going to work?” She sat up on her heels and faced him.

“I’ll visit you, and you’ll visit me.”

“I don’t have that kind of money.”

“You don’t need money. I’ll take care of it all.” He sighed. “The one thing I’ve taken from these past couple of months is that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. I know what I want. I want you.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll give this, us, a chance.”

She gazed into his eyes and knew in her heart what she wanted. She’d known it all along from the first time she laid eyes on him. “Yes, of course.”

“That’s all I needed to hear. We will make this work. I was so taken by you, that when I got home, I called off my future engagement.”

Izzie laughed, and when Nicolai didn’t respond in kind, she grew serious. “What the fuck?” She jumped up off the couch. “You were cheating on someone with me?”

Nicolai rose slowly, putting out a hand. “Izzie, listen to me. Please. I can explain.” When she didn’t respond, he continued. “I was to be betrothed if I didn’t findthe one, neither myself nor my future bride was into the relationship. It was for the good of our country. We were both going to have a companion on the side. But now we don’t have to. I’ve found you, I’m free.”

“I just — this is too much.” Izzie began pacing the floor. “What else don’t I know?”

“We don’t have to know it all today.”

“Okay, whatimportantthings do I need to know?”

“That’s it, you know all the shocking revelations there is to know, now.”

After a time, Izzie sat down, and relaxed. “My head is still spinning and I need some time with this. Tell me about your ex. Why wouldn’t you have worked out a relationship with her?”

Nicolai reached over threading his fingers into the hair on the back of her head and tightened his grip.

Izzie’s eyes rolled back and she moaned.

“That’s why kitten.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh.”

“Yes, and I must be careful whom I play with. It can’t go public, imagine the scandal? It’s all strictly business with a few trusted women. Just play things. No relationships with any of them. I promise.”

“Why did you come here?”

“I heard about After Dark, and wanted to unleash some pent-up energy, my regulars weren’t cutting it.” He cupped her cheek. “And then I found you.”


“You are everything I want in one neat package; you’re beautiful, you have a strong will, you are kind and considerate – I see that when you’re with your friends – you are sexy and submissive. I couldn’t ask for more.”

“And in you…I see a powerful, sexy man who’s sure of himself, and who knows what he wants, takes it when he sees it, but then takes care of what’s his. What more couldIask for?”

“It’s settled then.” He lifted her from the couch and spun her around. “I’m claiming what’s mine.”

He tortured her with soft touches, sexy advances, and a smack on the ass here and there, with a tug of her hair. By the time they made it to the bedroom, she was ready.

The next morning, Izzie woke to a note on her nightstand with a red rose. “I’ll be thinking of you every second of every day until I see you again, next week. I’ll be sending my jet. Be ready to meet my family. Chin up! ~Your Prince.”

It was at that moment, despite not knowing him long, and all the drama he brought with him, that she knew she was going to have a fairytale ending with a real prince and live happily ever after.

###The End###

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