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Whatever the toxin is, it’s gone from their bodies quickly without a trace. That in itself has me worried that someone may actually be injecting the horses directly with something.

From what Hayden has told me though, the only ones working out there are directly connected to the Club.

She’s adamant that it wouldn’t be one of the brothers. I’ll take her word for it. I certainly don’t want to point fingers. Several of them look as though they could easily bury me alive and sleep like a baby that same night.

“Did they find anything?” Remy, my assistant, asks, walking in behind me.

“Nothing.” I sigh, tossing the papers down.

“What now?” She asks.

“Now? Now we wait. I asked Hayden to keep the horses in the pastures they have been in. Hopefully we can figure out which pasture is being targeted.” I answer.

“So we’re waiting for another horse to get sick?” She asks with concern.

Shaking my head, “Yeah. It sucks but at this point it’s all we can do. I’ll still go out there and take a look around every chance I get. I’d rather not watch another horse die like that.”

“Me either.” She answers softly. Hearing the bell above the door, she heads back towards the reception desk.

Grabbing my lab coat, I get ready to see my next patient who’s coming in to get her stitches out after having her leg amputated.

Three legged cats can do everything a four legged one can. Hopefully, this time, she stays away from the highway if she gets out again.

My feet are killing me a few hours later as I walk around the clinic locking up. My stomach rumbles reminding me that I skipped lunch again today.

I’ve still not gone to the grocery store and decide that I’m not going to tonight either. It’s just easier to pick something up from Bella’s Brew.

Of course my sister, Annie, wouldn’t approve. She thinks I need to be on a diet. According to her, I’m overweight.

And what if I am? I like my curves exactly where they are. It’s better than looking like the stick my sister resembles.

My phone rings as soon as I get to my car. Figures it would be her as if I conjured her with my thoughts.

Getting into the car, I let the phone connect before answering.

“What took you so long?” She demands before I can even say hello.

“I’m just now getting into my car.” I roll my eyes. “What’s up?”

“We went to the same school; can you at least try to speak properly?” She huffs. “Mom would be so disappointed to hear you right now.”

“Good thing you’re not mom then.” I smile towards the phone.

“She says you’re not answering her calls.”

“I’ve just been busy. Besides, she just wants to berate me for starting my practice way out here in the sticks as she put it.”

“Well she does have a point Jesse. You could make so much more money here in the city.”

“That’s not what I wanted. All of you knew that the whole time I was in school. I told you both multiple times I was finding a rural town to start up in. One where I could work with farm animals as well as house pets. You both should be happy for me.” I roll my eyes.

Remembering that I have a candy bar in my center console, I dig it out. She must hear the paper as I tear it open.

“Not sticking to your diet then?” She asks.

“I don’t need to be on a diet. Besides, I missed lunch today.”

I hear her sigh through the phone gearing up for the argument that always ensues.

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