Page 119 of Claimed and Tamed

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Odysseus shrugged, he could play innocent for a while. “That is not entirely outside the realm of possibility. I’ve found that if I leave a shirt long enough in there, it automatically becomes clean when I go back to check on it. Happens mostly around the time when I have no clean clothes outside the laundry basket.”

Adriana burst into laughter, as surprised by his wit as he was to hear her laughing at it.

“I just told you I’m most probably a slob, and you thought that was funny.” He placed a hand on his chest in a mocking show of emotion. “I think I just met the girl of my dreams.”

Adriana smiled. “Okay, now it’s kind of creepy.”

“Sorry.” Odysseus quickly stood straight. “Um, my name is Odysseus.”

Adriana took the hand he held out. “Adriana.”

“So, are you into video games, or did your brother just forget to buy you a gift on his trip and pretended as if that shirt meant something really great as he gave it to you?”

Adriana glanced at her shirt. “I don’t know. Although, I think it would not be really hard to pretend he was giving me something really great, finding the easter egg inAdventurewas one of the most awesome things in video games.”

Odysseus lips curved in a wide smile. “So, you're into video games?”

She shrugged. “Kinda.”

“Yeah, no need to pretend. I’ve seen few people’s eyes light up the way yours just did when you talked about that shirt. I’ll bet the money in my pocket you’re really, really into arcade games. Or maybe just games in general.”

“It’s not really something guys like to hear girls say. That they are into video games.”

He stared incredulously at her. “Are you kidding me? That’s the fantasy of every guy I know. A gorgeous girl who likes playing video games. Just one more thing now to determine if you really are the girl I’ve been searching for my entire life.”

“What’s that?”

“Star Trek or Star Wars?”

Adriana smiled. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I actually prefer Star Wars even though most people think Star Trek is more—”

Odysseus dropped to his knees, feigned solemnity on his face. “You are the one I’ve been waiting for all my life.”

Adriana burst into laughter, not caring at all about the few glances she got from people around them, and when Odysseus stood up to join her on the couch, she scooted over to give him space.

“So, apart from games, staring in the mirror wondering how to deal with being that gorgeous, and a kickass taste in movies, what other things do you do in the twenty-four hours God has given us in a day?”

Adriana blushed at being called gorgeous and felt overwhelmed as she stared into the eyes of probably the most stunning guy she had ever seen, and definitely the most stunning guy who had ever paid her any attention. Trying to calm her nerves, she took a big gulp of her drink and then lifted her head to reply to him.

* * *

It was almost midnight, and the tempo of the party, as well as its population, had dropped. Yet Odysseus and Adriana were still talking, enjoying each other’s company too much to call it a night. The music had gone from loud and fast to slow and low, no one really on the dance floor except for two colorful alien guys drunkenly holding each other and pretending to waltz.

Odysseus had just finished telling Adriana about his dream to create the next big video game, even shared some of his ideas and past projects with her. Now he looked down at her, his hand on her arm as she moved her head to the song playing on the speakers. Slowly, throughout the night, they had gone from sitting beside each other to now sitting so close she was practically on his lap, her head resting on his shoulder and his arm around her. From where he sat, if he glanced just down, he’d see the gentle slope of her breasts, and it was taking all Odysseus had not to blurt out how attracted he was to her. Which was surprising, because nothing she had done was indicative of the possibility that she was flirting with him. On the contrary, it was almost like she didn’t think of him that way. There was no deceit in her eyes when she leaned in to whisper to him. And when she touched him, the fact that it made his cock go hard in his jeans was probably not her intention.

For the first time since they had met almost three hours ago, neither of them was saying anything, and even this silence was more exciting than making out with the girls in his past. His nose drew in the scent of her hair, the smell of honeysuckle so girly it was at contrast with who he now knew her to be, and yet fitted perfectly. Same with the first time he caught a glimpse of those breasts. It was as if he was being reminded that while she was the most awesome girl he had ever met, she still was a girl.

“Wanna dance?” he asked, leaning down and whispering into her ear.

“Dance?” Adriana frowned and looked away. “I don’t remember telling you I took dancing classes.”

“Come on.” He got to his feet and pulled her up. “It’ll be fun. Besides, there’s no one to see us.”

Adriana thought about it, then had her decision made for her when he pulled her to her feet. The song changed, but the tempo stayed the same. Slow and soft. And standing in that corner, Odysseus placed his hand around her waist, Adriana’s hand automatically going up and landing on his chest. She looked up at him as they began to sway, something telling her this was really happening and not a dream. It was odd to see guys this attractive show any interest in her. Mostly because she didn’t really know guys as attractive as her, and the guys she knew were more interested in her showing them how to clear a stage, talk about the latest movie, or join their team in a video game. They didn’t sit down with her all night, talking about everything from their best movie marathon snack to the plight of endangered whales. They didn’t hold her close, playing with her arm in a way that send tendrils of heat and sensation moving down her chest, curling between her legs. They didn’t pull her up to dance and look at her like they wanted to kiss her.

Adriana blinked at that last thought, wondering if it was her imagination and desire getting away from her or if Odysseus really wanted to kiss her. What she did know was that as she thought about it more now, she really wanted him to kiss her. Those lips, she wanted them on hers, wanted his hand on her in ways she was too embarrassed to tell him.

“Ari,” he said, his voice soft as he stopped her mid-sway. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

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