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But she was never going to make it easy for him or his brothers. Kozlov forced their hand and now the last woman he wanted within a country of him was going to be living in their fucking house with her fucking dark eyes and her fucking glorious dark hair that he wanted to wrap around his wrist while he spanked her for invading his life.

They had claimed her as theirs. She was their property for life now and fuck he couldn’t wait to take his belt to her for forcing their hand, for being in the same space as Kozlov, for talking to him, for letting him touch her.

And all he wanted to do was fuck her. In seven years no woman had done that to him. Made him crazy with the unbearable need to fuck her. No woman had even gotten close enough for him to want to end seven years of sharp-focused celibacy. But for her. For her he wanted to throw those years away, bury himself in the sweetness of her pussy until he bathed her in his cum, branding her.

He clenched his jaw, increasing the speed of the car as they drove home after having left Anton with a warning he would see on his face every time he looked in the mirror.

He wasn’t going to fall for her. He wasn’t going to allow her to be his sweet ruination, not like his father.


For the first time in her life, Ansley had no backup plan. She didn’t have the words to talk herself out of the trouble she had gotten into. And she was screwed. Three big bad mafia men against little old her and there was zero chance of her coming out the other side even marginally okay.

“Okay, so. This is all your fault. If you just mind your business and let Marjorie mind hers, I wouldn’t need to resort to… to the stuff I’ve resorted to doing—”

“Do you know who Anton Kozlov is?” Damien roared at her.

Okay, so they were leading with that. She didn’t know how to answer that. She really didn’t, so she winged it.

“He was a perfectly nice man.” Then she remembered what he said about her and how he made her skin crawl. “Well, he was. For the first ten minutes. He treated me with more kindness and consideration in those first ten minutes than you ever did. And you know what? He was perfectly nice until you showed up. You have this way of bringing out the worst in people, I’m sure in everyone you meet, you did it to me, you did it to that nice man—”

“Do you know what he’ll do to you if finds you again?” Roman barked at her. All charm and easy suaveness disappeared from his tone; his features hardened with rage instead. She honestly didn’t so she couldn’t answer that question either.

“Do you have any idea what a dangerous situation you’ve put yourself in?” Leonid added. “Do you have any idea what the fuck I’m saying to you, Ansley?” She didn’t think Leonid could get that mad at her but she was wrong. His calm exterior was gone and in its place roved a lethal lion.

She hated more than anything the speed with which they moved because they took her by surprise and turned her world upside down and she was just never able to catch up afterward.

Roman effortlessly lifted a heavy-looking antique chair and swung it into the center of the room where she stood. Whatever clever retort she was going to make died in her throat as Damien unbuckled his belt and swept the leather through the loops of his trousers. The whooshing echo was a tiny prelude to the deafening and stinging sound it would deliver when used on her ass.

She cried in shocked outrage as her dress, her pretty designer dress was torn off her body. Leonid ripped it in half and chucked it away as if it were a useless piece of rag, leaving her in nothing but her panties and bra. The ones she had worn to make herself feel empowered even though she had been quite terrified of what they’d do to her once they discover the next leg of her campaign to save Cupid’s Toy. Which entailed ruining their reputation.

Everything stopped around her. Even time stood still.

They looked at her for what felt like an eternity. Their gazes slid down her body as if they were caressing her with their hands. Their lips. Their whole mouths. But there was nothing subtle about the look in their eyes. Nothing at all. She was the prey and they were the apex predators coming for her. She didn’t stand a chance.

Wetness clung to her pussy then soaked the sparse fabric of her panties. The transparent material of her bra did nothing to hide the shockingly hard peaks of her nipples. She was on fire and unable to hide from the fact that she wanted them to touch her again. She didn’t care whether it was to spank her or kiss her. She needed to feel them. All over her body, meting out pain or pleasure, both aspects were so tightly intertwined, she couldn’t tell the difference anymore when both pain and pleasure gave her nothing but bliss. It didn’t matter as long as they touched her. She just needed them.

“Please,” she whispered. That one word, that one plea stripped her of her pride but she needed to re-experience them for her own peace of mind. To see if she had exaggerated their effect on her body, her mind, and her soul.

She wanted them inside her body. These three men who she now knew were dangerous, deadly and she was standing in their way, making her a vulnerable obstacle they could easily remove from their path.

“Ah, Fuck,” Leonid said, his voice hoarse.

“Blyad,” Roman said, softly and gruffly. She knew that meant fuck in Russian. She had looked it up the first time she had heard them say it.

She gasped as Damien charged forward and closed the gap between them. His too-near presence sent her chaotically beating heart on a rampage. Her whole body sizzled and trembled as he reached out to touch her. She stopped breathing when he wrapped his hand around her throat. The same hand on which his belt buckle was wrapped around his fist. She moved closer to him, uncertain of what she was doing yet fully aware she was out of her depth. He growled at her, and she stalled then without even thinking she bit her lip.

“Fuck,” Damien roared and instantly she was discarded. Deserted. Thrown away. Damien turned his back on her, and all she saw was him running his hands through this hair, and the thought that he didn’t like being near her, or touching her filled her mind again. He didn’t even want to use his belt on her.

“Cuff her,” he said before leaving the room.

Silly, stupid tears filled her eyes but she refused to let them drop. That and also she was facing a new kind of hell when Leonid scooped her up in his strong arms. Her body still feverishly aware of them, spiked at his touch.

But when he sat down in the same chair Roman had moved, with her in his lap, her senses and her pride returned with full force. Her body had misread the situation in a disastrously wrong way.

Roman bent to his haunches in front of them and removed something from his pocket.

Her eyes widened and her struggles were renewed. When Damien had saidcuff her, he had meant to put an electronic bracelet on her ankle, one that monitored her with GPS. As if she were some criminal.

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