Page 3 of X My Heart

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Earlier that day


Burying my face in the pillow, I try to cancel out the constant banging on the door. Whoever it is can go and fuck themselves into oblivion. I swear under my breath, turning on my side.

“Hunt, open the fucking door. I know you’re in there. You changed the passcode again, you bastard,” Drew yells.

I cover my head with my arms. “Let me sleep,” I grit out, while the two girls I have with me in my bed moan.

My best friend’s swearing intensifies. “Hunter!”

Growling, I sit up, almost hitting my head against the bunk ceiling. “Fuck. Yeah, I’m coming. Sorry girls,” I huff, stumbling out of the tiny compartment and leaving them alone.

There’s more knocking from Drew.

“Okay, fuck,” I yell, my toes getting caught on a pink lace G-string. “I’m on my way,” I roar, pulling on my sweatpants and stumbling to the front of the bus.

“What do you want?” I grunt, yanking the door open, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Drew is shaking his head with an angry scowl on his face.

“You’re late, man,” he says, tapping his fingers impatiently on the door.

“Dude, not this shit again,” I let out a low growl, brushing my hands through my tousled hair. “Leave me the fuck alone on my day off.” I fall back onto the black leather couch and throw a purple lace bra on the floor. Putting my feet up on the table I light a cigarette.

“What are you talking about?” Drew asks, looking around the bus, his eyes lingering on the empty beer bottles, pink lingerie and used condoms. “Fuck you’re disgusting,” he laughs, throwing a condom in my direction.

I duck, damn the guy has good aim. I grab the rubbers, and drop them in the trashcan under the sink. “Fuck you, dude, you’re just jealous.”

“We leave you alone for one night, and this is what happens?” he asks, exasperated, flinging a neon-green thong in my face.

“Will you relax? You’re bumming me out.” I blow the smoke out through my nose. Brushing my hair out of my eyes, I scan the trailer for a shirt. “Don’t pretend you didn’t have a good time with what’s-his-face after the party last night,” I mumble.

Drew swears under his breath.

“If you think about it, this,” I joke, flapping my hands around the bus, “is actually your fault. You know I don’t thrive when I’m alone,” I drawl, laughing and coughing at the same time.

Drew rolls his eyes and flips me off. “My dick isn’t complaining, have you seen his ass? And, judging by this mess, you shouldn’t bitch either,” he replies drily.

“Please don’t,” I say, covering my ears with my hands, giving him a playful push with my shoulder. “TMI, dude.” I take a deep drag, and blow out the smoke, the cigarette still in my mouth. Grinning, I watch him move through the aisle of the bus.

“Where is your gear?” he mutters, checking the beds. He opens the curtain of my bunk, and the girls whine in protest.

“Get out,” he orders. They look to me for support, but I just shrug, I’m done with them anyway.

Drew throws my BMX shirt, pants, shoes and gloves in my direction. He clears his throat. “Come on, asshole. Jay is going out of his mind. Get dressed.”

“Why? Dude is always going out of his mind about something he thinks I’ve done,” I grumble, changing into my gear. “Why the hell do I need my race outfit, do I have some photoshoot I forgot about again?”

“You have ten minutes, dipshit,” Drew says playfully. “Or, if you want to give up your number-one spot, that’s fine by me,” he teases, holding up his hands in mock defeat.

I balance my cigarette on the edge of the kitchen counter. After pulling my shirt over my head, I take one last drag before stamping the smoke out in the sink.

“Before what? This is our day off, ain’t it?” I ask, and brush my teeth. I did all my interviews yesterday. Flirted with a female ESPN sports commentator and talked to the Red Bull guys. What is his problem?

“For the race, asshole,” he bites out, shoving his phone in my face.

“Fuck,” I swear, looking at the date I spit the toothpaste into the sink, and stare at the time.

“Hunter? Why don’t you come back to bed?” the platinum blonde whines, stumbling out of my bunk in the back of the bus, and clutching the white bedsheet to her body.

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