Page 37 of Her Alaskan Men

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Slowly they removed themselves from her. She had never felt such emptiness before. She belonged to them, they belongedinsideher.

She was placed inside a warm bath and left torelax.

“I love you, all of you,” she whispered as she watched themtidyup.

“You're ours now. For now and for always. You're our woman, our property, our possession. We're going to marry you and fuck you every night, and give you babies to raise,” Ethan said, looking at herdirectly.

“Is that the life you will want to have with us?” Zachasked.

“Yes, it's exactly the life I want. The lifeIneed.”

“Told you she was our Angel. Mama was never wrong,” Jacobbeamed.

She smiled at them. She had known all along she would come back to them. Now she knew nothing would keep her away. If they didn't believe her when she said she'd come back, it didn’t matter. When she did come back, if they'd refused to let her in, she would lie by their doorstep until they did. She would never go away. She had nowhere else she wanted to be, but here with them. Living this simple life, surviving off the land, raisingchildren.

She had never thought about children before. But now she imagined her sons and daughters running around the place, making their fathers proud. Would they need a bigger place? She would have a little money left over from her contract after she bought her father his house. She would give them that money, although she knew without a doubt they would never take anythingfromher.

She had spent a little time each day she was alone with Jacob's mama’s paints. The thrills it gave her were insurmountable. Eventually she had asked Jacob if she could use his mama's supplies and he told her that whatever was his, belongedtoher.

She was a bit out of practice, but it would all come back to her if she practiced every day. Her life would be complete. Three ruggedly gorgeous men who loved her and wanted her as their wife, and her painting. She needednothingelse.

A tear slid down her cheek and she quickly splashed water on her face so no one would see it. She didn't want to think how they would take the news of her leaving. Their pain would kill her even if she knew it wasn't necessary for them to feel hurt. And would they forgive her? She had already withheld information about Jeff and the real reason she fell into that animal cage. Would they feel she was full of lies and omissions and decide they couldn't and shouldn'ttrusther?

No, she would not think that. She would do everything in her power to make them see what she felt for them was real. She loved them,neededthem.

But what would she tell her father? Her friends? Having sex parties and drunken drugged up orgies were not so frowned upon in the industry she was in. But to actually be in a four-way relationship? To actually say she had three husbands all at the same time? Society as she knew it would frown upon that and yet it was something beautifulandrare.

She lifted her chin, deciding she didn't care what any asshole thought. She was responsible for her own happiness and this—they—made her happy. The rest could go and screw themselves, although it would never come close to the way she was being screwed. She smiled at thatthought.

Zach came to her and lathered her up. He paid especial attention to her ass which was a little tender. She would have to get bigger butt plugs if she wanted two cocks inside her there. It felt so right just thinking about it. Her training was far from over and she couldn't wait to see what else they could do to her. It was bound to be hot anddirty.

She was going to come back. She was going to comebackhome.


She only hada couple more days left with them before she would tell them of her plans to leave for at least a month to fulfill her contract, and then returnforgood.

Every day that went by and she fell deeper and deeper in love with them and the sex became hotter and hotter, ate at her resolve. The only thing keeping her from not breaking her contract was her father. Once she did this for him, she would have at least given him a small thank you for all he had done for her. Working three jobs, giving her what she needed, and sometimes what she wanted butdidn'tneed.

She had to return before winter started full swing or else she wouldn't be able to get in. She'd be cutting it fine, but she had to remain positive everything wouldworkout.

Zach had told her how vicious Alaskan winters were. They would be stuck indoors for days at a time. He added that just as well they would now have a soft warm body to play with and keep them warm during those months. His words had given her a warm glow and she hugged himtightly.

She'd gotten into a perfect routine. She even woke up early to make their breakfasts and pack their lunches. They worked so hard so they would have enough to see them through the winter and a massive portion of their savings for winter had been spentonher.

They took her on walks to get some fresh air and exercise and took turns keeping her close to their bodies as she shivered in the cold. Eventually she would get used to the weather. Shehoped.

She had no clue how she was going to get out of Alaska and back to New York. They would probably have to walk to the town where she'd have to try and call her agent. In a way, she was glad the policeman or state trooper or whatever he was called, Derek, had found her. He would tell everyone looking for her she was fine and they shouldn't worryabouther.

Tonight, she had to tell them she was leaving. Her tummy twisted in knots. She didn't want todisappointthem.

“Something is bothering you,” Jacob said the instant he opened the door and glanced at her. He was back early. Ethan and Zach were notwithhim.

She ran to him and flung her arms around him even before he had a chance to close the doorbehindhim.

“Where are EthanandZach?”

“They'll be back soon. What's wrong?” he asked, his brows forming a fierce frown in his forehead. SweetJacob.

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