Page 106 of Claimed and Tamed

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I’m shocked she came right out there and said it so plainly. It’s a pleasant surprise so I decide to go with it. Enjoying the feel of her small, yet curvy body between my legs, I trail soft, light touches down her shoulders, arms and hands. A slight shiver runs through her body, and the feel of her in my arms settles a beast inside me that has become increasingly vocal over the last few years. I’ve been busy, my empire growing, but I had no one to share any of it with. For a brief moment, I thought a pretty little redhead might have been the one for me, but now, it is clear that this pixie-like doll is meant to be mine.

I take hold of her hands and loosely wrap the rope around her wrists in a double-column tie. Just tight enough for her to be restricted. She turns her head to try and look up at my face, so I place a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Relax, doll. I promise you'll like it,” I whisper in her ear before kissing her on the nape of her neck. When I bite down on her neck softly, she shivers again. “You wanted to know what it meant to be kept by me. I can tell you. Whisper all the dirty things into your ear. Or I can show you. Which would you prefer, Dollface?”

“Can’t I have both?” the cheeky little minx questions me.

“Demanding aren’t you, my lovely? I can most certainly try to accommodate all your needs. It is, after all a part of what being mine entails.” My hands continue their slow journey across her voluptuous body. My fingers trail around the hem of her tank top, stroking her stomach. Another soft bite, this time on her shoulder, has her head falling back on my chest.

“Being mine—making that choice—is not something that should be done lightly. Once you agree, Dollface, there will be no going back. So you have to listen closely and then think real hard before you make your choice. Do you understand?” I give her a second to respond, and when she lets out a softyes,that beast inside me purrs in contentment. I’m getting closer to having exactly what I need.

“Good girl,” is my swift response. I wait to see her reaction, and when her breathing slightly quickens, I take this as a sign to make my next move. When I get up from behind her, she lets out a soft mewl of protest that only serves to please me even more. Once I’m standing above her—looking down on all her glory—I take a moment to appreciate her body. She’s dressed in a black tank top that is way too tight and stretched around her ample breasts in the most enticing way. The bottom of the top doesn’t quite meet the waistband of her cropped shorts and the peek of skin is the perfect tease so I bend down and kiss her stomach.

After taking my fill of her tasty skin, I grab her hips and pull her so she’s laying down on the couch, her tied hands now resting on her waist. Her eyes are huge, taking in my every move, and she’s biting down on her lip—waiting on me. I climb onto the couch and lay down over her body—like I had done earlier—taking her hands and pulling them up over her head.

“And you will keep them there, sweet thing. Don’t move an inch, do you understand me?” She agrees with a quick nod, and I tsk at her in disapproval. “Now, now, Dollface, that certainly will not do. When I ask you a question, I will expect a verbal answer unless you're gagged. Let’s try that again. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Andre.”

“I’d much rather hear a Sir or Master come from your lips but, for now, that will do.” As a reward, I push my pelvis into hers, grinding my hard cock into her mound. She lets out a moan, and I bend down to claim it for myself. My lips rest on hers, and my tongue seeks entrance into her mouth. She’s quick to give me what I want, and I enjoy the taste of her for a while before pulling away and looking her in the eyes again.

“You asked me to explain so, unfortunately, Dollface, I’m gonna have to take a break to do so. We’re also still waiting for our meal.” As if summoned, Janine walks in with a tray. She places it on the coffee table and slowly retreats from the room, unacknowledged by me or Amanda who still has her gaze trained on me.Such a good girl.

I get up off the couch and pull my doll with me. Once we’re both sitting up, I grab the tray with cold cuts, cheeses and fruits and make up a plate for us. Amanda reaches for a plate with her bound hands, and I tsk at her again.

“No, doll, I will be providing for you. If you agree to be mine, I will always provide for you. I’m going to feed you, and you are going to let me. Now, open your mouth and take a bite.” I place a soft piece of cheese in her mouth. Her lips close around my fingers, and she sucks on them. All the blood runs straight from my brain to my cock, and I nearly give in to my need to claim her before talking through everything. I alternate feeding her—each time enjoying the feel of her tongue wrapped around my fingers—and taking a few bites for myself.

When I’m satisfied she’s had enough, I put the plate back on the table and relax against the back of the couch. She settles in next to me, curling up against my chest, and her tied-up wrists land on my legs. She strokes them while I do the same to her hair. This, right here, is exactly what I have been missing in my life.



I've waited my entire life to feel as special and adored as I do right now. In the space of a few hours, this scary man has managed to break through years of neglect and get straight to the core. His fingers run through my hair, lulling me into a soft floaty space. My tummy is full of delightful food I didn't have to work my ass off to pay for or prepare, and it was even fed to me.

"Sir?" I venture, knowing that all things that come across as too good to be true, invariably end up being so.

"Yes, doll?" He lazily responds, and the purr in his voice hits me straight in my core.

"Will you tell me more now? Please? The suspense is killing me."

"Oh, baby doll, certainly.” He pauses to take a deep breath before continuing, “I'm looking for a partner. Someone to soften my hard edges, someone to come home to every day. I need a woman that can take all the dark with the light, who can listen to me talk about my day, and even though she might not understand, she'd be understanding.

More than that, though, Ineeda doll to play with. Someone who, although they might not submit outside the bedroom, would become mine completely inside it. My every wish will be her command. And as a reward, she will be treated to the greatest pleasures my mind can conjure.” His words are perfect, exactly what every woman—well, at the very least, I—have dreamed of.

“What’s the catch?” His body tenses at my question.

“The catch?” Andre even sounds slightly annoyed. “There’s no catch, doll. You submit to me, and I give you the world. What on earth has happened to you, sweet thing?” I look up at him and have an overwhelming urge to kiss away the frown on his face. Not giving myself a chance to back out, I sit up straighter, putting my—still bound—hands around his neck before kissing him on the forehead and then nose.

“Nothing has happened to me, Andre, but I’ve never experienced anything close to what you’re describing. I want it, badly. But I don’t know if I can trust what you’re offering me.” To soften my words, I kiss him, gently. His lips open underneath mine, and I surrender to him taking over the kiss. His hands dig into my hair, the possessive gesture making me turn to face him fully, straddling his lap.

The feel of his erection pushing against me is exactly what I need to distract me from what he’s been telling me. If he carries on with his beautiful words, I might start believing him. As if sensing my thoughts, he breaks our kiss and rests his head against mine. Both of us are now out of breath, our chests heaving.

“Such a naughty girl, distracting me from our talk. We’ll have to do something about that, Dollface. Come, up you get,” he says as he gently prods me to get off his lap. Once I’m seated next to him, with quite a bit of space between us, he starts talking again. “It breaks my heart that you’ve never experienced the love and devotion that you rightfully deserve. If you give me a chance, beautiful, you won’t regret it.” His hand is holding onto mine. He squeezes them, urging me to look up from them to him.

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