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“Leave Dakota alone. She’s not interested,” Gloria says angrily, but when I want something, I get it, and with Dakota, I definitely intend to not fail.

Dakota! That’s a unique name, as unique as she seems to be. Dakota doesn’t know it yet, but she’s mine, and she will know that soon enough.


When I hear Gloria call to Hunter, I tense. What the hell am I doing staring at a client like this? I can’t afford to lose this job after just two days. I’m tired of running. Maybe just maybe I’ll be lucky and I won’t need to leave another town again. Haven’t I learned my lesson? After all, this is why I’m in trouble now. Bad boys!

To be fair, I think any hot-blooded woman would stop and stare at this man. Not just because of his looks but his very presence that dominates as soon as he enters a room. I want to slide my fingers into his hair just to feel its silkiness. The dark brown has a slight auburn tinge to it as he moves his head. His dark eyes feel like they look right into my soul, baring all my secrets and cravings.

Cravings? Where does that come from? For the last three years, I’ve had no cravings, but being stalked by a crazy ex will do that to anyone. Just the thought of Jason has me sobering, a chill running down my back. Three months ago, he nearly caught me again. I don’t know how he keeps finding me, but the truth is, he has found me twice before and I will do anything for that not to happen again.

“I want her!” At Hunter’s words, my attention is brought back to the conversation before me. The name Hunter suits him. His magnetism is like a wild animal when on the prowl.

“What do you mean you want her? She’s busy,” Gloria states angrily, which has me quickly moving towards the products shelf I was headed to earlier and placing the items I have in my hands on the shelf. I was so distracted that I even forgot that I was holding the hair gels.

“Gloria, I want her!” There is a tone of command in his voice that has chills running up my back. No one in their right mind would contradict what he just said and how he said it. It seems like Gloria knows him. For some reason, the idea doesn’t sit well with me, but looking at him, I’m sure he knows a lot of women, and well.

“Fine, suit yourself,” Gloria says angrily just before she turns and looks at me. “Dakota, he wants you.” Then she turns and leaves towards the back. Shit, I really don’t want her to be upset with me. I need this job.

“Why do you insist on me cutting your hair?” I ask. Is he trying to make Gloria jealous, or just annoy her for some reason? I wish he wouldn’t use me to do it.

“I want to get to know you.” His low, rough voice makes chills race through my body. Why does this man have this kind of effect on me?

“I need this job. If this is a way to annoy Gloria or something, please don’t use me.”

“I don’t care about Gloria. It’s you I want to know everything about.” He starts to walk slowly towards me. The closer he gets, the hotter I get. Jeepers, I have never in my life felt this kind of attraction for anyone. Get hold of yourself!

“Why?” I ask. I can hear the breathlessness in my voice. “Why me? You don’t even know me.”

“You are meant for me,” he states. At any other time, I would laugh at his audacity, but going by the attraction I am feeling, I hope he isn’t playing me.

“Well, I’m afraid I have just moved into town, and getting to know someone is the last thing on my list.” I really wish I could say yes, but one thing I have learnt is to be cautious. I see his one eyebrow lift, and then he shoots me the sexiest smile I have ever seen on a man. Damn, he should be banned from smiling. “Please, take a seat,” I say, trying to move away from this awkward topic.

He looks from me to the chair and then back towards me before he shrugs and moves towards the chair and sits down. I am reluctant to touch him, because I have a feeling that the minute I place my hands on him, I will never want to take them off. Reluctantly, I raise my hands and place them on his hair. Darn, I just knew it. It’s as silky as it looks. My fingers stroke back the hair from his masculine face, and I’m really reluctant to cut even a strand of his hair. I see his hooded eyes as they look at the mirror at me.

“Why would you want to cut your hair?” I bite my bottom lip.Shut up, Dakota. What the hell?I’m not supposed to drive clients away. By the way it is going, I will be out of a job by the end of the day.

“If you carry on stroking my head the way you are, I won’t be responsible for my actions.” His voice is even lower than before, and there is a tone of danger in it. Danger that has my blood igniting with heat. I have always been attracted to the bad boys, but I have a feeling that Hunter is beyond my reach.

“You should just shave it all off.” I jump at Gloria’s comment as she walks into the salon again. And then I hear a noise that I swear sounds just like a growl. Pulling back my hands, I look at Hunter, who has now stood up again and is facing both of us.

“I’ve decided not to cut it after all,” he says, an intense look in his eyes. I look over at Gloria and see her glaring at the two of us. Oh boy, this means trouble, as I don’t think she will see this as him flirting with me.

“Of course you’re not!” Gloria sneers. “Did you just come in here to irritate me today, Hunter?”

To my surprise, he raises a brow and just looks at Gloria until she huffs and walks towards the counter again. “What time do you finish?” he asks, but his voice is low as not to carry towards the front of the salon where a woman has just entered.

“Why?” I ask suspiciously. I haven’t found a place to live yet, as I have only been in town for such a short time, so I rented a room at a little bed and breakfast just up the road. The last thing I want is for him to know where I’m staying.

“I want to take you out for dinner.”

“Maybe another day,” I say. I don’t want to jump into anything, but the thought of him kissing me suddenly crashes into my mind, and I can feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment. Even though he doesn’t know what I’m thinking about, I have the feeling that he might be thinking in similar lines.

“I will be outside waiting,” he states before he turns to leave, not paying attention to my gasp of surprise at his blatant disregard for my dismissal. What a bossy man. If he thinks he will get me to do his bidding by being overbearing, he will be very surprised.

“I said I can’t make it today,” I say, but he is already walking away and doesn’t even stop at my statement. I see Gloria looking after him, but he doesn’t acknowledge her, which is surprising, as Gloria is a beautiful woman. I wonder if there is something there between the two of them. Gloria seems way too familiar with him.

“That is one fine man,” the customer standing at the counter with Gloria says as she looks at Hunter leaving.
