Page 90 of Losing Control

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Mykie downed the drink that she had made for herself earlier before she handed the glass to Ryker. "Do you mind grabbing us another?"

Ryker shook his head fondly and took the glass with him. When he was halfway across the room, Mykie turned her head back towards Caspar.

"I wanted to make sure you were all right with Ryker," she said. “He can be intense, at first.”

"I see what you mean. He’s not a bad guy, though," Caspar responded, but his tone was off.

"You aren't jealous, right? I know it’s a little weird, considering everyone else you know that I’m involved with, you’re already friends with."

“It’s not that. It’s just the things he does and says. He just seems like he’s waiting you out. Like he thinks you’ll get tired of me and Corbus, and he’ll have you all to himself. But I know, no matter how many times he put his arm around you or kisses you, you're still mine, too. He just needs to get used to that."

"Now you're thinking like a snake," Mykie said with a low chuckle. "You’re so arrogant and confident lately. Like the one who was barely afraid of the gun in my purse the first day we met."

“And the one that thought that he had to pay you back with sex after you saved him.”

“You still haven’t paid up, if that’s what you still think,” she said with a wink.

“Oh, that can be arranged tomorrow night. It could be our goodbye after I move back in with Renly,” he said, leaning forward in his seat.

“It’s a date,” she murmured back.

“Are you sure you’re ready to confront the Vultures, though? I know Ryker asked you not to fight, but are you ready to know what really happened to your parents?”

“I don’t know,” she said simply. “But I can’t give up this opportunity. They know something about my parents, especially about my mother. Chance won’t budge, so I need to get my information elsewhere.”

Just then, Ryker was approaching the table with three drinks in his hands. "I just got us all the same thing, but I need to take off. Something came up with the Vultures, and I apparently need to be there. No clue why."

"Be careful. Please," Mykie pleaded. "If there's any sign of danger, get out of there."

"Yes, M'am," he said with a wink.

Ryker bent down and kissed her tenderly before stepping away. "I'll pick you up tomorrow, if you don’t mind."

She nodded hesitantly and watched him walk away towards the entrance.

Thinking back, she wished she would have asked him more questions before he left. Maybe she would have prevented herself a little more pain later.


Caspar and Mykie arrived at her empty apartment around one o'clock in the morning. Caspar wanted to turn in early, so after he went into the bedroom and closed the door, she settled herself on the couch with a pillow and a throw blanket. She put the TV on and turned it down on low volume before she checked her phone for the tenth time since Ryker had left Pearl's.

Once again, she stared at a blank screen with no notifications. She sent it down dejectedly on the coffee table, but as soon as the glass hit the wood and she brought her hand away from the phone, it started ringing.

She snatched it up, and quickly swiped to answer the phone.


"Hey, Princess," Ryker said, his voice strained.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, leaning up into a sitting position. “Did something happen?”

“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” He coughed.

“You sound hurt, Ryker. At least tell me if you’re hurt,” she pleaded.

“No, nothing more than a little bruising. There was a little problem in the Nest, but it was dealt with pretty quickly.”

“The Nest?” she asked.

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