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I know that the men were sure it was a man they used to know called Jeronimo, but after further investigation they realized that Jeronimo was actually deceased, by chance they were told that Jeronimo had a twin brother and that he too lived close by. They tracked the man down but before they could talk to him, he disappeared and until today they still haven’t been able to find him.

“We need to find the son of a bitch.” Fang grunts as he gets on his bike. I know that if that guy was actually the killer, he will now be in hiding and it will be more difficult for anyone to find him, but at least now they have an idea of who he could be.

The ride back home was more sombre as the excitement of maybe finding the man has now died. If they do find Jeronimo’s brother in the future, then I might be able to go out and identify him and hopefully he is the man. If not all we can hope for is that after he tried to capture me, he got scared that he would be found and has now left the area, never coming back again.

Stopping the Harley outside the club Gunner helps me off, but instead of walking inside he takes my hand and guides me towards the trees until we are standing protected from everyone’s view. “I know that you are sad that we didn’t find the fucker today, but I’m sure that sooner or later we will capture him.” I nod knowing that he is trying to appease my concerns.

“You know Flame,” he says, from the beginning that he been calling me flame and it is a name that I now treasure because it comes from him. “I know that life with me might not be what you envisioned when you dreamt of your mate, but I want you to know that you are more than I could ever have dreamed of in a woman, a partner, a friend, a lover and the keeper of my heart.” His words have my body tensing.

Lately it has been bothering me that even though we are mates, I worried that the only thing that made Gunner choose me is the fact that we draw together by our chemistry. I knew that I loved him, and each day that passed I couldn’t think of a moment without him, but he had never said that he loved me.

He is always saying how much he wants me, how beautiful I am, how I have changed his life, but he has never said that he loves me. To hear that I am the keeper of his heart has my stomach fluttering and the tears filling my eyes.

“What does that mean?” I ask, hoping against hope that he loves me just a little.

“What does what mean?” he asks inclining his head.

“The keeper of your heart,” I ask feeling my cheeks heat with embarrassment, Gunner raises his hand to cup my cheek as he lowers his head to kiss me lovingly.

“It means that I love you completely and blindly and that you have enriched my life with your pure light. You are my love for now and always.” His words finally have the tears falling as I throw my arms around his neck. I know that we will have our ups and downs, but I do believe that where there is love anything can be resolved.

