Page 73 of Losing Control

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“Well, this is the last time you find me doing anything good for someone else,” Mykie muttered as she jammed her key in the ignition.

“You know that I didn’t mean anything bad by it,” Caspar said. “Just that everyone doesn’t deserve your kindness.”

Mykie glanced at Caspar once the car was started. He seemed to be purposely avoiding her eye as he fiddled with the radio dials in front of them. Mykie placed a hand on his outstretched arm.

“You deserved it, believe me,” she murmured gently.

He sent her a weak smile and dropped his arm onto the armrest between them. Mykie placed her hand back on the wheel and started them on their journey to get suits.

“You realize this is a trip to get men’s dresswear, right Jez? It’s not going to be anything fun for you,” Mykie said, glancing into the backseat with her rearview mirror.

"It'll be fun to look for something nice for Dexter to wear next time we go somewhere fancy," Jezebeth said. She twirled her hair around her pointer finger as she spoke. "Where are we going anyway? Specifically?"

“Yeah, Caspar. Where exactly am I driving?” Mykie asked.

“Well, Corbus said that Renly mentioned somewhere called ‘Liam’s Suits’? Have you heard of it?” Caspar answered.

Jezebeth giggled. “There’s a low probability that there’s a place in this city that Mykie nor I have never heard of.”

“It does sound familiar, but I don’t think I’ve been there,” Mykie said.

“I’ve never been, either. You think it’s somewhere we haven’t touched or something?” Jezebeth asked.

“There’s a possibility, especially assuming it’s on the upper east side,” Mykie answered with a shrug. “Can you type it into the GPS, Caspar?”

Caspar took the chance to say something as he was fiddling with her dashboard GPS. “Can I ask a question?”

It was clear that Jezebeth, for whatever reason, intimidated him. Maybe it was her unpredictability that startled him. The confidence he showed Mykie seemed to evaporate when Jezebeth got in the car.

“Sure thing, Pretty Boy,” Jezebeth said, popping her gum. Mykie didn’t want to know where she suddenly obtained a piece and prayed to herself that the same sticky wad in her mouth left with her when she got out of her car.

“How much of the city is sort of the Cantil’s territory?” he questioned.

Mykie took a sharp turn left once the GPS was set up and gave her a late direction. “I’m not sure. What would you estimate, Jez? You’ve been around longer than I have.”

“Well, I think we should clarify that the only thing that’s one-hundred-percent ours is Pearl’s. Everything else is just a business or place that we have a finger dipped into.” Jezebeth popped her gum again.

“She’s right,” Mykie said. “Everyone that was running their businesses is mostly still there. We’ve either put our own people in some important board seats, or we just have a hefty chunk of their stocks.”

“So, if we count them as ‘ours’, then we probably own about eighty percent of the businesses on the west side of the city and the east about thirty to thirty-three,” Jezebeth finished.

“That’s a lot of stuff, right?” Caspar asked.

“It increased almost ten-fold once Mykie started working with us. She’s a good negotiator, and she knows how to make the smart business moves that actually get us money instead of just earning us some loyalty and street cred,” Jezebeth said with a grin.

"Oh, don't give me all the credit," Mykie chided, glancing at her in the rearview mirror. "You've done your part too, Miss Young. You're not the legendary Siren for doing nothing. You paved the way for me to be respected as a Cantil woman by showing those guys that just because you're a second-generation Cantil or a girl, it doesn't mean you can't kick some ass."

“Fist bump for badass Cantil girls!” Jezebeth cheered, holding her fist out.

“Caspar, can you do it? I need to focus on the road,” Mykie suggested.

"Uh, all right." Caspar lifted his hand and turned his body so he could hit her fist with his.

“Hell yeah! You and I need to stick together from now on, all right? We can be the Dyed Duo. Sound good?” Jezebeth chattered.

“Leave him alone. He’s not quite used to you and your energy quite yet,” Mykie commanded.

“Fine, fine.” Jezebeth sighed loudly and Mykie heard her flop back roughly into the seat. “We will be getting together and becoming friends. You can’t leave now, so you’ve got to learn everything about the signals and how to read our little blonde driver’s looks.”

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