Page 52 of Claimed and Tamed

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Once outside the limo, Boris hugged her. “He’ll be back, trust me.”

The prince grabbed her and held on tight. She only just realized they were on the tarmac of a local airport, and a plane was winding up nearby. “This is me.” He motioned to the plane.

She felt her eyes widen. “You own a plane?”

“I do.” She could tell he forced a smile for her, it didn’t reach his eyes.

Boris walked to the plane and waited by the stairs expectantly.

“You have to go,” she said, surprised her voice was as strong as it was.

He released her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, and lifted her chin. “Chin up princess, or the crown slips.”

No more words passed between them, and he turned and walked away. Just before he boarded the plane, he looked back at her and nodded.

“Miss, excuse me. I was told to bring you back home, or wherever you want to go.” A driver stood by the limo with the door open for her.

“Home is fine.”


Months had passed.

A few phone messages, while she was at work, were all she heard from her prince in the weeks after he’d left. No callback number. She had to wonder if it was all a dream or something her imagination made up from a fairytale she once read long ago.

Of course, she wouldn’t be as lucky as the poor woman in the story to be swept up by a handsome prince to live happily ever after.

No, that was just a story.

She still had her weekend gig as a cocktail waitress, and just finished her first semester back at school for hotel management. That’s all she felt she was good for, the service industry. Serving and taking care of other people.

“Hey girl, you doing okay?” Babs asked. “You seem more down than usual.”

Izzie sighed. “Yeah, didn’t sleep well last night. All the letdown of stress from finals is catching up to me.”

“Ah, yeah, that is hell. I’m glad I didn’t go back to school. Better you than me.”

“You don’t need to; you have your cushy bank job.”

Babs sighed. “Not sure I want to do it for life though. The jury is still out on that.”

Dane approached the girls in front of their usual eatery. “Now, now, now. This won’t do.” He was waving his hand in the air with a flourish and seemed more chipper than usual.

He put his arms around the two of them and led them away from their usual haunt.

“Hey, I’m hungry! Where are we going?” Babs huffed.

“You’ll see sunshine.”

They walked a couple of blocks down and stopped. “This, ladies, is where we will dine.” He made a motion to the glass doors of the fancy restaurant that they could never afford to eat at. Even if they pooled their monthly income together.

“Funny, very funny.” Babs turned to walk away. “Let’s go to the cafe.

The glass doors slid open with a smooth hiss, and Dane walked into the atrium. Izzie stood confused and Babs turned and wrinkled her brow. “For real?”

Dane nodded and pointed. “Inside. Now.”

“What on earth, Dane?” Izzie followed waiting for the punch line.

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