Page 8 of Her Alaskan Men

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“If you're uncertain whether this is a real or a dream, I can spank your ass really hard and you'll know the difference instantly,” Zach said with a big grin onhisface.

She started to sit down. Ethan's stern command and Zach's threat to spank her made her feel oddly aroused. Holy moly, what aTwilight Zoneshe'd entered. And who was she if she was really getting arousedoverthat?

But then halfway to her butt hitting the seat, her knees crumbled under her and she collapsed onto the chair. From the corner of her eye, the cage she had fallen into sat blatantly in the middle of the room. Her memory now could not be mistaken for the dalliances of a stress-induced slumber prompted by a slightconcussion.

Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. She had really, truly been kidnapped. Twice actually. The final time by three unfairly gorgeous men who were going to fatten her and fuck her—all of them at once. They would be rough and spank her, squeezing her cheeks and making her ass shake, bite her nipples. But would they tie her up so she'll be unashamedly at theirmercy,too?

Moisture pooled between her legs. Her G-string was getting ever more soaked with wetness. She wondered if they could smell her pussy reactingtothem.

“Finish eating,” Zach said gently. “You are going to need your strength for what we have in storeforyou.”

Her eyes widened. Her breath caught. But she obediently opened her mouth as Jacob fed her a piece of hissausage.

Zach laughed softly. “We are not going to fuck you against your will, Summer. You will have to give us permission to do that. I'll say it again; we will never take you without your distinct consent. Do youunderstand?”

She nodded meekly. This was not a dream. How screwed was she in reality? Thrice screwed?Oh,hell.

“But we do own you, little one, and for the duration of the next two weeks you will have little choice but to abide by our house rules and follow our instructions when it comes to doing your chores. If you disobey us in those areas, we do not require your permission to spank you. Are we clear?” Zach’s soft and dark tone gave hergoosebumps.

Her skin started to sizzle. Spanking was going to be a thing. The fancy coat she wore stifled her. But she couldn't take it off, she was wearing bits of lace and an even tinier pair of panties underneath. She had never been spanked before. Ever. But the thought rocketed through her mind and set heronfire.

Again, how screwedwasshe?

“But we do have a deal and we agreed you are only to stay until the two-week period is up.” Zachcontinued.

“But we’ll also make you stay with us forever out of your own free will. You’ll see,” Jacob added, full of cockyconfidence.

What the hell were they going to do to her? Turn her into a sex slave? Yeahright.

When they'd all eaten, they pushed their chairs back and stretched their legs. Summer managed to eat half of the sausage Jacob fed her and a couple more bites of egg, but for the rest she managed to give only the illusion she waseating.

“Stand and take your coat off, little one. Let’s see what you're wearing underneath.” Zachinstructed.

Summer stood. “No, I won’t take my coat off. Ican’t.”

She was a model for goodness sake. Taking off her clothes was not as hard as it seemed. She had a banging body, beautiful tits, a little on the big side, but they were firm and round and natural. That's why she was so popular for swimsuits, her boobs were brilliant, she'dbeentold.

But taking off her coat and revealing her semi-clad body to these three men and suddenly she was overcome with feelings of inadequacy, of not being pretty enough, thin enough, desirable enough. “I am not wearing muchunderneath…”

“Take it off,” Zach said, and Jacob shifted in his seat at herwords.

Sighing, she shrugged the coat off her to reveal her pink baby-doll nightie, the outline of her G-string clearly visible through the chiffon. She stood with her legs tightly closed, her left knee slightly bent. She felt so shy and realized she really wanted toimpressthem.

Long moments passed as they scrutinized her. Zach awarded her with an appreciative perusal. Jacob wanted to gobble her up. Ethan? Ethan gave zilch away. He looked all right, but she might have been made of shapeless clay for all he lookedtocare.

Still flushed, she grew insecure under their fixed gazes. The longer they stared, the more they might find. What happened to her confidence? Oh, yay, she left it on the floor in the cabin Jeff had booked for his Alaskan swimsuit shoot. He’d trampled all overittoo.

But before long she couldn't deny the tents in Zach's and Jacob's jeans. She quivered and bit her lip. They liked what they saw. They gave her the biggest compliment she could ask for. Then there was Ethan. He remained unmoved, not interested, barely tolerant of herpresence.

Her spine straightened and she inched her legs apart and boldly placed one of her hands on her hip to emphasize her curves. How could he be immune to her? He was a hard nut to bust. She grinned on theinside.

Being a model, she always thought she was a bit of an exhibitionist. But she never related that to the idea of being looked at as sexual. Now she did. These men had put her on display for their visual pleasure and everything inside her screamed ‘fuckmenow!’

“Turn around, slowly,” Jacob said, his voice hoarse and soft. She turned on her toes, slow just as instructed, and came to a perfect pose facing them again. She distinctly heard groans from him and Zach as she turned and showed them her ass. “Now take that off,” hecontinued.

She hesitated for mere moments, but strangely their ever-increasing erections minus Ethan’s,encouragedher.

She slowly removed the lingerie leaving her only in her G-string. Her nipples had grown hard and stood out and were a deeper shade of pink. She wished she could blame the cold, but the cabin waspleasantlywarm.

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