Page 25 of Claimed and Tamed

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“No panties,” he murmurs approvingly.

I don’t bother to tell him it’s not for his benefit that I chose not to wear any. I’d had them on for more than a day and needed to take them off.

Alexander places a hand at the base of my spine, his fingers spread out across my lower back. I try to get up, but discover his hold is too firm.

“Let me up!”

“No. You’ve earned a spanking, and I’m going to give you one.”

Spanking? That should fill me with outrage, but for some reason, the idea sparks something deep inside me. I’m aroused, but also afraid of how I’m already responding to Alexander taking control. I feel vulnerable lying over his lap like this, but if I’m honest, I can’t say I hate it.

“You have no right.” I recover my senses just enough to make a token protest.

“I have every right, Cara. Now, I’m going to show leniency and give you ten spanks with my hand. Behave and that will be the end of it. Test my patience and I’ll punish you further. Do you understand?”

Of course I understand. It’s straightforward enough. I just have to decide whether I’m willing to submit to him. The possessive hand he has splayed across my back tells me I have little choice in the matter. I might as well make the best of it. “Yes, I understand.”

“Sir,” Alexander prompts.

“Yes, I understand, sir.”

I just know that brought a smug grin to his face.

“Good girl. Now, brace yourself. This may hurt.”



Cara’s reluctance to accept a spanking is clear, but I’m glad she’s being sensible and not fighting me on this. Her acquiescence means I don’t have to be any harsher with her than I want to be for this first spanking. It’s going to be a demonstration of who holds the authority here, not an exercise in terrorizing her. I want her to be focused after this, clear about how I expect her to behave, not a sobbing mess.

Drawing my arm back, I bring my hand down on the fleshiest part of her delectable ass. The crack of my palm on her bottom is incredibly satisfying, but it’s the faint pink mark I leave that makes my cock sit up and take notice. I can’t wait to see her perfect skin turning red. When I spank her again, Cara emits a sharp, breathy sound. I doubt it’s the result of pain, as I didn’t strike her hard. More likely, she was caught off guard by how it felt to be spanked.

I swat her butt again. She grumbles some complaint I don’t actually catch, but doesn’t try to break free of my grip. She couldn’t, even if she wanted to. I alternate the next few slaps between her left and right butt cheeks, putting a bit more force behind it now. Cara squirms and I bite back a groan as her wriggling makes me hard. Everything about this woman turns me on. I can’t wait to stamp my claim on her. For three years, as I’ve hidden in the shadows, rebuilding the clan and plotting my revenge against the Douglases, I’ve thought about her. I don’t know what it is about Cara, but from the moment I first laid eyes on her, I was captivated.

Deciding I need to get this spanking over with, as much for my own benefit as hers, I pick up the pace, landing increasingly harsh blows on different parts of her bottom. Cara moans, but to my ears, it sounds more like arousal than pain. When I’ve delivered the final spank, I caress her bright pink flesh. Cara casts a glance back over her shoulder at me. She looks away again, but not before I’ve seen the desire in her eyes.

Curious, I slide my hand between her thighs. She gasps and wiggles her hips, immediately responding to my touch. I run a finger along her feminine slit. She’s drenched. I withdraw my finger and hold it in front of her. It’s mean to shove her arousal in her face, but I don’t want her to be able to deny what she feels.

“Seems someone enjoyed their first spanking.”

Her eyes gleam at the corners of her mouth turn up into a wicked smile. “Who said it was my first?”

An unexpected surge of jealousy goes through me at the thought that I might not be the first man to have her draped over his knee. Something tells me she’s bluffing, so I decide to test her. “Well, if you’re more experienced than I thought, perhaps I should increase the punishment. How does twenty strokes of my belt sound?”

She sucks in a breath, then raises her chin defiantly. “Eh, that sounds fine.”

I bark out a laugh. “You’d be a blubbering mess after three strikes, sweetheart. Admit it, you’ve never been spanked before.”

For a minute, I think she’s going to maintain her air of bravado. Then she thinks better of it.

“Okay, nobody’s spanked me before.”

The relief I experience upon hearing that is unbelievable. Taking Cara in hand will be for me alone. “That’s good, sweetheart, but think before you try to provoke me in the future. You might not like the outcome if you push me.”

Cara nods. “Fine. Will you let me up now?”

I shake my head. “Is that any way to ask?”

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