Page 17 of His Stolen Bride

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“Elliot, please. I’m sorry.”

His index finger and his thumb pressed down her clit. Hard. Mindlessly she thrashed her head from side to side. Not only was she contending with the pain of his touch, but she also contended with the ultra smooth pleasure his pain gave her as well.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Tears flooded her cheeks. Everything was so hopeless now.

Leaning down Elliot licked a tear from her cheek the same moment he slipped his fingers back into the shallow pool at the entrance of her pussy.

“Don’t forget what I can do to you, Princess.” He released her, then brought his index finger to his mouth. She sagged against the wall when he turned around. She didn’t need to see that he was still sucking his finger and her new bodyguard had undoubtedly seen it too.

She watched Elliot’s broad back slip out of the door but not before he nodded at the bodyguard.

“Mrs. Knight,” the man said when they were alone. “I’ll be outside. If you need anything, anything at all, just press this button and let me know.” With that he slipped out of the door too and it clicked and locked into place.

Vivian sagged down the wall and sat on the floor.

Her tears had deserted her too.

She bent her head and lifted the locket off her skin.

If she wanted freedom for her cousin and her uncle, only one option remained.

She had to kill Elliot Knight.

Chapter Ten

Vivian wasn’t allowed a moment to lament the sorry state of her life or the task at hand that she had to execute.

With the introduction of her bodyguard, who insisted she just call him Owen, a slew of other people entered the apartment. But it was clear from their demeanor they worked strictly for Elliot and had ties to his mafia business as well.

Bags and bags of groceries were delivered and unpacked. A cleaning service arrived as well and she hated that they had to clean the mess she had made of his Ming vase on the tile floor.

A highly tattooed chef prepared her breakfast. Eggs, sausages, and pastries. She ate for energy and not enjoyment but she reluctantly conceded it was the best breakfast she had tasted in a while.

When he took her menu for lunch, she declined. There was no way she could eat any more food. She just needed to be alone to think and sort out her strategy. But the ill feeling in her stomach turned everything sour.

The only option available to her was the one she knew, without doubt, she couldn’t go through with.

It should have been an easy choice. And if she were honest Elliot Knight did deserve being killed for what he had put her body through. But that’s where her thoughts ended.

If she couldn’t kill him, it would mean her cousin and her uncle would die. She didn’t care what happened to her anymore.

She curled herself up on the sofa, ready to bawl her eyes out when the intercom system through which Owen had been communicating to her bleeped again.

“Mrs. Knight. I’m sending in Deidre Phillips.”

No matter how many times she had asked him not to call her Mrs. Knight, he continued calling her Mrs. Knight. She gave up.

The door opened, and in stepped a woman who could only be a model. Tall, with legs that went on for days as the saying went, champagne blond hair, and just perfect facial features, made Deidre Phillips, whoever she was, the most beautiful woman Vivian had seen.

A wave similar to nausea rose inside her. If she stepped into Elliot’s apartment, she knew Elliot.

“Mrs. Knight. I’m Deidre Phillips. I’m so glad to meet you. Wow, you are stunning.” Dressed in a white suit composed of a mini skirt and jacket, she turned toward the door and beckoned to the other people.

Vivian had no idea what was happening but strange people wheeled in racks and racks of clothes and then bags and bags of other stuff. They immediately started to unpack everything.

“My manners,” she laughed. “I’m Elliot’s personal assistant. Well, I do the things he doesn’t want to do,” she laughed.

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