Page 5 of His Stolen Bride

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As a trio they had taken down the very powerful Kamaras mafia until there was nothing left of any of them, leaving Cristo to Elliot.

Then they had moved on with their lives, amassing wealth and power so that no one would dare cross them without having a death wish and complete annihilation of everything they held dear.

They were bad men as far as society went. But they were brilliant in their roles as mafia kings, just like their father had once been. Their main source of income was providing arms not only to governments but to rival gangs. They had zero loyalty when it came to amateur gangs running drugs. They blackmailed politicians, prime ministers, and presidents and were paid billions of dollars to keep their secrets.

But like their father, they stopped at human and child trafficking, despite having to keep some of the key players involved in that side of the business on their payroll for information.

They were born to be this way, which explained why they had no conscience about the way they did business. That wasn’t to say to the rest of the unsuspecting world they weren’t fine figures of legitimate corporate business.

Elliot lifted his glass and took a sip of his whiskey but not before he nodded at his brothers.

Parker, who had sunk into an abyss of darkness as the man who dared to attack his wife continued to breathe, looked as though that blanket of lethal fury had dissolved. Not that he didn’t look dangerous. He was just more himself now, more subtle, but no less deadly.

Parker hadn’t allowed Yiannis Ariti a quick death. He had drawn it out and the only thing that forced him to speed matters up had been his wife, Everleigh wanting him back. She had almost recovered from the bullet wound, but the baby was still not out of the woods yet.

Elliot couldn’t resist another look at his own wife.


The bruise the stunning dark-haired beauty had left on his face was beginning to throb a little. She had pretty sharp elbows. Just like her mouth.

“You know you’re going to have to consummate the marriage or you’ll have no claim to her, right?” Parker asked with a rare smile on his face.

“Yeah, you think you can handle her without her messing up your pretty face again?” Silas asked.

Elliot laughed, refusing to take the bait. She seemed to have heard the word consummate because the muffled sounds coming from her perfect little lips were raised by a couple of decibels. He wondered what she would say if he released the gag he had fashioned from her wedding garter.

The last time she called him everything from a rotten bastard to an imbecilic moron and not to mention a fucking goat and a fucking ass. She spoke with only a slight trace of an accent. But it wasn’t uncommon that she was schooled in America or had American tutors on the compound on which she had lived.

Elliot rubbed the tips of his fingers against each other. The softness of her skin had felt like silk against his hard and calloused hands. The scent of her had saturated his mind and now all he could smell was her.

She had taken him by surprise, that was true. He had expected her to be beautiful, the images he had been shown of her had already alluded to that. No, it wasn’t even her beauty. He was never short of beautiful women. But there was something about her, something different that attacked the layers of his shields until she reached inside him.

And then he had been mesmerized by her in person. Everything about her. The way her lips, lush and pink, had swelled under her teeth when she bit them, the shape of her eyes, golden spheres that glittered with anger, the way her jaw, so delicate, so perfect, added such feminine splendor to her whole face. Her neck. Her clavicle. Her cold slender fingers, which had trembled in his hand.

He had given her one of his rings to wear. One which he wore on his pinkie and it was still a little too big for her.

All things aside, Anna Antonelli was nothing but a ploy in a game of vengeance. Elliot had every intention of consummating the marriage, flaunting it around and drawing out Tobias Ariti so he could take his time until the man was dead at his hands.

They thought they had wiped out every single Kamaras who was a threat to them, but apparently, their Uncle Cristo had fathered three other sons in secret and he had been grooming them to take over the business and be the ones to end the Knight brothers.

Elliot had killed their father before they were ready to head the Kamaras mafia. And this was their way of vengeance.

Yiannis, the oldest brother, had made an attempt on Everleigh’s life and missed. Icarus, the second brother, had plans to do the same to Arabelle, Silas’ wife. Silas had delighted in taking care of him before he so much as glanced Arabelle’s way.

And Tobias Ariti? He was the brother who was meant to marry Anna Antonelli from one of the most powerful Italian mafias around despite being defunct when their Don had died with no one willing to take his place.

The marriage deal had been brokered while Cristo and the Don, Anna’s father, had still been alive and it was a known fact that they had been friends and close allies for years before. One of the stipulations of the marriage that the Don had made was not to engage in any form of any kind with the Knight brothers. He knew a losing battle when he saw one. But it seemed that was the exact reason that Cristo had instigated the union and planned to negate the contract once the vows were delivered.

Tobias had every intention of doing the same to aid his cause for vengeance.

“You know you can get this marriage annulled,” Parker said all seriously now.

“Yeah. It won’t take long before Tobias comes out of hiding. A bullet to his head and all our problems are solved.”

Elliot hated the sour feeling rising up in his blood when his stolen bride again started to jerk at her binds, coupled with furious muffled sounds. She didn’t want Tobias dead? Did she love him?

“Where would be the fun in that?” Elliot smiled when he realized he had been grinding his teeth at her reaction. He took another sip of his drink, then leaned back. “They came after us. Foolishly. But they still managed to hit us where it hurt.” He was referring to Everleigh. “They need to know we’re in charge and we’ve taken over Greece.”

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