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Which would make it asex shop.

Wait. What?

Intent on settling the matter by making sure she had the right address, the right store, she squared her shoulders and started a brisk walk down an aisle containing boxes of something called fleshlights. What on earth were fleshlights,but before she could be properly distracted with appeasing her curiosity, she came to a dead halt having her axis thrown off its course once more. But this time, she didn’t think both her brain and her body would recover as quickly from the sight before her.

Chapter Two

Ansley opened her mouth to speak words that she hadn’t even formulated in her brain because her brain had also ceased to function.

She had gone from cheerily picking out the perfect power suit that morning, to discovering her octogenarian friend, Marjorie Brown, had gifted her a toy store, only the toys were meant for adults best experienced under naked circumstances. It was a sex store, for crying out loud.

And now… now there were three men completely obliterating her surroundings, her mind. Their presence consumed her and everything else around her.

She had never experienced such a wrenching and raw visceral reaction to another human being before: make that any three human beings before, but she was now.

Her cheeks heated and set her face alight. She blinked a few times to clear her vision in case she was imagining things, but they remained right in front of her.

She was accustomed to being around models and celebrities, the world’s most beautiful people, but not a single one of them looked anything like the men before her.

Sexy but scary at the same time. Beautiful but dangerous simultaneously. They misplaced her. They upset her balance. They screwed with her body because suddenly she was all too aware of the pulse in her neck beating erratically.

Her body’s temperature had tipped the scales from fresh and breezy to downright hot and absolutely bothered. Yes, they disturbed her from the very instant her gaze had landed on them.

Tall, over six feet in height, even their cut-to-precision suits seemed obsessed with them, the fabric draped over their muscular bodies with perfect accentuation over their broad shoulders, clearly sculpted chests, sexy biceps, and thighs that made her swallow involuntarily.

She unconsciously took a step back as they strolled through the aisle toward her, one after the other now, before they fanned out and stood before her. The scent of their cologne penetrated her and seemed to do something funny to her knees. As if they wanted to buckle beneath her.

Holy mother of chocolate.

Up close, she was able to tell the color of their eyes, a deep penetrating shade that didn’t know whether it wanted to be blue or gray, a color all three of them seemed to share as well as their dark, silky-looking hair.

Her gaze locked upon their lips, full and sensual, and she didn’t know she had resorted to biting her bottom lip until she felt the prick of her teeth on her flesh. Immediately, she realized they were related, brothers at least.

Their jaws were so sharply angled that for one mad uncharacteristic moment, she wondered what it would feel like to touch it… with her tongue… while she straddled them.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

She shook her head and decided the first order of business would be to establish if they were real, which wouldn’t be too far-fetched considering she was standing in a sex shop that she had thought would be an honest to goodness toy store, as in one that sold children’s toys, not adult toys.

They weren’t making things any easier for her and continued to just stare her down, their expressions giving nothing away. Before she got to who they were, she had to get to what they were. Real or imaginary.

Shaking out her hands, she slowly closed the distance between them, then gingerly reached out and touched the first man’s chest. He glanced at her, then down at the hand on his body. His eyes darkened, and suddenly the scar just above his eyebrow seemed more pronounced, making him scary, still unbelievably gorgeous but also scary. He looked at her with something she thought was annoyance or irritation and then he clenched his jaw and she knew she shouldn’t be touching him.

Oh fuck.

He was real. She quickly snatched her hand away as if he had burned her, which was exactly what touching him felt like. Okay, so maybe she had only hallucinated the other two. She proceeded to move down the line. The next man, an Adonis of sculpted masculine beauty that took her breath away. His gaze filtered hers, deeply, questioningly before he turned his attention to her hand on his chest. He reached out and touched her. His fingers brushed over the tattoo on her wrist, and for a moment she thought he could see the pattern of the scar she herself had disguised with the tattoo of her rose. She looked inside her.

She moved onto the man number three.

Oh boy. He was intensely gorgeous. She wanted to gape at him all day long. But when she touched him, he pressed his body into hers, so close she gasped. That’s what he wanted. Her reaction because the grin he gave her undressed her completely. She shook her head.

Okay, so apparently they wereallreal.


“Miss King? We’re from Shlykov Industries—”

The sound of his voice, deep, gravelly, and slightly accented with Russian undertones did the same thing to her as their cologne, weakened her treacherous knees. But then his words had sunk in, past the fog their presence had stirred up in her brain.

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