Page 11 of Claimed and Tamed

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She threw back her head and gave a bellow of mocking laughter. Stopping abruptly, she stabbed her finger at him. “You and I arenotwerewolves, and you are insane! I’m leaving!”

“Wait, I agree! We aren’t werewolves, I told you we arelycanthropes.I’d hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but you obviously need some proof before I can continue with my explanations.” He stood up and began to strip off his clothes.

Selene staggered backward. “Whatever are you doing?” she sputtered.

“I can’t transform while I’m dressed, I’d rip my clothing. Don’t be afraid, darling, I won’t hurt you now, or as a wolf. Although I won’t have the vocal-chords to speak to you after I’ve altered, I’ll still understand what you’re saying.”

“Stop this—It’s insane! Help!Help!”

“Selene, be quiet! Just watch and believe.”

Naked now, Rolf stretched his arms above his head. As the change took him, his shoulders altered shape and he lowered his hands to the floor where his claws sprung from large paws. Sinews popped as his spine lengthened. It took well under a minute for the process to complete. Shaking his large shaggy head, he observed Selene’s shocked gaze from his golden wolf eyes. Taking a step towards her, he smelt her terror and anticipated her flight. Sure enough, dashing to the door she yanked it open and disappeared.

With a frustrated growl, Rolf shook his shaggy head and trotted after her. There was no rush, he could track her scent. She needed to run, and he and the pack would ensure that she did.


Hotfooting it through the castle passages, backtracking the way she’d come with Rolf, Selene encountered no one. Heart thumping, she found herself back in the kitchen where a pile of clothing was neatly stacked on the table now cleared of breakfast. There was no sign of either of Rolf’s cousins. Crossing the room to an open door, she moved into a boot room and with a quick glance behind her to ensure no one was following her; she tugged on the outer door, breathing a sigh of relief when it opened and she stepped outside. Setting off at a sprint, she headed for the shadowed tree-line. She remembered Rolf had said it bordered a national forest, perhaps there she would find help. Her mind shied away from the images of Rolf transforming, it was too overwhelming to even think about something so unnatural. Right now, her priority was to flee.

It was in the shelter of the forest that she heard the chilling howls. Tremors shook her frame, but she forced her legs to go faster. The undergrowth thickened; small branches whipped her face while brambles snatched at her ankles. The howls grew louder and closer, forcing her to run faster. Her heart raced while blood pounded in her ears. A soft sound to her right caused every hair on her body to stand on end. Something was close on her heels.

It felt as though something deep within her was bursting. Her body stretched and pain lanced her spine. An odd cramping sensation forced her to glance down at her arms which appeared to be elongating. Her constricted clothing fell away in tatters as she continued moving forward. A scream broke from her throat, but instead, the eerie cry of a wolf howl broke the stillness, and worse it was answered by other howls. Running for her life she sped through the foliage, exhilaration took over as she felt like she was flying over the ground. As she pelted onward, she became aware of others, not chasing her, but running alongside her, enjoying the same thrill as she, and any lingering fear dissipated.

The pack either side of her eased into a turn, changing direction and she ran with them. Eventually they all reached a clearing where a small waterfall splashed into a pool which gently meandered out into a small stream. Here they halted, moving to the water to drink. Selene followed their lead and quenched her thirst in the refreshing spring. Having drunk her fill, she looked down and saw the reflection of a wolf with a russet coat and gray eyes stare back at her. Lifting her head in bemusement she noted the others had dropped to their haunches and formed a circle about her. The largest, darkest wolf which she knew to be Rolf approached.

Some instinct told her to lower her head as he ventured forwards. She felt the swipe of his tongue over her nose and whimpered and understood his soft growling response was not one of threat, but of welcome.

Moving towards her, one by one, the others came and nuzzled her, licking her face. Realization that she was being accepted into their pack eased her mind and she tentatively offered small licks of appreciation to each member. Finally, the dark wolf pushed his way to her side and once more swept his tongue over her snout; Selene met his nose with her own and their tongues met.

Lifting his head, he howled then leapt forwards; she followed on behind with the rest of the pack at their back.

The second run was slower and took them back to the castle. The other wolves dispersed on arrival, leaving her alone with Rolf. He led her back inside the house and through the same passages she had fled down only a couple of hours ago.

Arriving in his office he began to change, and it was as if his metamorphism somehow triggered her own. She had questions, so many questions, but as her human form emerged, all she could do was stare at Rolf’s naked body. He was magnificent. Why had she not noticed that his body held the perfection of male beauty before? He turned and her breath stilled as her eyes dropped to his sex where his cock stood proudly rampant, thick and tall. Like a predator, he held her gaze as he moved across to where she stood frozen to the spot. Reaching her, his hands slid under the skein of silky hair and settled behind her neck. Drawing her forward his mouth descended to hers, banishing all thought. The moment his lips touched hers, she was consumed with need. His hands roamed her body, causing her core to tighten and throb, the ache becoming all-consuming.

“If I take you now, I’ll claim you, and we will be bound together forever. Are you ready for that?”

Was she?

“I don’t know. What does that even mean?”

He licked her neck and she shivered. How could she think straight with this craving for him growing ever stronger?

“It will mean you have more than a husband, more than a family. You’ll be the mate of an Alpha which will make you the alpha female of the pack. You will be cherished, protected and safe. Respected and involved in every decision we make. You will belong.”

The idea of living her life with the knowledge she could turn into a wolf terrified her. Who would understand such an incredible thing? It seemed a no brainer under the circumstances. With the memory of running with the pack and the sense of belonging she’d felt still fresh in her mind, her decision was easy. Endorphins still flooded her veins with elation making her bold.

“Yes,” she sighed.

“Are you certain? There will be no going back, Selene. We’ll be bound for life.”

“I can’t face this alone and who could I turn to with something like this? I don’t think even my parents would understand that I can turn into a wolf.”

He gave a snort and fell silent. Just as she was about to ask him what he was thinking, he spoke. “I recognized you as my mate as soon as I met you. I want to claim you, Selene. Protect you and share my life with you. To love you.”

His words seeped into her soul, filling her with comfort. His scent was driving her insane. She’d never experienced such an overwhelming desire for a man before, not that she’d had many lovers. Two, to be precise, and they’d not been very satisfactory.

His hands began roving once more.

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