Page 102 of Reckless

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“Oh my god,” I sob, reminded just how many people were hurt by Marcus. As everyone continues to talk around me, I remember something that hasn’t been answered yet when Tempest is mentioned. Without thought I blurt out, “Hang on a second, why was Vanessa at Tempest?” Everyone stops talking and turns to look at Vanessa, who has gone a delightful shade of red. Oh shit.

“Err… Well, I was just—” She stops as the door opens and Cam steps back into the room, and all attention turns to Jamison. I mouth an apology to her, realising she was there for the same reason I used to go to clubs. She offers a shy, if somewhat embarrassed, smile in return.

Conversation moves to lighter topics, and I begin to relax, even though my head feels thick with everything I’ve learnt. After an hour or so, people start to leave, but before Rick leaves, I hear Seb asking about Travis.

“I may have accidentally shot him in the arse after he got lucky and clocked me in the jaw before trying to run away.” We both laugh at that. Seb a little more so due to the fact Rick got caught out.

As I say goodbye to my dad, he hands me a letter, and I immediately recognise the writing on the front as my mum’s.

“She wanted me to give this to you if anything ever happened to her.”

My eyes begin to well with tears, but I hold them back needing to ask a question. “Why did you go last night if you knew?”

My dad looks at me intently before he answers, “Marcus made it impossible for us not to, Jamie. He threatened to kill you if we didn’t come, and your mum refused to put you at risk. Unfortunately, my message to Rick didn’t reach him before you were already arriving.” Dad points to the letter in my hand. “I’m sure that will answer any other questions, but if it doesn’t, then you know where I am. I love you, baby girl. I’ll see you soon.”

Seb sees my dad out, and I catch the tail end of my dad telling Seb to take care of me as I enter the foyer. Seb closes the door, resting his head against it for a second before turning round, surprised to see me there.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m good, but I think I might go and have a lie down, if that’s okay?”

“You don’t need to ask, Jamie. Mi casa, su casa,” he says in the most awful Spanish accent that makes me laugh. And I guess that was the point because he smiles too. He wraps his arms around me, and I reach up giving him a deep kiss I hope reflects everything I can’t say right now, and then I head upstairs.

I leave my mum’s letter on the bedside table unable to deal with it just now. I have no idea how I feel about everything I heard today, but Margaret was one hundred percent right about needing to hear the things we least want to.
