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She felt wretched. She had taken on the wrong men, and in her attempt to save Marjorie’s sex shop, she had put her own family at risk of complete and total annihilation. What had she done?

She couldn’t remember a single thing. Everything had been so clinical. So cold. Now she was back in her room, sitting in a chemise, the sun setting and a diamond ring on her finger.

She didn’t know how afternoon passed into the dead of night. She took a shower on auto-pilot then slipped into a short silk nightie. The pain in her heart seemed to grow with every moment that passed. But then her fury returned and at the first sight of it she fed it enough fuel to grow and soon it was soaring.

They thought they could marry her to put her in her place? Well, they were in for a big shock when they realized what being married to her would actually feel like.

She stormed down the staircase as she was. She found them finally in what seemed to be an entertainment room combined with a study. The sliding doors were thrown open and moonlight streamed in casting shadows over the three intimidating figures in the room. Drinks and papers were strewn onto the huge desk against the side of the wall.

She had never seen them dressed that way before. Leonid wore black tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt that molded his biceps. Roman was clad in a pair of gray track bottoms without a shirt and his abs glistened in the moonlight. Damien was dressed in a pair of low-slung jeans, that shaped the lithe power in his thighs and a black t-shirt.

The scent of their cologne seemed fresh as if they had just showered not long ago. Everything about them made her even more stupid mad. And fresh tears erupted from her eyes.

“You married me,” she said, her voice tear-stained. Before she knew what she was doing, she had whipped off her nightie which left her completely naked. “Then touch me,” she said. The silence wrecked her. It broke her. It made her want to die.

“You can’t even bring yourselves to touch me,” she whispered and bent to pick up her nightie, shame consuming every part of her.

But she didn’t get very far.

She lost her breath as Damien charged toward her. He grabbed her, pulling her naked body onto his. The roughness of his jeans grazed her skin. The hardness of his cock made her flush with fear and curiosity.

He cupped her face with his large hand. His breath lingered against her mouth.

“You think we don’t touch you because we don’t want you?”

She didn’t answer but he forced one from her.

“Yes,” she squeaked. Her body had started to tremble. She was in over her head. She knew it but she couldn’t stop it.

“I haven’t been with a woman in more years than I count, and I was fine. And then you come alone, with your smell and your body, and your eyes. And the sound of your voice and your laugh. And your braveness to take us on. And all I want to do is fuck you, Ansley. I want to fuck you so hard, so deep, I want to fuck you out of my system so I don’t ever have to think about you again.”

He brushed his thumb across her lip then lowered his head and licked at the seam of her mouth. Ansley tried so hard to think. Was that why Anton Kozlov called him the man with the iron cock? Because he was celibate?

“But do you know why I don’t? Because I know one time won’t be enough. Ten times. A hundred. You will fucking ruin me. You will weaken me. You will destroy me because there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do if you asked. And when I touch you, I will take my brothers down with me, because the same will happen to them. We’re a troika, one bride for the three of us. You will fucking weaken us, Ansley, if we touched you. So it’s not because we don’t want to fuck you, it’s because if we do it’ll never be enough.”

Instantly she understood everything, and it was all because of what Anton had said. Their father was assassinated in bed by a woman he had fallen for. Did they really think she would do that? She lo—

She halted that thought because it overwhelmed her. Instead, she reached up and pressed her lips to his. Damien growled against her. She swept her tongue against him and then she was being crushed by him.

She lost her breath as she clung to him, whimpered as he parted her lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He kissed her so thoroughly, so deeply and with such possession, she felt delirious.

By the time he let her go, she could barely stand but then she was passed onto Leonid. He took over where Damien stopped. And then it was Roman.

Roman cupped her face and stared her down.

“I have been with countless women. But I’ve never kissed one before in my whole life,” he said huskily. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at him. He was telling her the truth and it made her feel like the most special woman on earth.

“Open your mouth for me, Ansley.”

She didn’t hesitate. She gave herself over to him entirely. She was his first and she couldn’t understand how happy that made her. She was the only girl he had kissed. Especially when thoughts of all of them with other women sunk in and made her crazy with jealousy.

Roman kissed her like she was the most fragile piece of treasure in the world. He tasted her. He licked and then paused and licked again. He imprinted his own tongue over every part of her mouth, stamping her with his brand. And when he had sampled her, and she had pleased him with her taste, it would seem, he ravished her.

He kissed her like a man who had been starved of kissing. He enraptured her cell by cell. He corrupted her taste buds with his wet kisses now that she thought she would die without his taste. He crushed her lips to his, he bit her, then softly soothed over the stinging pain and he repeated the process over and over again.

Wetness poured from her and when he lifted her up and slipped his thigh between her legs, she did the utterly embarrassing thing of coming. Just like that. As if all her clit needed after being kissed like that was the little pressure from his thigh. And as she fell and tumbled and orgasmed wetly over his track pants, Roman pulled at her lip, hard enough that tears stung from her eyes but made her pussy throb for even more.

She couldn’t stand when he was done and when he brushed his fingers over his lips, she sighed even more weakly.

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