Page 105 of Reunited Soulmates

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“Aw, I miss you, too, Buddy,” I cooed. “I’ll be home before you know it!”

“I hope they didn’t give him drugs,” Oliver whispered to me. “You know…”

I elbowed him gently and he laughed, shaking his head. “Seriously, though…I have a big announcement to make, Mom!”

Mrs. Compton eyed us suspiciously. “Is Amanda pregnant? Am I going to become a grandma?”

“What? No!” Oliver replied, eyes wide. “Why would you think that?”

His mom shrugged. “Well, she didn’t seem like the type to go halfway around the world fornothing.”

“She went halfway around the world forme,” he grumbled. “But that’s not my announcement. What I wanted to say was that I’m moving back to Georgetown after our trip through Europe.”

There was a silent pause for a while before Mrs. Compton started shrieking in joy. “Like for real? You’re coming back home?”


“Oh Lord, thank You!” she beamed. “Thank God Amanda finally managed to knock some sense into you!”

The camera seemed to move around crazily and we figured that Mrs. Compton was probably jumping around in happiness. In the background, we could hear Buddy barking excitedly and we even caught a glimpse of him wagging his tail.

“Did you give him an amethyst?” we heard Mike say through the crazy veering of the camera. “It is good for finding your true calling in life…”

“I had almost forgotten about that!” Mrs. Compton replied. “But it doesn’t matter that much anymore—Ollie’s coming home!”

We caught a glimpse of Mike’s soft, indulgent smile through the bouncing camera. Oliver and I shared a look and he winked at me. From that look alone, we could tell he was pretty smitten with Oliver’s mom.

“Well, you both enjoy your trip,” Mrs. Compton smiled widely at us after she had managed to calm down. “I can’t wait to see you home again, Ollie. And if you’re smart, you better get started on my grandchild while you’re in Europe! Take advantage of the romantic atmosphere!”

I blushed at Mrs. Compton’s instructions but Oliver shot me a sly grin and winked. “Oh, I will certainly put all myeffortinto it!”

He shook his head and we finally managed to say goodbye. After he tucked his phone back into his pocket, Oliver drew me in close to his arms and looked deeply into my eyes.

“You heard what my mother said,” he murmured mischievously. “And you know what they say—mothers know best…”

I put my arms around him and smiled up at him, meeting his challenge. “So…what are we waiting for?”



Iran out of the hotel and into the warm, Italian air, feeling the light material of my summer dress swirl around my knees. I had chosen a pale pink dress made of a lighter material that flowed with my movements. I paired the outfit with a pair of sandals I had just bought yesterday in a cute little shop.

There’s nothing quite like Italian leather, I mused happily to myself. The sandals were as soft as butter and fit like a dream. They were perfect for strolling around on a warm summer day.

I breathed in the scent of Venice and grinned at Oliver, who slowed to a jog when he caught up to me. He shook his head at my childish antics and tucked my hand into his arm in an old-fashioned gesture as we strolled along the canals.

It had been six weeks since I agreed to this spontaneous trip across Europe. In the course of six weeks, we had toured London, Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, Munich, and Zurich.

London had been our first stop because Oliver had to settle a few things with his practice and his apartment. His colleagues were flabbergasted to learn that he was moving so far, but they took it all in stride and promised to look after his patients.

We had saved Venice for last because it was the place I wanted to see the most ever since I was a young girl.

“Save the best for last,” Oliver told me with a wink.

If somebody had told me two months ago that I would be touring an entire continent across the Atlantic with my high school sweetheart, I would have probably laughed myself hoarse.

Looking at Oliver now, I could say that I made the right choice, and I was fortunate to be given this second chance at getting back with him. Others probably wouldn’t be so lucky.

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