Page 70 of Losing Control

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“It’s not a hard choice now that I know the truth. I just hope Renly doesn’t ask me to choose,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I won’t ever make you choose,” Mykie murmured. “He’s your best friend, so I understand wanting to have his back.”

“You don’t think he will feel betrayed if we go on a date right now?”

“You shouldn’t have to cut people off because he wants you to. You can make your own decisions.”

“Like this one?”

He pulled her by her hand, startling her as she fell forward over the sidewalk curb, half of her feet hanging on the edge. She landed in his embrace, her hands splayed on his chest in an attempt to catch herself. She felt his thumbs dip under the waist of her pants, his cold hands feeling like ice on her hot skin. To say she was surprised was an understatement. This was the Corbus she recognized in the beginning whenever he was around his friends, not the one that shyly asked her for a kiss. She found that she didn’t mind this side of him, however.

“I don’t know if I ever told you, but you looked so beautiful the first morning I saw you, cooking in nothing but a white button-up. Even knowing you stayed with Renly, all I could think was how much I wished I could see you like that again, wearing one of my shirts this time.”

Mykie wasted no time leaning forward to kiss him. Due to her position on the sidewalk, she was slightly taller than him, but it wasn’t difficult for her to lean down to kiss him. She was glad that he didn’t have an alarm on his car, otherwise, they would have set it off already with the way they were leaning.

Corbus gripped her hips and drew her closer, deepening their kiss. She moved one of her hands up until she could wrap it around her arm around his neck, her fingers automatically wrapping themselves into his curls. He tasted sweet like he had eaten just before they came to her door. His lips were soft, too, despite the cold air.

When he pulled away, she felt his chest vibrate with a chuckle.

“That wasn’t too much, right? I’ve wanted to kiss you all day.”

“No…all of that was perfect. That confidence… I like this new side of you. If Caspar wasn’t staying tonight and you weren’t going to be late…” she trailed off.

“I know. Me too,” he murmured. “I’m doing like you said: what I want to do.”

“Get going before I change my mind,” she said, pushing herself back until she could step back up on the sidewalk.

Corbus snorted but nodded. With a wave to her and one in Caspar’s direction, he got in the car and drove off. Mykie waited until she could no longer see his car before she turned around and walked toward Caspar. He had moved to sit on the stoop of her apartment building.

"You could have gone on without me, you know," Mykie said as she opened the front door to the building.

"I rather of waited. It's your home, not mine." He went first through the door and Mykie followed close behind him.

"It's just as much my home as it is yours tonight," Mykie said softly. Caspar stood in front of the stairs and balanced himself on one foot while he held the crutches in one hand. Mykie took them and waited patiently for him to move up the steps and to the top floor before she followed.

"Does anyone live below you?" he asked when she met him at the top. She handed him the crutches.

"As far as I know, there's an older lady that lives there. I haven't seen her in a while, though, so the apartment might be empty." She unlocked her door with her key and flung the door open. Again, Caspar went first, and Mykie took up the rear to close the door and slip her shoes off.

"Now that we aren't walking so far, why don't you try walking without the crutches?" Mykie asked. She slipped off her jacket and took her bag off her shoulder. She brought both items to her bedroom and threw them in her desk chair.

She came back out and watched as Caspar took a few steps on his own. He winced a little with every step, but one seemed to hit a nerve and Mykie instinctually jump forward to catch him. She grabbed his arm and wrapped hers around his back.

"Are you all right?" She murmured in his ear.

"Hm?" He hummed as he turned his head. "Yeah, I think so. My knee gave out from lack of use, and it just startled me. It didn’t really hurt that bad.”

The smell of his cologne assaulted her senses. It made her want to lean into him further, but she shook her head, clearing away those thoughts.

"You should be more careful," she said softly. "I don't need you falling and getting more injured in the process. Especially not on my watch."

“Have I ever been careful?" He chuckled under his breath. His breath on her cheek made her shiver. Her resolve was breaking with every passing second, and she almost pushed herself away from him if not for the quick thought that she didn't have to. Caspar was here, and there was no misunderstanding about what that meant anymore.

She closed the distance between them, and she seemed to catch him by surprise. It wasn’t for long, though, as he kissed her back just a fervently. It still took a few seconds for him to pull her closer instead of leaning on her. He tasted like strawberries and Mykie loved it. It made her want to discover whether it was just the lip balm on his lips or something else.

She didn't want to move from the spot she was in, scared to do anything that might jar his healing ankle and hurt him. Caspar was quick to bring her attention back to him as he brought his hands from her mid-back to just where her jeans sat, not unlike Corbus did outside.

“You’re trying to tempt me, aren’t you?” she murmured against his lips.

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