Page 34 of Reunited Soulmates

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I swiveled around and caught the sight of Buddy’s tail just as it disappeared out the door. I laughed and chased after the culprit. Expectedly, he had one of my high heels dangling from his mouth.

“Give it back, Buddy,” I told him, laughing. “I can’t go around hopping on just one shoe!”

He gave out a muffled bark, and the shoe toppled to the ground. I heaved a sigh of relief when I realized it wasn’t mangled, and hastily put it on before he decided to make it his favorite chew toy.

I looked up at the clock again and frowned. It was already 7:30, but there was still no sign of Dan.

Maybe he’s just running a bit late,I thought to myself.

Just in case, I dialed his number, but he wasn’t picking up.

How strange. Maybe he’s rushing over and just wasn’t able to answer his phone.

I checked my reflection again and smiled at my handiwork. I had never thought I would be able to pull off something like this, but here I was. I felt a strange burst of confidence, but at the same time, there was an ominous sensation at the back of my mind.

Somehow, something feltwrong.

I glanced at the clock again. 7:45.

Where was Dan?If we were late, our reservation might get canceled.

“In my time, the gentlemen usually came to pick us up by six,” Grandma Margaret muttered huffily. She cast a look at my outfit and smiled. “By the way, you look absolutely gorgeous, my darling girl. It’s just too bad it will be wasted on that good-for-nothing you’re dating.”

“Grandma,” I said in a warning tone.

“I know, I know,” she said, holding up her hands. “I’ll be going to bed now.”

I gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Don’t forget your hearing aid, okay?” I reminded her. “And call me if you ever need anything.”

“Like a glass of water?” she asked cheekily, laughing as she hobbled back to her bedroom.

I shook my head as I watched her retire for the night. Somehow, I wouldn’t put it past my own grandmother to be up to some tricks, particularly since she cared very little for Dan and seemed to enjoy goading him on occasion.

Speaking of Dan…

I looked at the clock worriedly.

He finally arrived close to 8PM, and I was already too anxious to put my plan into action and surprise him when he walked in. As per usual, Buddy growled at him, but he didn’t pay attention as he rushed us out of the house.

“I tried calling you earlier,” I told him. “It was getting late and I was getting worried. Where have you been?”

He shrugged and opened the door for me, “Sorry. I left some files at the office and I had to go back to get them.”

Instantly, I was assailed by a sickly-sweet scent in his car. My heart pounded in my chest but I decided to ignore it.

I’m just a bit nervous because I have never dressed up like this, I thought.

Except that Dan hadn’t even properly glanced my way or commented on my outfit tonight. He was acting very strange and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

He did mention a new project. Maybe he’s just preoccupied, I told myself.

Shortly after we drove off, I realized that my chair had been pushed a bit too far back.Strange.

I said nothing but just moved to adjust it to a more comfortable position. As I was adjusting it, I felt something—it was rather soft, silky…squishyeven.

Surprised, I drew my hand back to find a piece of red dental floss masquerading as underwear. Shock poured over my entire system when I realized that I had found a pair of women’s sexy undergarments in my boyfriend’s car.

“Whose are these?” I asked him, holding them up to the light.

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