Page 3 of Her Alaskan Men

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She kicked and screamed Jeff's name. Why didn’t he have the whole of the Alaskan wilderness crawling with people trying to find her? Had he just left her there to fend for herself and possiblydietoo?

Making no progress in her attempt to be released by the giant, she resorted to primal tactics and gripped her teeth into the fleshy part of his arm and bit and bitandbit.

“I'm not going to hurt you. Please, Angel.Calmdown.”

“I am not your angel. Let me go you, crazy person.” Really? He wasn't going to hurt her. Did he buy her for fun then? He swung her around and she proceeded to scratch his face, drawing blood with her uber-long nails and ignoring his promises he meant her no harm. Well, she wondered if he'd be as forthcoming now that she had injured his face and pulled his hair and kneed him in the balls. He could easily take a grip of her hair, and swing her between two trees for all the pain she caused him. Instead, he continued trying to calm her. But she wasn't having any of that and aimed to knee himagain.

“Please forgive me. I'll explain everything when I get home.” He then lifted her off her feet, placed her as gently as she allowed back into that damned cage and locked her in. “I'm so sorry, I don't want to do this, but my cousins, Ethan and Zach, will explain everythingtoyou.”

Oh, fuck there were more of him? Summer screamed until her throat got raw as he looped the top of the barred cage with rope. He then turned around and picked it up with her in it and carried her off, her dangling in the cage over his shoulder. She tried to make it as difficult for him as possible, jerking the bars, trying to jump up and down although, given her limited space that didn't serve any purpose at all. God, the man was seriously powerful. He could easily be in one of those freaky shows where a single man could pull a truckbehindhim.

The walk to wherever he was taking her was very long. In between her hoarse yelling, she kept praying Jeff would show up and rescue her. She would so forgive him ifhedid.

At last they came to a medium-sized cabin. It looked homey enough from the outside, but they had taken so many turns, long ones and short ones, she felt as if they had walked off the planet to come to this house. Who the hell would find her here in the middle of absolutely friggingnowhere.

“Zach. Zach, I found her,” her abductor said as he entered the house, “Mama's predictions came true,” he continued excitedly as he brought her into the heart of the room and set her down. Summer didn't realize how cold she'd been until they stepped inside and the warmth of the room started to thaw her bones. “Here's our Angel. She came to us. Okay she got a little lost on her way here, but I found her. Heresheis.”

She was placed in the middle of the room and looked at like an unusual creature from a different land. She didn't see this Zach person he was talking to at first. Then he came into view. Okay, if the guy who kidnapped her, no re-kidnapped her, was a giant, this man was a super-giant. What the hell do thesepeopleeat?

Summer couldn't help but notice that this Zack person was just an older no-less-gorgeous version of the younger guy. But while the younger man had extraordinary blue eyes, Zach's were a rich startling gold. He couldn't be older than his middle thirties, his hair dark, wavy, and long. He was dressed in jeans, his checked shirt stuck out from under a thick jacket, and his body was glorious. Clearly, she needed to refocus. These men were her enemies. But something about both of them said they would listen if she spoke. They would understand her. They would free her from what was becoming an insanenightmare.

“Look, I think you have me confused with someone called Angel. My name is Summer. Summer Coleman. I'm a model. We were going to shoot some pictures for a fashion magazine and well I-I decided to take a walk and I got lost. It's all just a big misunderstanding. If you let me go, or maybe let me use your phone, I'll be out of your hair in no time. Ipromise.”

Just then the door swung open and all their gazes fell all onto what could only be another cousin. But he seemed to be the culmination of the two men before her already. If the young man was personified with excitement and enthusiasm and the one called Zach with calmness and warmth, the man who walked in could be construed as dark and forbidding and private. His stark eyes, gold but with hints of intense green gave nothing away. He didn't want to be bothered, his body language said, and he stood an inch or two taller than the other two. He shoved his fingers through his dark, short, thick hair as he glaredather.

Summer swallowed her fear, her trepidation, her anxiousness. Strangely, she also felt a hint of excitement, but swallowed that as well. Her life was never going to be the same ever again. Not with these three men standing in her path now and it had taken him, the last one she had to meet, to showherthat.

“She's here, Ethan. Just like Mama said she'd come,” said the youngest of the men. His eyes sparkled and he couldn't seem to stand still. He kept moving, circling around her, as if he'd discovered some life secret and couldn't contain himself anylonger.

“Jacob, what the fuck have you done?” Those green eyes penetrated her. His voice, a rough scary tone, shook the soulinsideher.


In another time,Summer might be compelled to laugh. The whole thing couldn't be more comical if she were given the time to come up with something funny herself. She was in an Alaskan cabin, in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness, in a cage she shouldn't forget, crouched on her hands and knees, surrounded by three gigantic Alaskan men who thought their Mama had sent her to do what exactly she had no idea. Could anything befunnier?

Okay, it wouldn't be funny if they chopped her into tiny pieces and fed on her during the winter. Crap. She was in some serious trouble. Panic rose in her stomach. If she had eaten anything she would have regurgitated it all upbynow.

She needed to start using her voice to negotiate. So far, she knew their names. Blue-eyed Jacob. Brown-eyed Zach. Green-eyed Ethan. Nope, she was past the point of reasoning. She began to scream, ignoring her sorethroat.

“Let me out of this cage at once. I am not an animal. What they hell are you people? Cavemen? I'm a human being. I demand to be released at once. Let me out. This is kidnapping. I will have you all arrested for kidnapping. I know very important people in the real world. Let me out, you stupid morons. Let me out before the police get here and throw you all in prison.” She shook the cage and worried she might pass out from all her exertions. “Let me out right now. Let me outright—”

“Silence,” Ethan said, holding up his handtoher.

She stopped immediately. Wait. What? Oh, no he didn't. Then why exactly did she shut up as he commanded, pursing her lips together obediently. Ethan glared her down until she was forced to lower her gaze but not before she saw Zach's grin and Jacob's clearlyagitatedlook.

The three men made their own circle away from her. What was going to happen to her? If she listened intently, maybe knowledge would give her someleeway.

“Ethan, don't be mad.” Jacob startedsaying.

“Start from the beginning.” Ethan spoke, his voice low, gravelly, the way she imagined her childhood pet husky would sound if he could speak. The complacent smile on Zach's face hadn't evaporated and he kept glancing at her, feeding her that smile. Well, they all glanced at her. Jacob seemed torn between his excitement and his trepidation. And Ethan, well, Ethan clearly wished she hadn't been brought inside his homeatall.

“I was on my way tothebank.”

“Did you make it to the bank?” Zachasked.

“Hmm, no. Like I said I was on my way to the bank when I saw old man Skitterish and his son with a new trap. I was curious to see what they trapped. They seemed pretty excited by it. But then I saw her.” He turned and looked at Summer again with that child-like wonder. “I knew she was the one, Ethan. Mama said an Angel would come one day. She would be the most beautiful girl we had ever seen. She would have gray eyes and hair that was long and silky to the touch. She would come to us and she would beourwife.”

Our wife?Our wife?Summer gasped from her cage but when she looked up three pairs of eyes were all on her. This had to be a dream gone horribly wrong.Jeff, please find me before it'stoolate.

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