Page 10 of His Stolen Bride

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When Tobias had brought the wedding forward a week earlier she had been glad for the extra time to prepare. But now Elliot had taken away that luxury by totally screwing everything up.

She thought of her cousin. So timid and so good-natured that the world didn’t deserve her. She thought about Uncle Matteo who hadn’t left her side not for one moment through it all. She was all they had left. The only thing that prevented them from having their heads shot off their bodies.

She didn’t care about herself. She would keep the promise she made to her mother by ensuring that her cousin and Uncle Matteo lived the rest of their lives in the peace and comfort they deserved. But for her it was over the minute she knew she had to marry Tobias Ariti.

There was only one way out of this for her now. She had to escape him. As for the legality of their sudden marriage, she would have to ask the Russians for help in getting this marriage off the record books, freeing her to marry Tobias instead. They would help. They had an invested interest in whether she succeeded or not.

But she had to do the part of escaping.

She wasn’t completely helpless. She had taken some self-defense classes and she knew her way around a gun. Elliot Knight still had his gun tucked into the back of his pants. He was obviously faster and so much stronger than she was, but all she needed was a tiny window.

She willed her body to relax against him.

“Please, Elliot,” she said softly. “Let me go. Please.”

His gaze fell onto her mouth. Without pretense or forethought, she licked the tip of her lip with her tongue. She fought a ridiculous battle to stay alert and not drown under his spell. She had to keep her cousin and her uncle in mind.

“Please,” she said more softly. It was now or never.

In a dual movement, she lifted her left knee to his groin while her right hand snaked behind him to his back. All she needed was for her knee to make painful contact with his balls and her hand to grip his gun.

Chapter Six

Vivian cursed the whole world.

Her knee had made some contact with his groin but not enough to send him rolling to the floor. She never got to touch his gun before he had both her wrists pinned up above her head in one of his. His other hand curled around her throat.

She couldn’t help the smile of satisfaction that spread across her lips. Maybe her knee had gotten him good after all.

“Fuck,” he said, growling at her like an injured bear. He took a series of deep breaths before he composed himself but even then he looked winded. She struggled against his hold, desperate to knee him again, but this time he tightened the grasp on her throat and slipped a thick muscle-bound thigh between her legs, pressing into her until she felt the heat of him grind against her pussy.

“The next time you try to knee me in the balls, I’m going to put you on your fucking knees and make you stroke my cock from head to balls with your tongue one hundred times. But this is for trying to get my gun off me. You could have fucking hurt yourself.”

He scooped her and flipped her over his shoulder. The first three times he had done that, she had been made acutely aware of the almost gentle way in which he had handled her. This time he handled her roughly, forcefully yet her panties became equally saturated both times.

Vivian shrieked in horror when he sat down on his bed and then toppled her over his lap.

She worried she might give herself a cramp with the way she tried to maneuver herself off his lap. She didn’t need a map to know what he intended to do with her ass.

She squealed and squirmed, writhed her body and tried to bite any part of him she could get a hold of.

“No. No. No.”

Cool air kissed her flesh as Elliot lifted the fabric of the T-shirt away from her, exposing her ass in her barely-there panties.

“No. Wait—”

He didn’t wait. He issued her ass with a thunderous one-handed applause that consumed her. Her nerve endings sizzled, and her skin turned a thousand degrees hot, or so it felt.

The succession of strikes, hard, fast and firm burned through every resolve she had, reducing her to a throbbing and sobbing mess.

“You fucking psychopath. You have no right to do this to me. I swear to God I’m going to get your gun and I’m going to shoot your fucking balls off.”

Her threats might have had more power if she delivered them without crying and heaving after every second word. Elliot though took her threats as real and increased the severity of his spanks on her bare bottom to a level that made her start begging him to stop.

“The whole purpose of this lesson is that you never try to take my gun off me and here you are making threats with the very thing you are being punished for.”

“I don’t care, you idiot. I know how to use them and trust me when I say I won’t miss if I point it at you.”

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