Page 50 of Claimed and Tamed

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“You’re always wrapped up in your food and friends,” he grinned and pointed to Dane and Babs.

When she looked at them, they were lost in their little world.

Checking back with the slave, there was an immediate change in his demeanor, his face lost all expression, and he lowered his head. “How may I help you,sir?”

“How odd,” she thought. But before she could turn to see whom he was reacting to; a smooth, silky voice – thick with an accent – tickled her ear. “Move along Izzie, you’re holding up the line.” It was a teasing whisper, but it gave her the chills as his voice ran over her like thousands of tendrils dancing on her skin. Images of the night before shot through her mind; it was such an immediate response that she pressed her thighs together.

Babs and Dane were still immersed in conversation.

The slave moved the line along, and her two friends still hadn’t looked back. She was willing them to, but they didn’t. He was right, they were so wrapped up in their heads when they were there.

When Dane and Babs got to a table by the window, they each slid into the booth on opposing sides. Izzie approached with the prince trailing behind.

“The lady and I would like to sit next to each other if you don’t mind,” the prince motioned to the table as her friends looked up, did a double take, and then gawked. “Please?” he added.

Dane in dramatic fashion, without taking his eyes off the prince, moved to sit next to Babs.

The prince motioned for Izzie to take the window seat and then slid onto the bench next to her. She almost laughed out loud at his high-status presence in the small hole-in-the-wall eatery.

“What are you doing here? How did you find me?” Izzie’s mouth finally caught up to her brain.

He smiled and reached up tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She felt heat on her cheeks. “My sidekick looked into it for me. I know I sound like a stalker, but I had to see you today. After last night I couldn’t stay away.”

“Sidekick? Stalker? Last night? What’s going on? How do you two know each other?” Dane’s forehead wrinkled, as he fired away questions.

Izzie’s lips pulled into a smile, as she cupped the prince's cheek gazing into his eyes. “I’m glad you found me.”

When Izzie glanced at her friends, she knew that Babs had some inkling as her lips pulled up at the corner.

“I apologize,” the prince said, as he reached inside the lapel of his suit and pulled out two envelopes. “It was unfair of me to ask you to keep something like this from your closest friends. I’m told you three are inseparable.”

Izzie nodded. “We are.”

The prince handed each of her friends an envelope. “Please, look over these documents so we may continue this discussion further.”

After a few moments, Dane gasped, and Babs said, “Holy fuck.”

Izzie couldn’t help but giggle. She had the same reaction and didn’t expect less from them.

They both eagerly read through the papers and Babs dug out a pen from her bag, and both she and Dane signed their names hastily.

“Here,” Babs said, sliding the papers toward the prince. “Now what in the actual hell? Talk now.”

The prince in all his regal calm, simply stated, “I’m here on vacation.”

“You left your country to come here, and…play?” Dane asked, wrinkling his forehead. “But why? And nice accent by the way.”

“Thank you, the club has international fame,” Boris said while stepping up to the table.

“And who are you?” Babs narrowed her eyes at him.

“I’m Boris, the bodyguard.”

“Funny, I haven’t seen you guarding his body.”

“Not that it’s any of your concern, he does his job well.” The prince nodded, and Boris backed away.

“I must apologize, but I need to borrow your friend for the day.” He winked.

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