Page 36 of Reunited Soulmates

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I even washed my hands as thoroughly as I could because the thought of handling those dirty things made me want to scrub the skin clean off them.

I didn’t want to go home right now. I wasn’t sure if Dan was still waiting for me outside the bar or waiting for me at home.

If he could even be bothered to wait.

Well, I’m already at a bar, I told myself, raising my chin at my reflection.And I’m already dressed for the part so…

I walked out of the restrooms and sat on a barstool. The bartender cast me a worried look, but I just smiled back at him and ordered something I remembered hearing Elle say “made whores out of virgins”…whatever that meant.

I just wanted to get rip-roaring drunk, so I didn’t have to think about the pain.

The bartender slid a drink to me with a doubtful look. I smirked at him and tossed the drink in one go.

“Argh!” I screamed, clawing at my throat where that unholy concoction probably burned a path down my esophagus. “What is this thing?”

“What you just ordered, miss,” he replied smugly.

“It tastes absolutely vile!”

I wanted to rinse my tongue with something. Anything. Holy water, maybe.

The bartender laughed and winked at me, “The more effective ones really do taste awful.”

I glared at him. “More effective ones?”

“The ones that get you so drunk you won’t be able to remember your name.”

I grinned and slapped my hand on the counter. “In that case, another one please.”

He laughed and shook his head. “If you can still say please, then you’re not that drunk yet.” He slid me another one with a worried look. “Are you sure about this, though?”

“Absolutely,” I nodded my head, nearly toppling off the barstool as the world started to spin around me.What the—? After just one drink?

Well, this certainly wasn’t Prosecco or champagne anymore. This stuff was pretty potent. Maybe evenvolatile.

It was precisely what I needed tonight.

“Do you think you can light it up?” I asked the bartender.

“Light it up?” he echoed in confusion.

“You know… those things the fancy bars do. Light up the drinks with a torch.” I grinned at him widely. “I wanna taste fire tonight!”

He just shook his head and went back to polishing a wineglass. Why is it that bartenders are always polishing wineglasses when they don’t have anything better to do?

Maybe there’s just too many damn wineglasses, and he’s got loads of backlog,I mused.Or maybe he doesn’t want more interaction with a crazy-acting woman like me.

I tossed back the awful tasting alcohol and slammed the glass on the counter. I was lucky it didn’t shatter and cut open my hand, but I was too happy with the effects of my drink to care.


The bartender looked at me worriedly but I just glared at him. “I said anoootherrr!”

I needed to thank Elle for mentioning this… whatever this was…What was it again? Oh, yes! “Another”! It was called “another”!

I wanted to get absolutely drunk, and I was happy to find myself well on the way after just two drinks.

Maybe a third or a fourth can render me completely numb.

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