Page 111 of Reunited Soulmates

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While we worked, we sang some funny songs and exchanged a couple of funny jokes, which made for a delightful and lighthearted task. This was one of the reasons why I loved working with Amanda—no job was every boring with her and she never made it seem likework.

This is why she makes such a great kindergarten teacher, I smiled to myself.There is just something about her that inspires me to do things and she never makes it seem tedious. There’s always a bit of fun involved.

I was almost done with the roof when Amanda called for a break.

“I’ll just make some sweet iced tea,” she called out to me from the ground. “It’s getting a bit hot.”

“Okay,” I replied. “I’ll just finish this up. I’ll be done in a short while.”

I heard the door close as Amanda went back inside to make the drinks and smiled to myself. I sat back and watched at my job and felt a little proud of myself.

In London, I hardly did any housework as my flat was mostly used as a space for just sleeping and bathing. It was spartan in its bareness and required minimal upkeep.

Considering all that, I could say I did a pretty good job with the veranda and I hoped that I did Grandpa Frederick proud.

“The iced tea is ready!”

I looked back down to find Amanda standing beside the ladder with a warm smile on her beautiful face. Standing there in the sunshine, she looked absolutely radiant.

“Coming,” I replied with a grin. I started to clamber down the ladder but before I got to the bottom, I smiled mischievously at first. “Remember what I told you before? That I demand to be paid in kisses?”

She giggled and tilted her face up to mine. “How could I forget?”

Her soft lips were inviting me to taste them so I leaned down from the ladder to reach her. However, just as I was about to reach her, I heard Buddy bark enthusiastically then felt the ladder shake violently. Amanda’s eyes widened in horror as I grabbed the nearest stable thing I could hold onto—which was the roof.

The ladder fell to the grass with a soft thud while Buddy whined in dismay. I was left holding onto the edge of the veranda roof.

Amanda looked at me, hanging from the edge, and smiled mischievously. “Are you just going to hang in there or will you finally kiss me after working the whole morning?”

I released my hold on the roof and jumped to the ground. I reached out for her and held her close while she squirmed and laughed in my arms.

“Ooh! You’re so sweaty!” she squealed in laughter.

“You better watch out and stop squirming,” I told her with a warning in my voice. “Otherwise, I might not be able to hold myself back.”

She stopped moving and wrapped her arms around my neck, smiling smugly at him. “Well, I thought that was the plan—make sure you won’t be able to hold back.”

“It’s working,” I said softly, my lips dropping to hers in a soft kiss.

Kissing Amanda was something I would never grow tired of and as I lost myself into the warmth of our connection, I felt a deep joy as she responded to me ardently. Her body grew soft and pliant in my arms as I held her close to me.

This…this is what I want. This is home.

Buddy barked impatiently at us then let out a low whine. Amanda laughed breathlessly as we broke apart and looked up into my eyes. All the love in the world was shining in her green gaze.

“Let’s have some iced tea first,” she said softly. “Then, I’ll settle my debts in the shower after.”

“Hmm…a shower might not be enough,” I mused. “After all, I did paint the whole roof.”

She laughed softly as her fingers intertwined with mine. “But this is your home, too.”

“No,” I told her, leaning my forehead against hers. “Thisis home. Being with you is home and I’m finally glad to be here with you.”

She looked up at me and I saw the tears of joy in her beautiful eyes. “I’m happy to be here with you, too, Oliver.”

“And I’m going to have a baby with the best and cutest woman on earth,” I said, my hand drifting to her abdomen. I could almost imagine it swelling with the life we both created and the thought filled me with a profound joy. “I love you so much, Amanda.”

“I love you, too, Oliver.”

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