Page 19 of His Stolen Bride

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The underwear turned out to be perfectly comfortable and begrudgingly pretty. Pink silk and lace that went well with the summer dress she picked out.

Bathed, dressed, and not hungry, Vivian glanced at the clock on the wall and her tummy flipped over. She had no idea what time Elliot would be back but surely it would be within the next few hours.

Was she meant to cook for him? She had told the chef she wouldn’t be needing any more meals and if she were hungry she could make herself a sandwich.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Owen’s voice sounded on the intercom again.

“Mrs. Knight? I have Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Knight here.”

“What?” Had Owen bumped his head or something?

Chapter Eleven

Vivian could not believe her eyes when two absolutely beautiful women stepped in. There was nothing superficial about both of them yet she found them even more beautiful than Deidre who she had thought could be a supermodel.

“Anna.” One of the women came toward her, holding out her hands. Her blond hair hung prettily down her back and her blue eyes held nothing but warmth. “Oh, I can’t believe we get to meet you. I’m Everleigh. Everleigh Knight. And this lovely creature is Arabelle Knight,” she said gesturing to the other equally gorgeous woman with chocolate-colored hair and amazing brown eyes.

“Otherwise we’re known as Mrs. Parker Knight,” Arabelle Knight said.

“That would be me.” Everleigh waved her fingers.

“And Mrs. Silas Knight. Me,” Arabelle pointed to herself.

“And you’re Mrs. Elliot Knight.” They both chorused.

“Hey we practiced very hard to get that right,” Everleigh laughed, pulling Vivian in for a hug. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

Arabelle did that same, drawing her in for a hug and seconding how pleased she was that Vivian was there.

“These are just welcome to the family gifts. Just little things to make you smile a bit,” Everleigh said with a mischievous smile on her face, that Arabelle shared. Vivian watched as Owen brought in a couple of delightfully wrapped gift boxes.

“The red box is a rite of passage. I would know. Everleigh did the same to me.”

“Sorry. We haven’t given you a moment to digest anything. But we’re so excited you’re here. It’s like our family is now complete.”

“I’m sorry. But I’m not really Mrs. Elliot Knight.”

She had to set them straight. For some reason, she found it exceedingly hard to pretend otherwise in front of these women. How was it possible she trusted them on sight alone and deceiving them made her feel sick to her stomach.

“He, your brother-in-law, Elliot? He kidnapped me while I was supposed to be marrying someone else, like during my wedding. No, I'm saying it wrong. He pretended to be the groom and by the time I realized something was wrong, it was too late.” She sucked in a quick breath and then continued before she lost her nerve.

“He then threw me over his shoulder and then tied me up with his tie and then tied the tie to the seat of his plane and brought me here.” God, was she even making sense? “He’s mean and arrogant and he basically spanked me as if I were a child and needed my behavior to be rectified. He’s a pompous ass and a bully and…and now I don’t know if I have to kill him because I…”

“Oh, babe.” They both drew her into their arms and hugged her while she sobbed like a two-year-old whose life wasn’t going her way.

“First. Don’t kill him,” Everleigh said.

“Yeah, trust us. We both wanted to kill our husbands in the beginning. We still do sometimes because they’re overzealous in the overprotective department.”

“It’s true. Owen and his crew are being kept company by our own bodyguards who we’re not allowed to leave the house without. Ever.”

“Because yes, the Knight men it seems settle their scores by killing other men and spanking their wives. It’s the only way they know apparently. So don’t worry about that.”

“But he kidnapped me.”

“Parker blackmailed my father so I would marry him. He then hijacked my holiday cruise with my girlfriends by buying out the whole ship and the whole cruise line. Then spanked me because I was supposed to show up at his house as Mrs. Knight for wife duty.”

“Silas married me because my father had information he needed. He practically despised me. I was his unwanted bride in the beginning. He spanked me because I went out with my friends to celebrate graduating, at a bar on the day we got married, which I’ll have you know, he didn’t even want me there. At my own wedding. True story. My father’s lawyer went in my place and that’s how we got married.”

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