Page 38 of Wicked Debt

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But one thing I decided during the drive was that it wouldn’t be Todd.

One day, Todd would meet the woman who deserved him.

It wouldn’t be me, but I didn’t begrudge him that.

Because Todd was a good man, and he deserved someone who felt things for him that I simply didn’t.

Not anymore.

So, I wouldn’t string Todd along or play with his emotions.

And maybe one day, I’d meet someone who sparked the same passion in me that Elias did, minus all the crazy mob shit.

After I returned the car to the garage, I rode up the elevator laughing, not caring that the security guards who were always watching would think I was a little loopy.

Besides, I was sure me laughing at myself was nothing compared to what they confronted on a daily basis.

I let myself into my apartment, turned to lock the door, and then turned back and saw Elias was there, waiting.

I wasn’t sure how I had missed him before.

But then remembered that this was probably nothing for him, breaking into someone’s home, skulking around in the dark.

Waiting to strike.

At the very least, he didn’t force me to wait to get this confrontation over with.

“Did you have a nice dinner?” he asked almost immediately after I noticed him.

“None of your business, Elias,” I said, not caring that my voice sounded weary.

I took off my shoes and then hung up my coat.

“He got a dress, and a new one at that. Don’t you have better ways to spend your money? That was what you said when I asked why you seemed to like to wear rags,” he said, his voice sounding both condescending and amused.

I was annoyed that he seemed to know this dress was new. I’d been trying to hype myself up for the dinner and decided a new outfit was just the thing I needed. And it had been on clearance, of course. As for the rest of my wardrobe, I chose not to address his unspoken rebuke.

After all, I did have better things to spend my money on besides clothes, and that was his fucking fault.

But rather than say that, I said, “My attire is none of your business, Elias.”

I grabbed my favorite glass, one of the three that I owned, out of the cabinet, poured myself water, took a long sip, and then put the glass on the counter.

Once I was done, I turned to glare at Elias.

“Should I even bother telling you how messed up it is that you broke into my place?” I said.

“It’s my place, Kayla,” was his icy reply.

I thinned my lips, physically trying to keep my words in until I was calm. Or at least calm enough.

“That’s exactly why I didn’t say anything. I didn’t need you reminding me of that, either,” I finally said. “But now, I’d like you to leave.”

I stared at him.

Felt the electricity in my body that had been completely absent with Todd.

Hated it.

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