Page 2 of His Stolen Bride

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“Stop calling me princess. I am not a princess,” Vivian sighed heavily and forced herself to try again with a calmer tone. “Please, just let me go. You can’t do this to me. Please, just drop me off anywhere you want and there’ll be no retribution for what you did. I give you my word.”

When her fury, threats and pleas fell on deaf ears yet again, she resorted to screaming again, using every bit of energy she had left and called him every name she could come up with.

But then the game changed. He issued a dramatic sigh, stood to his formidable height, and strode toward her with the confidence of a man who feared no one.

The wedding gown wasn’t the only thing suffocating her. His presence seemed to suck the air out of her whole body and left her panting just to keep breathing.


The name he had used to introduce himself to her. At that point though his attempt at social graces had been laughable, considering what he had done to her before that.

For a tiny moment, the screams she emitted were delivered without any sound effects. The scent of his cologne, disturbingly and maddeningly familiar to her already, soaked up all her senses.

“What… what are you doing?” she asked, thrown off balance as he bent to his haunches in front of her.

Without thinking, she pressed her thighs tightly together, acutely aware that her panties, the soft white silk piece she wore had become surprisingly wet.

Yes, she had demanded to be released immediately but even she knew that was never going to happen. He wasn’t going to change his mind, unfasten his tie from her wrists and then let her go, just because she asked him to.

He had a reason for doing what he had done and some deep dark intuition told her she would be suffering the consequences of his actions probably for the rest of her life.

Unless she… unless she killed him.

She froze in shock then in the very next instant every part of her caught fire and she melted right down to her bones. She couldn’t take her attention off his hands as they lifted the voluminous layers of the skirt of her wedding gown to reveal her legs clad in a pair of lace-trimmed white stockings.

Her poor heart forgot how to beat when those same tattooed, ring-donned, and callous fingers slid further up to her thighs.

She gasped in confused alarm when the tips of his fingers touched the bareness of the skin on her thighs, just where the stockings ended.

Completely speechless, struggling to breathe without sounding as if she were heaving like her life depended on it, she bit her lip.

The contrast of his dark hand on her skin hardened her nipples. Her clit, nestled in the luxurious silk of her panties pulsed with peculiar need.

She didn’t mistake the way he inhaled deeply when the fragrance of her perfumed thighs, all done for the man she was supposed to marry, lingered in the air between them.

She gasped, then pressed her teeth harder into her lip as his fingers feathered over the diamond-studded wedding garter wrapped around her thigh. Also meant for the man she was supposed to have married and meant to be removed with his teeth.

He bent his head, his breath whispered against her flesh. Had it been any other man, he would have stumbled over backward with his front teeth missing thanks to a stiletto-aimed kick. But not the man who called himself Elliot.

He seemed to have anticipated her move, slipped his hand between her thighs, too uncomfortably and embarrassingly close to the wet vee of her panties and squeezed her flesh.

“Once was enough,” he murmured against her skin. She knew he was referring to the bruise her elbow had etched into his cheek and which was now swollen.

How had everything she had planned so meticulously gone so horribly wrong?

Chapter Two

Marrying Tobias Ariti had been the last hurdle Vivian had to overcome to ensure complete freedom for the people she held the dearest in her life. Her cousin and close friend of her father, Uncle Matteo who was advancing in his years too quickly already. He was the only man left on the entire planet she still trusted explicitly.

She hadn’t met Tobias before, but she knew enough about him to know he would make her skin crawl in person. Not because of the way he looked, or rather the look he tried to portray which was one of a crime boss, a mafia king, with his gel-slicked back hair and the blinding amount of jewelry he wore around his neck.

No, it was the pure evil she felt without having to meet him physically, the bloodthirsty greed for power he didn’t have the grace to exert even if it were given to him on a gold platter with a list of detailed instructions attached. He was a loose cannon of the worst kind.

In another universe, she would have preferred to step off a cliff into a bed of snakes than marry him, but she had discarded that option when she chose instead to fight for a permanent solution, where she, her cousin, and Uncle Matteo could continue to live normal lives at last without that dark cloud hanging over their heads anymore.

She had gone through the motions amicably, had followed Tobias' instructions to the letter, and wore the ostentatious dress he had picked out for her, despite it being made from expensive material. But the only thing holding her together had been their plan. Once executed, her tiny family would be home free and all the sordidness of the mafia business would be left behind them forever, never to be spoken of again.

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