Page 48 of Claimed and Tamed

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“Sweetheart?” Blue pushed off the sphinx and strode toward her placing his hands on her shoulders. “You okay?” She knew he was just being protective; she was just in shock.

Izzie nodded.

“You know we need to hear it from your mouth, we can’t assume anything. We need that consent, little girl.” Blue put a finger to her bottom lip and pulled it down.

Izzie gasped, and then swallowed to wet her dry throat so she could speak without croaking the words out. “Yes, I’d like very much to play with our guest tonight, Sir.”

“Very good.” Blue trailed his fingers along the skin of her neck causing the hairs on her arm to stand. His fingers slowly went around her throat giving a slight squeeze. She moaned and closed her eyes. “Is sex on the table tonight, little girl?”

Her eyes popped open. “Yes, sir,” she said quickly, because if she didn’t have an orgasm by night's end, she felt as if she’d explode, and never be put back together again.

The silent man walked across the room and opened a briefcase, heading back toward her he held papers in one hand and a pen in the other.

Blue-headed for the door, “I’ll be back in a few.” And with that, he was gone.

She looked into their guest’s eyes; they were flirty and playful, and she liked that. The crisp white paperwork caught her eye. A fancy seal adorning the top of the page lured her to read the title and first paragraph.

Her jaw dropped. “Holy shit,” she murmured to herself. “You’re…like a prince? Like a real honest-to-god fucking prince. Like I should bow to you?”

His lips pulled into a smile exposing perfectly white, straight teeth. He gave a slight bow. “Yes, Prince Nicolai. Pleased to make your acquaintance. You needn’t bow, and if you’d be so kind as to sign the documents before you; a non-disclosure and a gag order, then I shall be afuckingprince sooner than later.” He winked at her and she practically melted into a puddle over his unexpected accent and sexy candor.

She shuffled through the papers and sighed. “There’s too much to read. I never sign anything without reading it all. Word for word.” She rubbed at her temples.

“If you’ll allow me, we can go through them together,” the prince offered.

“I’d like that yes, please.”

He took her through each section of each document. She learned of his hard limits, and his sexual health status, and promised to keep his identity and what they did to herself, or he’d be able to go after her for defamation of character.

Who knew playing with a prince would be so much paperwork?


Blue entered the room. “Almost finished?”

The prince nodded. “One more signature and we’re all set.”

Blue stepped up to Izzie, clapped his hands together, and rubbed them fast. He held his palms out over her shoulders where she could feel the warmth and energy. She shivered as she signed the last page.

“I’m ready.” Boy was she ever. The paperwork was almost as effective as an aphrodisiac, it turned her on. Hearing his accent and the cadence of his voice, was the best voice porn and foreplay she’d ever experienced.

Blue’s hands went down on her shoulders, he massaged them until she settled in her chair and relaxed a bit. “You’re a little tense, kitten.”

“That was a little over the top just to play and fuck.” She smacked a hand over her mouth for being so blunt.

“I get that, but he’ll make it worth your while.” Blue pulled her from the chair and wrapped his arms around her, pressing his mouth to hers. They deepened the kiss within seconds and were panting when they pulled apart. His eyes were hooded as he passed her off to the prince. “Just a little something to get you started,” he chuckled.

The prince took a different approach and moved her hair off her neck and ran his lips softly over her skin licking and sucking along the way. “You smell divine.”

His accent was so new and exciting, she was thankful she hadn’t heard it until now. It was adding to the excitement of what was to come, and made the moment more special.

Blue crossed the room rummaging for something, but she lost track of what he was doing when the prince started to disrobe her clothing piece by piece. He took his time, and it was making her want for more.

She could tell the man had never worked a hard day in his life, his hands were soft, with no calluses. That didn’t distract her though, not one bit, his fingers slid across her heated skin like silk.

Blue appeared at her back and his hands cupped her shoulders while the prince continued his path down her body. “Izz, I’m out, you good?”

She couldn’t respond if she wanted, not with the prince looking at her the way he was. Was he feeling half of the sexual tension as she was?

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