Page 53 of Her Daring Daddies

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Despite the utter helplessness drowning my sense of reason and the buckets of guilt pouring over me, I needed to feel in control. Tearing my eyes away from Chet, I began struggling anew. “Please let me fix this?” I begged Gage. “It’s my fault.”

“Quit fighting, darling. We’ve got everything under control.”

I hoisted myself over his shoulder and down his back, rolling when I hit the grass. I’d likely surprised Gage since most people he threw over his shoulder probably stayed put.

“Somebody who isn’t related to her, pop her ass, will you?” Gage growled as he lost his hold on me.

“Switch with me, Gage,” Luke called from his spot.

Shit. Luke had swatted my ass more than once over the years, and he’d do it again if that’s what it took to get through to me. I was suddenly in full-on Little mode. Crawling toward Tanner, I needed to see him, touch him, make sure he was going to be okay. Selfishly, I thought about losing my boyfriend, my Daddy, and that fear broke the tiny string of resolve that I had left. Reaching Tanner’s non-injured side, I threw my arms around his neck. “Daddy.”

“Don’t move him, Tiana.” Jesse growled. He was in first responder mode, his hands still pressed against Tanner’s side. “We’ve got help on the way.”

“Sorry, Jesse.” I carefully released my hold, moving back from Tanner without jostling any part of his body. “I just wanted to see you, Daddy.”

“I know,” Tanner grimaced, clearly in pain. “I’ll be okay.”

“I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you, babygirl.”

“I-I’m so-so so-sorry fo-for all of this,” I struggled to get the words out. “Please let me stay here with you.”

“Let Luke bring you inside. You’ll be safer there.” He glanced behind me and nodded.

“I wanna stay with you,” I whimpered. “Please?”

“Go with Luke, buttercup.” Jesse repeated Tanner’s order. “We need room, and I need to know that you’re safe.”

“I really need to be out here,” I whimpered. Any previous adult rationale slipped away because I was terrified of the outcome. Something impossibly hard struck my right bottom cheek first, and then my left one. “Ow.” The swats stung. Turning around on my haunches, I glanced up to see concern etched on Luke’s features.

He knelt down and took my hands in his. “Come on, Tia.”

The sharp bites of pain cleared the rest of the fog, but it didn’t help the fear coursing through my veins. “I’m not trying to be difficult, but I don’t want to leave yet.”

“Chet is tied tightly, and he’s not going anywhere.” Luke helped me to stand. “I know you are scared, sweetheart, but there are a lot of people on the way. Right now, we need to make room so we can take care of your Daddy.”

“Why is it getting dark?”

“Hey!” Luke cupped my cheek. “Look at me, Tiana.”

His worried face seemed to float above me, and then I hit a wall of blackness.

Chapter 15


Coming to, I was pressed against Luke’s chest, facing him. It wasn’t the best way to ride a horse, but Bullet was strong and fast and Luke was a skilled rider. I clutched Luke, crying softly and fighting to take deep breaths.

“You passed out, darling. Try to slow your breathing. I’ve got you.” He shifted me out of his arms long enough to dismount before assisting me off the horse.

“Everything is such a blur. My head hurts.” I brushed my eyes. “Everyone is mad at me.”

Luke scooped me up against his chest, carrying me princess-style. “No one is mad at you.”

“Jesse is,” I sobbed. “I didn’t want anyone to get hurt and look what happened!”

“Jesse doesn’t get mad easily, darling. You know that.”
