Page 23 of Her Alaskan Men

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Her whole body started to gyrate. She was experiencing some sort out-of-body feeling. The pleasure grew too intense for her to handle. She was goingtocome.

“We promised no cock or fingers or even toys up in your pussy until you said yes. We never said anything about whips or tongues. Want me to stop, Angel?” He yielded that small crop with what to her inexpert self, felt like an expert hand. But he hurt her just the right amount and then some, and that made him an expert on her body as far as she was concerned. She couldn't fathom where her pain ended and her pleasure started. Everything morphed into bliss, full-on perfectbliss.

“And if you come,” he said in her ear as Ethan continued fucking her mouth. “That's three extra strikes with Ethan’s cane.” It felt like flames of happiness erupted from her skin when his warning reached her consciousness.She really didn't think she would survive all this dark and fervent attention the men were giving her. It went beyond the circumference of her imagination. Yet she needed them to show her what lay at the other end. And she was sure that was purerapture.

She also knew that while her nerves screamed at her to say yes, yes, yes, to them possessing her body fully, something told her waiting for her permission, persuading her this way, turned them on even more. She'd hold out as long as shecould.

Zach kept catching her clit with his flogger. Jacob experimented with her nipple like a new toy. And Ethan showed her where her place was. On her kneesbeforethem.

Ethan's hold in her hair changed. He was going to come and the idea she had taken them all in her mouth almost sent her over the edge. His cum erupted down her throat. Zach kept his hand wrapped around her throat from behind her, feeling her swallow Ethan's essence. He also kept the end of the flogger directly againstherclit.

“Bite her nipple,” Zach advised Jacob. “I'm keen to give her those three extra strikes if shecomes.”

Jacob didn't need to be told twice. He bit down on her nipple and everything collided into one big fat uncontrollable orgasm. She didn't possess the kind of mega-control waiting called for. She was only a human girl with a do or die wish. She didn't want to die, so shecame.Hard.

Everything sent her over the edge. Zach's flogger lay lazily against her clit. Ethan's tremendous sprays of cum rushed down her throat. Jacob's teeth bit down on hernipple.

Liquid poured out of her. She couldn't stop shaking and hissing as contraction after contraction riddled herwholebody.

“Beautiful,” Ethan murmured. “And now three more strikes. Withmycane.”

She swallowed every drop he had given her. He picked her up and held her face. His lips lowered toward her. She suspended her breath as his mouth brushed against hers. Whatever her Alaskan men did to her caused a metamorphosis; she’d become something earth-movingly incredible. Ethan's kiss took her one step closer to completion. They'd turn her into a beautiful butterfly. A deviant onenoless.

His tongue slipped into her mouth and she raised herself on her toes. He was gorgeous. They all were. And they wereallhers.

In that kiss she knew what he asked. That if she gave them a chance, they could turn her world the right way around. That he had given in to her and now she had him, just like she had Zach and Jacob. But there was also a pure desperate hunger in his kiss. He was asking her to stay with them forever, for all their sakes. He was putting aside his skepticism and giving her the benefit of thedoubt.

She pressed her body into his, her wrists still bound behind her and poured her whole soul into the kiss. She wanted him to know that even though she had to leave, she had to come back, too. She couldn't see herself living out her life without having them in it. Not now. Not with the way they made her feel. Protected. Beautiful. More thanenough.

She had to make them see by her actions, and her reactions to them, that she would come back to them. She would never be complete if shedidn't.

But would they understand when the time came and she left to fulfill her contractual obligations and in the process give her dad his dreamhouse?

She would have to make them see she would return. Nothing would keepheraway.

Ethan ended the kiss then stroked hercheek.

“Ready?” heaskedher.

She still wasn't allowed to speak so she nodded her consent. Her body started to buzz. They would punish her soundly now. She'd be so red and so turned on. No, she was meant to learn her lesson, not think of this as the best out-of-the-worldforeplay.

Jacob, always the caregiver, offered her a sip of water. After she drank thirstily, he kissed her lips softly and then tugging his hand into the rope at her wrists, pulled heralong.

He led her to a bench, lifted her onto it and made her kneel on it. He then undid her bound wrists and rubbed at her skin. His rope didn't bruise her and she didn't need to get the circulation back into her veins—he hadn't tied it that tight. Still he kissed all around her wrist, to her palm, her fingers, sogentle.

Then he started wrapping his rope around her wrists again. Oh, boy. Once he had done the same to both her wrists, he went behind her, and pushed into her spine until she was kneeling with her ass in the air. Oh, boy,oh,boy.

He came around again and crouched in front of her. She glanced quickly at Zach and Ethan. They had already chosen their tools. Zach ran his fingertips over a long thin crop that looked like a sadistic demon in his hands. Ethan twirled a cane between hisfingers.

She didn't think she could get any wetter but she proved herselfwrong.

Jacob brought her attention back to him. He took first her one wrist and bound it to the leg of bench. He did the same to her other wrist ensuring she couldn't move. He moved behind her again. This time he closed her legs and wound his rope around her ankles and thebench.

Firstly, she was stuck to the bench, not an inch to move about. The bench had even been nailed to the floor so as not to move at all. Secondly the way he had bound her would keep her ass high intheair.

Jacob ran his hands over her backside. Then he reacquainted her with his nine-tail flogger. Tiny goosebumps erupted over her skin. She wasn't cold. Quite the opposite, she was burning up quicker than the crazy heart beats banging in herchest.

“Warm her up for us, Jacob,” Ethan saidlazily.

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