Page 108 of Reunited Soulmates

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“And I love you, Oliver!” I replied emphatically.

Never in my life did I think that I would one day play the main role in such an incredible love story. But you can be wrong - life always has the most beautiful surprises up its sleeve and shows them to you when you least expect them…

* * *

“I still can’t believe you actually have a boat driver license,” I looked at Oliver incredulously. “What other talents have you been keeping from me, hmm?”

Oliver laughed as he helped me step into the dock. “Careful, darling. It’s a bit slippery.”

I smiled as he carefully guided me to the boat we had rented for that day. In my arms, I held the two urns that contained my grandparents’ ashes.

Today, we were going to fulfill the one wish that they both weren’t able to accomplish while they were still alive.

The sun was shining brightly as Oliver started the boat’s motor. I carefully arranged the urns so that they would not be knocked over during our trip.

Grandma Margaret, Grandpa Frederick, are you both excited?I asked them deep in my heart.We are finally going out into the Adriatic Sea! Didn’t you always want to go swimming there?

In the soft sea breeze, I could almost hear them laughingly reply,“Yes, darling girl. That we are!”

My grandparents had shown me just what true love was like. It was a privilege to witness a lifetime love like theirs.

And now, I am looking forward to my own love story. My own happily every after.

I smiled as I watched the sunlight gleam off the waves as the boat sped off. I glanced at Oliver and my heart thudded at how handsome and masculine he looked today in his white linen shirt, khaki shorts, and sunglasses. My eyes followed the path of his strong forearms as he expertly guided the boat out into the sea.

I looked down and saw the diamond gleaming from my finger.

My engagement ring.

Until now, the memory of his romantic proposal still made my heart flutter giddily. I almost felt like I was that teenager again, crushing heavily on Oliver.

I don’t think I ever outgrew that crush, though. I’m still as wildly attracted to him today as I was back then…

As if he caught me eyeing him, Oliver turned to me and that slow, sexy smile of his made me blush as I smiled back at him.

Around thirty minutes later, he stopped the boat out in the middle of the sea. All I could see was the water all around us and the endlessly blue sky above us. The breeze swept through my hair as I closed my eyes and smiled.

Yes, this is absolutely perfect,I thought.Sun above us, the sea all around us, and the breeze in my hair.

“Are you ready?” Oliver asked me, his strong arms coming around me from behind.

I nodded and blinked back my tears. “Grandma used to tell me how much they wanted to do this when they were still alive,” I told him softly. “I think they were quite adventurous but this was the one thing on their bucket list they weren’t able to do.”

“Maybe because they wanted to do this with you,” he murmured gently into my ear. “Think of it this way—if you had never gathered the courage to fly out on your own, Grandma and Grandpa would never have been able to check off the last item on their bucket list.”

I smiled through the haze of tears clouding my vision. Oliver was right—I needed to be able to overcome my own fears, to step out of my comfort zone so I could do all the things I wanted for myself and for my grandparents.

But I would never have dared to spread my wings if it wasn’t for him, too. He is the wind beneath my wings.

“Thank you,” I said tenderly. “For being so wonderful. For this. Foreverything.”

Oliver smiled lovingly at me as he tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. “No, darling. Thankyoufor everything that you are.”

I looked out into the sea, feeling the boat bob gently up and down in the waves. The sunlight glinted off the water like bright little diamonds.

This is the perfect spot for a swim, I realized.

“Are you ready?” Oliver asked me again.

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