Page 13 of Her Alaskan Men

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“She's the one, Ethan,” Jacob had whispered. “I'm telling you she was made for us. She tastes like, fuck, like pure honey, the besthoneyever.”

“We can't keep her.” Ethan had replied softly, all doom in his voice. “I don't want her here, Zach. She's going to mess theboyup.”

“I can take care of myself,” Jacob had replied with indignation. “And I can tell she's gonna stay. Mama was always right about these things. She said you and Zach would come back and we'd all live together and take care of each other. And that happened. She's our wife. We just have to make herseeit.”

“We have an agreement for two weeks.” This time it was Zach's voice. “If she decides to stay with us after that, the choice will be hers. She's a true submissive, brother.” She could hear the smile in his tone. “I can tell she needs a very firm hand, hard punishments, and big rewards. I could feel her body answering her natural call. If she lays over your lap with her ass in the air and your hand whipping her ass, you'll feel it too, Ethan. She was heaven. Pure unadulterated bliss. And that innocence of hers, as she explores her sexuality, it seeps into your skin. I know she's not a virgin, but man she doesn't know yet what her body is capable of doing and we canhelpher.”

Zach continued, “I don't think I was ever harder or ever wanted anything more than to fuck her. You should take her over your knee, Ethan, and you'll understand what I mean about her. And Jacob, with a little more experience, you will feel it too. She's an innocent submissive waiting to beunwrapped.”

She didn't quite understand Zach's words. She wasn't very clued in about the BDSM lifestyle. She knew the terms, but still she beamed as if he were paying her acompliment.

And then Ethan's cold words doused her. “I will not be taking her over my knee any time soon. She's one of those fickle city girls, with needs we can't maintain. She doesn't have what it takes to be with all three of us, and I'm not talking about fucking her three ways. She won't be able to maintain us for long. She's weak. I can see that in her. She won’t survive the waywelive.”

“I think we should give her a chance,Ethan.”

“You can, but Iwon't.”

Always, Ethan had a way to make his words seem like bullets. He called her weak and fickle and inadequate and really how different was he from Jeff in the grand scheme of things? Very different, she realized as she bit backasob.

Jeff didn't matter to her anymore, not his words, his connections or anything else about him. Ethan's words mattered to her. They cut her deeper than anyone else’severdid.

Well, she wouldshowhim.

She reached Jacob and standing on the tips of her toes, she wrapped her hands around his neck, opened her mouth on his and kissed him. Wetly anddirtily.

Jacob took a few moments to realize she was giving him tongue before he came alive, cock and everything. He held her close and devoured her mouth, without finesse or skill, just raw hard need. She pressed against his erect cock and moaned into his mouth. She kissed him long, getting lost in his mouth and his heat. How was it possible to be so horny from just kissing someone? She was dripping wetalready.

Jacob hugged her even closer, pressing her against his cock with such strength she lost herbreath.

And then he lost his as he came inside hisjeans.

She felt the warmness of his cum heatherskin.

She more than glowed from her achievement. She was an electric bulb with the power to light a whole city. He groaned into her neck, undone and sheheldhim.

Thank you, Jacob, you make me feel as if I am Igoddess.

“Come here, wench.” Zach pulled her by the arm and slammed her against hishardbody.

“Unlike my cousin, it will take more than your kisses to make me blow my load in my jeans.” His mouth crashed down on hers. The vortex she had been pulled into with Jacob only continued with Zach. His kisses were like a drug; they rocked her world. His expert exploration, so slow and thorough, took her into other dimensions. She wanted to climb up on him and rub her pussy until she came a million times. She lifted her leg and tried to do just that, rub her clit against his jean-cladcock.

Except he broke the kiss and spanked her soundly. Shewhimpered.

“Are you trying to make your sweet little cunt come all over my jeans without mypermission?”

Meekly, she shook her head as she rubbed her ass. Oh, she really wanted to come. Jacob had his orgasm, why did she have to have permissionforhers?

“Not today, little one.” He spanked her again and swung her into Ethan's body. She would have swayed but Ethan, more from instinct than need, held her against him. She lifted herself a little higher, her breath laborious and slowly reached for his lips with hers. Her heart couldn't stop the hurtful thud in herchest.

Her breasts crushed against his chest, she could smell him and he smelled so delicious. He kept his gaze on hers. Only when she touched his lips did she closehereyes.

But instant cold washed over her. Ethan's hands fell away from her body. He moved his mouth away from hers and she ended up kissing hischeek.

A lump formed in her throat at his rejection, but she refused to be beat. She kissed his cheek again, kissed the side of his throat, soft innocent little kisses. She curled her hand around his neck and pressed herself against him as she kissed the side of his mouth, the only part he'd allowed her to touch again and again. She would not bedefeated.

Boldly she slipped her tongue out and licked his bottom lip, such a tiny little part he'd allowed. It was unmistakable. He growled and turned his head toward her, his gaze on her lips. She panted. His cock hardened against her. She gasped. He released her completely, turned and tookhiscoat.

“For your own safety, don't try to leave the house. There's talk Skitterish wants his property back and he isn't going to pay for it.” Ethan warned. Voice of doom, howappropriate.

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