Page 15 of His Stolen Bride

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She shot up from the table.

“You’re a sick man if you’re willing to go to this length in the name of vengeance. And don’t for a minute think I’m going to let you claim me that way. I will fight you until I die.”

Frantically she glanced around the kitchen area. He knew she was going to draw out a butcher’s knife from the wooden box on the countertop before she knew she was going to do that.

“You didn’t say anything about knives, but if you come near me, I will cut your fucking balls off.”

She looked stunning when fury lit up her eyes. She also knew that the knife was as useful as a toothpick against him but he let her have it.

She whipped the throw off his bed, grabbed a pillow and threw herself onto a sofa, her hand under the pillow, her fingers clearly still grasping the handle of the knife.

He didn’t know why he put off fucking her. It should have happened already.

But a small unfamiliar part of him told him when he laid his cock inside her, whether she wanted him to or not, he wasn’t ever going to let her out of his sight.


Vivian wished the drumming of her heart would stop long enough so she could think clearly.

She didn’t know why his plan dug a crater into her heart and she found herself drowning with every breath she took. He planned to consummate the marriage, flaunt it in Tobias’ face and then once he was done, send her away. Out of sight out of mind. She would have served her purpose as nothing but a plot device in his scheme for revenge. Used and discarded like a broken doll.

She squeezed her eyes shut, bit her lip and warned herself not to start crying. She knew she could handle Tobias. But not Elliot.

She clutched the handle of the knife under the pillow. An embarrassed flush worked its way into her cheeks. The knife served no protection against Elliot. They both knew it which is why he had let her have it. Still, it comforted her to know she had it and if nothing else imagining puncturing one of his balls with it gave her some solace.

No. She was wasting valuable energy on him when he was going to send her away and rule her life from afar. She didn’t know why him discarding her that way affected her so much. All her energy and mental resources had to be saved for getting back to Tobias.

While she planned to stay awake and guard herself, futile though that may be, she didn’t last very long. Her eyes drooped closed. Her breathing evened out. A deep drugging slumber sunk into her and she sighed, allowing herself to sleep.


Vivian opened her eyes slowly. She didn’t need a moment to orient herself. She wasn’t awarded that blissful few minutes from waking up from a deep sleep where she didn’t know which planet she was on.

No. She immediately remembered her reality, her present circumstances. Elliot Knight. Tobias Ariti. Her cousin. Uncle Matteo. The Russians.

But she couldn’t deny that the sleep had done her a world of good. Her mind felt clearer, her focus seemed sharpened. She was ready to take on Elliot and cut the puppet strings he had attached her to so she could get on with her plans and if she were lucky come out of it alive and maybe live a semi-normal life.

Semi-normal because after meeting Elliot, he would haunt her for the rest of her life. Nothing would be great enough to exorcise him from her mind… and her body.

Sparks of heat shot through her, all centered around the bottom part of her body. Her ass in particular. On the outside and… the inside.

Oh god.

She remembered every lascivious way he had touched. From spanking her to licking his fingers and then thrusting them inside the most forbidden part of her. If she were normal she wouldn’t have needed to take a shower to clean up. She wouldn’t have been that wet.

She was more horrified at herself for her reaction to him than she was at him for his actions. He was probably born that way. Dominants. She knew enough about life to know about those kinds of men. But she had no excuse for her behavior. She couldn’t play down her response either. He had collected the evidence of her arousal on the black velvet of a decorative pillow, which she had to wash to remove her essence.

She needed to get out. Now.

It took her a moment to realize that the comfortable cushioning under her achy body was not the sofa she had laid herself down on the night before.

Chapter Nine

Vivian sprang up in confused alarm as Elliot, freshly showered, slipped his powerfully corded arms into a pristine shirt and then started buttoning it up. His back was to her, but he glanced at her through the mirror he was facing.

Instinctively her gaze dropped to the other side of the bed. It was clear as day Elliot had not slept there the night before. Had she been that tired she didn’t so much as stir when he carried her from the sofa to his bed? Had he taken her place on the sofa instead?

Guilt warmed her cheeks. She had taken his bed. Well, it served him right for what he did to her the night before.

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