Page 33 of Her Alaskan Men

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“Want to try that again?” Zach asked Jacob. Then to her, “Can youmanagehim?”

They both nodded. And this time with Ethan and Zach tutoring him, telling him how to breathe and what to do, he lasted a lot longer and when eventually he came, he did soproudly.

She really truly lovedthemall.

* * *

Afew dayshad gone by and her butt plug had gotten considerably larger. She was so close to them taking her properly she gave herself goosebumpswithjoy.

It was a night like no other. After all three of them had made her come numerous times, Zach bathed her, Jacob oiled her and Ethan inserted a bigger butt plug. They were all relaxed and she lay curled in Ethan's lap as he read to her. Jacob played his guitar softly and Zach was carving herarose.

A bang on the door startled her. It wasn't very late and since they had never had visitors before, she couldn't imagine who would be at the door. Ethan lifted her off his lap and told her to stay there. They all three went tothedoor.

An older man, dressed in a thick heavy coat stood at the door. They seemed to know him and Summer gathered he was some sort of law enforcement officer. She swallowed hernervousness.

“Thought I'd just check in on you and see if you know anything about a missing girl. She was part of a modeling agency.” His gaze fell on her. He swore softly. “Skitterish wasright,then.”

Even though he said that, he seemed to have a remarkable amount of respect for her three men. “I'm sorry guys, you know I trust you with my life but I have to do this.” He came to her and faced her fully. The oddest thought crossed her mind. She hadn't thought about Jeff Olson for days. She had forgotten he existedentirely.

“Ms. Coleman? SummerColeman?”


“I'm Derek Sates and I'm with the law. I don't want to get into the details, but would you like to leave with me? Your boyfriend, a, ah,” he checked his little notepad, “Jeff Olson, is really worried about you. Said you have a big contract you have tofulfil.”

She glanced at her three men. At the word boyfriend, their gazes hardened on her. She had a lot of explainingtodo.

“No, I don't want to leavewithyou.”

“So, these three men didn't kidnap you and aren’t holding you againstyourwill?”

“No, they are not. I am here out of my own free will. Thank you, Derek.” She walked toward the door and gestured heleave.

“Are you sure, Summer?” he askedsoftly.

“I'm completely sure. Thank you, again. But if you could please tell everyone looking for me I'm fine. That I decided to take some time to myself.” She dropped her voice, “and that I'll be back soon to explaineverything.”

“All right. Good. If anything, you're safer with these three guys than any others I know. Goodnight, guys. Summer. Sorry for disturbing yourevening.”

The men saw him out the door, leaving her alone for a few minutes before they returned. And when they did, she knew something in them hadchanged.

“I can explain,” she started. “But first, Jeff Olson isn't myboyfriend.”

“So, this Jeff Olson lied?” Ethan asked. He was so very mad at her. “You should have told us this from the firstmoment.”

“Would it have made a difference if I said I had a boyfriend? Would you have returned me?” She asked near the edge of tears. She didn't want them to return her to Jeff, of all people. Not now, inhindsight.

“So, he is your boyfriend.” Zach askedquietly.

“No, it's more complicatedthanthat.”

“Yes, for fuck's sake,” Ethan exploded. “We are many things, but we don't take another man's property. It wasn't our responsibility to ask you if you belonged to someone else, that was your responsibility totellus.”

She laughed, she laughed so hard at what Ethan had just said about Jeff. Jeff wouldn't know how toownher if these men gave him a manual with pictures. He was a weak prick. Thatwasall.

“Please, just let meexplain.Okay?”

“Start from the beginning,” Zachordered.

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