Page 42 of Her Daring Daddies

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“Daddy,” she scrunched up her nose. “I don’t want Big girl time right now.”

“Will you tell me when you do?”

“Yes, Daddy.” She stood on her tiptoes and squeezed me. “I love you.”

“I love you, sunshine.” I reluctantly stepped across the room, giving her space. Her reaction was priceless.

I’d selfishly showed her everything without Tanner being here. No, I reminded myself. It wasn’t selfish. He wouldn’t care that I’d shown it to her first. No, he’d be more concerned about the guilt eating away at me. The best way he handled guilt was via his belt. I didn’t want to put any more pressure on him. His job was already stressful. Adding the additional care of Tiana left him with less time for me. No, that wasn’t even one-hundred percent true, but some days it was hard to remind myself that our tripod was not a competition. Tanner constantly checked in with me, but I didn’t want him overwhelmed. I could work things out on my own without extra guidance.

“Are you okay, Daddy?”

My sweet girl’s question pulled me out of my thoughts. “Yes, sunshine. I loved seeing your reactions to all the pretty things. Come to my office when you’re all dressed, okay?”

“Sure,” she grinned at me. “And can we make huge ice cream sundaes after lunch?”

“We can, but I had your favorite dessert on the menu tonight. Would you rather have strawberry shortcake instead?”

“Oh!” Tiana clapped excitedly. “Yes, Daddy. That’s my absolute favorite! Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, little girl.”

I glanced over the room one more time before leaving her alone to enjoy the space. It was a beautiful space fit for a princess, but I knew deep down a few pretty items wouldn’t keep Tiana here with us. I had a tendency to fall back on old patterns and beliefs when I became stressed, using money to simply appease the other party as if it were a business transaction instead of a relationship.

I did it to Tanner more than a few times in the beginning of our relationship, but he called my bluff each and every time. It wasn’t a conscious effort, but throwing money at situations in the past caused them to swing in my favor.

Swallowing hard, I realized it was my deep-seated fear. I was forced to leave my home, my almost girlfriend, and all my friends. I had used my money and affluence to secure people to me instead of simply allowing them to make their own choices. I’d bring up my insecurities to Tanner, and possibly to Tiana.

Of course, I wanted her to be happy, but I didn’t want her to think I was trying to buy her love. No, that was a stupid thought. She told me she loved me all the way back in high school. Tiana accepted my apology, and she began a relationship with me before I’d spoiled her.


After checking out all the beautiful decor in my room and trying on lots of outfits that both Tanner and Dane selected for me, I’d dressed in casual clothes and been wandering around aimlessly. Tanner had gone into work in the middle of the night, Dane had lots of stuffy business meetings since he’d moved them around to spend time with me earlier.

Spending time in my Little space had been so relaxing, so much that I hadn’t wanted to stop, but I couldn’t stay in it without Dane’s watchful eye. Well, that wasn’t quite true. My brat roared when no one was paying attention. Tanner kept my ass smarting from his palm the past few days but it wasn’t enough. I had plenty of other things to do to occupy my time, but I really wanted some additional attention.

Finding Dane in his office, I saw him actively in the middle of something that looked important. Part of me knew I should leave him alone, but I kept slipping into my Little mindset, and I couldn’t seem to get out of it. Leaning against the door jamb, I glanced at my cute jeans and teal off-the-shoulder shirt before really focusing on him. He changed into a suit. I admired the way his hair looked, all slicked back from his face so it highlighted his chiseled cheekbones. His suit was impeccably tailored, and I wondered what it would be like for him to pin me down, spank me, and fuck me while wearing it. Those thoughts flung me fully into my Big mindset and I chewed on my bottom lip.

Dane glanced up from his laptop. “Is this about the project you’re working on?”

Crap. I’d forgotten about it, but it wasn’t time sensitive at all. At the moment it was more of a passion project anyhow, but my brain had been muddied with so many other things. He wanted to leave his parents' business behind and asked me to put together event ideas for his private riding lessons. I was really good at planning anything with a marketing flair, but I hadn’t done it yet.

“No, I haven’t started it yet.”

“Is something else on your mind?” He clicked a few buttons then shut his laptop.

“No.” I dragged the toe of my ballet slipper across the hardwood floor. “Maybe.” I changed my answer not wanting to outright lie. There was a lot on my mind, but it wasn’t anything important.

“Before I forget, let me know your bank routing information so I can get you set up as a contractor.”

“Wait.” I jutted my hip out. “You didn’t say anything about paying me.”

He looked at me as if I’d sprouted an extra head. “You accepted a proposal to complete a project based on the needs of my new business in order to drum up interest.” Dane leaned back in his leather executive chair. “Of course, I’m going to offer proper compensation.”

“Hello! I’m living rent-free in your house, eating your food, chilling in your jacuzzi, swimming in your pool and now you’re offering to pay me?” I scoffed. “You can’t be serious.”

He leaned his chin on his hand, staring at my posture, likely trying to figure out what the issue was. “I’m completely serious. How else are you going to build a resume in hiding? Once the criminal has been returned to prison, I’ll update the books so everything can be verified. I’ll give you a good reference.”

“Dane!” I threw my arms over my head but then quickly let them drop to my sides. I hadn’t explained anything, so my ranting made no sense.
