Page 31 of Reunited Soulmates

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Only to find another man standing in the doorway with an incensed look on his face as he glared at me.

I stopped right in my tracks as my mind whirled at the possibilities.

Shit! She didn’t mention she had a boyfriend! The last thing I needed was somebody beating me up for fucking his girlfriend.

Nathalie, too, looked to be in a panicked state.

“So,” the man intoned sternly, “Who is he?”

Nathalie blushed like a teenaged girl as she looked shyly at me before blurting out, “Dad, this is my boyfriend, Oliver!”

Of all the things that could have happened after my first one-night stand, I never imagined this scenario. At that moment, my mind was assailed with a fuck ton of questions.

Like, why the hell was her father acting like that?

Good God, is she underage?

She had been drinking at the Lucky George but I knew for a fact that ID’s can be faked and underaged women can pass off as older than they seem with some help from makeup. That and the fact that I was drunk out of my mind when I fucked her last night.

“So…your boyfriend, huh?” her dad seemed royally pissed, which further cemented my belief that I had unknowingly fucked an underaged girl.

“Dad!” Nathalie’s voice came out in a whine. “You can’t do that. I’m not a kid anymore. I’m nearly twenty-seven and a grown woman so you need to start treating me like that. So, what if he’s my boyfriend and he slept over?”

“Oh?” The father’s voice drops into a deadly tone as he gave me the once-over. “In that case, why don’t you bring yourboyfriendover for dinner tonight so we can get to know him a little better? Your mom would definitely love to meet him, too.” He shot me a stern glare. “We have dinner at seven sharp. Make sure you’re on time.”

With that, left curtly, slamming the door a little behind him. As soon as he did, I released the breath I didn’t realize that I was holding.

The one thought running over and over in my mind was “Thank God she’s not really underaged” but I knew that Nathalie introducing me as her “boyfriend” just opened up a different can of worms.

“I’m sorry about that,” she muttered, looking appropriately chagrined. “My parents are devout Christians and my dad is particularly strict about premarital sex.”

I looked at her with raised eyebrows…

“Can you please help me out?” she asked, turning her hopeful eyes to me. “They will be expecting me to bring you over for dinner tonight and of course, you can’t tell them we slept together last night. They’d go ballistic and disown me.”

In the morning light, I realized they were more hazel than green and that her hair was actually two shades darker than Amanda’s – wait, it’s actuallydark brown. How fucking drunk must I have been to think she had blonde hair?

I could very easily refuse to help her out. After all, we just had sex. We didn’t owe each other anything and I certainly didn’t need to pander around to her parents.

“Sure,” I nodded woodenly. “What do you need me to do?”

Now, why the bloody fuck did I just agree to that?



Ileaned into his embrace as he hugged me from behind. I had just finished putting away the dishes and Dan was standing from behind me as he held me. In the past few days, he had been a lot more affectionate, a lot more loving.

He had even been spending more time with me and it made me deliriously happy to find him finally getting time off from work.

I guess it really was just the stress from work making him cranky,I told myself.

Although Grandma still wasn’t quite as comfortable and open with him as she was with Oliver, she had thankfully toned down on taking subtle swipes at him after he started acting warmer towards her.

Buddy, though, still frequently growled and snapped at him.

“Let’s go out on a date tonight,” he told me, nipping lightly at my ear. “I’ve been busy and I missed you so much. Let me make it up to you, babe.”

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