Page 1 of Her Alaskan Men

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If hell froze over,this is what it would feel like. FuckingAlaska.

And this was only autumnapparently.

At first, Summer Coleman didn't feel the cold. She'd been struck quite dumb by what she'd seen and before long that mute shock had turned into fury, forcing her to gasp and splutter and flee, in a daze, into the unfamiliar snow-infested wildness ofAlaska.

How could he do this to her? She was supposedly everything he wanted, he had said over and over again. Young and perky, that’s what he liked. She had even gone as far as to tone down her intelligence so as not to intimidate him too much. She made sure she was just the right amount of ditz to make her “adorable” in the industry and his favoritething oneas hecalledher.

She brought him coffee and bagels at 11:17 a.m. every day no matter what she was doing—it was his thing. She had thought it a cute quirk before but now she wished he'd choke and just expire. She even rubbed his feet, hand washed his precious shirts, listened to him rant and rave like a five-year-old when something didn't gohisway.


Jeff Olson was supposed to be her ticket to the charmed life. He was gorgeous, not too tall, not very muscular either, lean rather, but he was sexy in a metro-sexual way that was quite appealing. He was also a star photographer who shot the world's most beautiful women, and he knew every fashion designer worthknowing.

At twenty-seven he had made a name for himself and he had chosen Summer to be his girlfriend. No, not just his girlfriend, but someone he wanted to settle down with, get old with—his words exactly. She even let him fuck her—well, after five months of dating him. A girl had to play hard to get after all. He thought she was unique because of it. They could have had a perfect lifetogether.

Alas not. What a class-Adick.

She sobbed, still running farther and farther into the forest. Thank goodness she didn't actually love him. She liked him a lot, sure, but she was still waiting to love him. It would happen soon she was certain. They had, however, a mutually agreed upon relationship from the start and somewhere in there, surely, existed a silent exclusivity clause. That's what being a couple meant. She had kept her end of the bargain. Hedidn’t.

Just as well she really truly didn't love him. She would be devastated by now if she’d given her heart to him. Still, it’s not every day a girl walks in on her supposedly exclusive boyfriend. And the equipment guy. And the make-up artist. And her arch-nemesis. And by that she meant their dicks in the three main orifices of London. And by London she meant the new “it” girl, not the city. London who was apparently everyone's favorite little darling now with her pouty-pink lips, ridiculous cheek bones and six-foot long legs. Summer was that girl mere days ago in Jeff's eyes. How could she be discarded soquickly?

And really, they had just gotten to their site late in the evening which was a plush cabin Jeff had hired for his next photo shoot. It felt like they'd literally only been there five minutes when catastrophe in all its glory happenedtoher.

They all claimed they were tired, and so was she anyway. After their goodnights, Summer and Jeff had gone to their bedroom which was lovely and romantic. She’d thought he might not be tired enough to strip her clothes and make love to her, but apparently,hewas.

She had drifted off to sleep but awoke very early in the morning to find Jeff not there beside her. She padded softly through the cabin, careful not to wake anyone, but soft groans filled her ears, and they were coming from London’s room. She would never have opened the door if she distinctly hadn’t heard Jeff'sgroaning.

Some misguided entity had let her slide the door open just a little, but what was happening before her eyes rendered her stupid. She was met with a sight she had only seeninporn.

London, willowy and stunning, being fucked by three men. For long moments, Summer could only watch them. Very long moments actually, as she tried to decipher in her suddenly slowed brain what was actually going on. Hands, boobs,cocks.

But then Jeff's whispering voice rebooted her thinkingorgan.

“Fuck babe, look how you're sucking up dick in that pussy ofyours.”

“We should have asked Summer to join us,” Mike had said. “I could do with extra pussy. And I would love to see London and Summer go at it. Maybetonight?”

“I like Summer a lot, but the bitch is a prude. She made me wait five fucking months to drill her pussy and it isn’t all that. She'd probably die of shock if we asked her,” Jeff said and they alllaughed.

With a lump the size of a golf-ball in her throat and her eyes stinging with hot tears at hearing Jeff's hurtful words, she flung the door open to let them know she had seen and heard them, then fled when Jeff had the audacity to tell her it wasn't what itlookedlike.

Really? Was it peer pressure? Was he being blackmailed? Drugged? Was he insane?Asif.

Did his hands just fall on her breasts accidentally? Did he trip over his own two feet and fall dick first into her mouth? The more she thought of the injustice of it all, the harder she ran until she ran herself out of breath. Her sides were killing her and she had worked up a cold sweat under the coat she grabbed on her way out. Under the coat the only items keeping her warm were the lingerie she had thought would entice Jeff into making love to her the night before. Her feet at least were wrapped in a thick pair of socks and snug in pretty fur-linedboots.

She used a tree to lean against to get her breathing under control and that's when the cold started to seep into her skin. Just how far had she run fromthebase?

What a mess. She had hoped to make friends with London, and had been nothing but kind and helpful to the other model. She had fantasized they would be best friends eventually, look out for each other in this cut-throat industry. Instead, she had got her ass kicked for all her troubles. She wasn't hurt. She was angry. Fist-punching, binge-eatingangry.

He didn't even ask her. He didn't even say,Summer, look, the guys and I are thinking of having an orgy,wannajoin?

She might have said yes, who knew? She wasn't a prude. She enjoyed her sexuality and she was only twenty-one, so she had much to explore about herself and her body. Damn Jeff. He didn't even give her the opportunity to think about it. He just wrote her off as stuck-up, don't-stick that-in-me kindabitch.

She tightened the fur coat around her body and tried to stop her teeth from cracking each other as she shivered like a maniac now that she stood still. She couldn't hear them calling after her. Did they even call after her? Or had they followed London’s advice which Summer caught just as she fled and that was to let her go.She needs time to herself.Fuck you,London.

She glanced around her. Everywhere she looked were trees and snow. And everywhere looked the same as everywhere else. Fear started to creep in. She took a deep breath then turned around. She had to get back to where there were people she knew. Even if she hated each one of themrightnow.

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