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Flushed crazily hot, and embarrassed beyond reason that he knew she had been wet was just one of her problems. He had tied her to a chair in her own apartment.

“What kind of a nutjob are you? Who in God’s name does this? Who? No one, that’s who because everyone else is perfectly normal. You untie me this minute,” she yelled at Roman.

“Are you the least bit impressed?” he asked, giving her that smile that just moved the one side of his face.

“Impressed?” she raged. “Impressed with the fact that you can divest a woman of her underwear in under a minute? No, I’m not impressed, you jackass. This is crazy. Untie me. Tell him to untie me,” she said pleading with Leonid this time. And finding no aid there she turned to Damien but thought better of it. He couldn’t stand her, his entire aura said that to her.

“Thirteen point eight seconds, to be precise,” Roman said.

“You imbecile— What?”

“Thirteen point eight seconds,” he said again without missing a beat.

“You timed yourself? Oh my gosh. Well, I’m still not impressed. It’s not impressive at all. In fact, I hate it. So you can reverse it right now and give me back my underwear.”

He timed himself?The thought of him practicing this on a stream of other women irked her more than she cared and she didn’t know why. “And then you can go and—”

“Quiet.” Damien said.

She opened her mouth to speak then closed it again. It was Damien’s voice, the actual sound of him saying one word that silenced her. No man had ever been able to shut her up with just one word. She was so confused by everything. The way Leonid touched her like he was unlocking her. The idea of Roman being with other women and how it affected her so much. Her deep need, which she had to fight off to obey Damien when he would rather she had vanished from the earth.

How could three strange men have such a devastating impact on her in such a unique and profound manner? She didn’t even know them. She gave herself a mental shake. She was losing focus. She had to keep her objective in clear sight. Protect Cupid’s Toys from them. At all costs. She had made that promise and she would be keeping that promise because that’s just who she was.

“We can make your life incredibly hard,” Leonid said.

“Are we exchanging threats? In that case, I can make your life incredibly miserable,” she replied saucily. It was never about the circumstance, yes she was bound to a chair with her underwear while her outer garments were glamorized with sex toys, it was the outcome. She had read that somewhere. And the outcome never changed no matter the circumstances.

“I think it would be in your best interest to stop talking and start listening. You’re not going to win this, Ansley.”

“Wanna bet? I know what you’re going to say already. It’s the same old thing. Sell up. Back down. Sell up. Back down. Sell up. Back down. I’m not. And was this really necessary?”she asked, yanking at her bindings.

Roman shrugged and chuckled.

“If this was meant as a scare tactic then you totally need to work on yourself. Do you think this is going to stop me?” She spoke to all three of them. “This was just a juvenile attempt to show me your brother’s prowess. It’s not going to make me change my mind.”It might, she realized. There was one toy—a butt plug—that continued to poke her in the ass and she didn’t know how much longer she could sit still without begging one of them to remove the plug that was positioned a little too strategically against her ass.

“Well can’t say I didn’t try giving you the easier option to say you’re backing off.”

Roman came toward her and started to untieher. He threw her bra onto a nearby chair. But then he made a point of standing in front of her with her panties in his hand.

Oh, crap, kill me now.

His long strong fingers caressed the silky wet fabric as his gaze never left hers. She was mesmerized until she came to her senses and leaped up from the chair to grab it from him. But he was taller and faster and he slipped it into his pocket before she could make any more progress into retrieving it.

Leonid, as serious as ever, gripped her arm and dragged her to the desk in her lounge. The scent of the roses from the vase on top of it filtered in the air around her.

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked nervously now, as she kept looking over her shoulder at Damien who had taken a seat, his long legs spread, his eyes so dark and stormy she lost her breath. Her mouth had dried considerably and without the barrier of her underwear, wetness now slid to between her thighs, making her skin slippery.

Leonid forced her over the table. Her trembling body suddenly became rigid.

“Hands out in front of you,” he said, guiding her the way he wanted her positioned. She found herself bent over the glass table, her ass in the air. Her heart started to thud to a different beat. She wasn’t equipped to handle this. Whatever this was.

What the hell were they going to do to her?

“Keep your palms flat on the table.”

She didn’t know why she was obeying. Maybe because she was still unsure what was going to happen to her. She strained her neck trying to look for Damien behind her, but he hadn’t moved. Was he her biggest threat now? He already looked the part of a dangerous predator sitting in her chair like the king he portrayed.

It was certainly not Roman. The Russian playboy had picked an apple from her fruit bowl and for all the devil may care seemed to be enjoying it a bit too much. He was seated on her windowsill directly opposite the table, the one she was currently bent over.

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