Page 98 of Severed By Magic

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“The attack wouldn't have been possible without the help of a witch, and she's the only other one here. She's also been missing since that night.”

I shook my head. “No, she’s friends with Saige. She wouldn't have done anything to hurt her.” Then again, I thought the same thing about my friends. “I guess we don't actually know what people are capable of.”

“Yeah, and she's not here to defend herself, so we're stuck thinking the worst. We all knew people who were involved, but you, more than the rest of us, really liked the people you worked with. You gained a sense of belonging that none of us did.”

“Why are you speaking in the past tense?”

“We can't stay here.”

“Why not? Where else are we going to go?”

He looked at me with a mix of confusion and pity, and I wanted to tell him to stop, but the door opened. Saige walked in. When she saw me, her face lit up with a beautiful smile.

“You're finally awake.”

“Jagiya.” I smiled.

She went to the other side of the bed and crawled up to cuddle with me, laying her head against my shoulder and resting her arm over my chest.

“You were out for a long time, but I guess that should be expected after getting the poison out of you.” She lifted her head so our eyes could meet, then kissed me briefly before settling back down.

I could sense the sadness in her. Kaden watched her with a frown.

“You guys think we should leave?” This conversation wasn’t over yet.

“I don't know.” Her voice was so small and different from the confident Saige she’d become here.

Seeing her so lost and confused hurt me. It was like all the progress we've made disappeared.

She continued. “The night of the attack, I thought this might actually be the place we could call home. I allowed myself to hope.”

I rubbed her back, and she relaxed into me.

“Now I don't know. I don't know what to do, but I don't think it's safe to stay.”

Kaden dropped his head. “I don't either. I wish I had the answers. I wish we could talk to someone else.”

“Maybe if we get out, we can call Maisie. Maybe she knows somewhere we could go. Or Robert.” Saige snuggled closer against me, rolling up a little tighter.

“If not here, then where will we ever be safe?” I asked, mostly to myself. “If your own pack, your blood, the people with the most responsibility and allegiance to you, can't guarantee our safety, then who? Where can we go?”

“I don't know,” her voice cracked.

Kaden stood and reached out to take her hand, bending over to wipe her face with the other. She cried, and it broke my heart.

“Will we ever be safe?” she asked. “Will we ever be allowed to live without a threat hanging over us? Can we ever simply be? To enjoy one another? To live our lives in peace?”

“I hope so,” Kaden said.

“If we can't stay here, what should we do?” I was out of ideas.

“I don’t think we have access to any money.” Kaden stared at the wall.

“I doubt my parents would have left my accounts open. It would be too risky to leave even a digital trace of where we were.”

We should have planned for this ahead of time. We should have had a plan. My parents knew there was always of risk of something like this happening, of us getting separated. Why didn’t we have a contingency set up?

“We can't go to my parents. I don't want to draw the Council's attention to them.” Saige said.

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