Page 24 of Big Bad Tease

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I haveno idea how long I sleep, but I wake up with one arm slung around Cassandra’s waist, the hand of that arm filled with something so soft and soothing…

Oh shit, that’s her breast.

Okay. How do I handle this?

How do I handle accidentally (or maybe not so accidentally?) taking this brand new relationship to second base when we haven’t even kissed yet?

On top of that, I’ve taken it to second base without her consent while she’s asleep.

I’m an asshole.

No amount of getting hit on the head can excuse grabbing someone’s tit in their sleep.


Okay. Okay, breathe, Titus. Think. She’s your friend…you can play this off with a joke. She’ll laugh with you, and you’ll both forget it happened.

Pretty tough to forget it ever happened when her nipple hardens under my touch. And when I think of that, my cock stiffens. She’s going to wake up any second and feel that, and it’s going to be awkward. Not as embarrassing as it would be if we hadn’t admitted our attraction to each other, but uncomfortable in a different way. It’s too soon.

We haven’t even talked about what we’ll say to Herc.

The only thing to do is remove your hand from that tit and put at least three inches between her luscious bottom and your dick. Uh…make that seven inches, just to be safe.

Yep, this is a pull-it-off-like-a-band-aid situation.

In one move, I let go of her breast and roll over onto my opposite side, facing away from her.

That was easier than expected. She’s still asleep.

Her body heat radiates from her back into mine, and I can hear her even breathing. I close my eyes and soak it in.

There’s no reason we can’t figure this out as we go. I know that in my head. I can’t shake the dread in my gut, though.

The entire Treadway family has too much going on. Not too much for me, but a new relationship, in general, might be a bad idea right now. Cass has enough other matters taking up her time.

She sighs and rolls over, and the sound is so sweet in my ears that I can’t think clearly.

I feel warmth against my back, and the next thing I know, what I think is her forehead is nuzzling my back between my shoulder blades. God, she’s so cute.

One thing at a time. We don’t have to deal with the outside world just yet.

I give in to my body’s instincts and turn over again, coming face to sleepy face.

My Squeaks is an absolute angel squinting at me; her honey hair wildly spread on my pillow. Her arms are tucked in together at her chest, covering that breast I just held in my hand like a perv while she was asleep. My mouth salivates, and my stupid dick twitches. I scoot in closer and nudge my leg between hers.

She smiles and croaks, “Good morning.”

I smile back at her, warmed by her pure sunshine. “Is it morning?”

Cass hums and blinks a few more times. Then she does something so lethal to my resolve to keep my hands off her: she rolls onto her back, stretches those strong tennis arms over her head, and yawns. Her back arches off the mattress, causing the duvet to slip down several inches, revealing her bare midsection. Her pajama top has ridden up, and her soft, kissable midriff makes me ache. Her breasts thrust upward, and she yawns, “I’m not sure.”

The yawn and stretch are so damn sexy that I might pass out from restraining myself.

She finally stops this torture and begins another one. Cass rolls back onto her side to face me and mercifully tugs her pajama tank down to cover her cutely rounded belly. She’s so close that our legs are idly touching.

She reaches her hand up to my face and pushes my hair away from my eyes. “How are you feeling?”
