Page 4 of Losing Control

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Gather information? Was he trying to gather information on her?

Her phone rang again.

"There they are again," he muttered. "I suspected they'd start bothering you by this time of the week if you've been avoiding them like you've avoided me. If I didn't turn your phone on silent before you left the Pit last night, they would have had you up all night, if they had their way."

She stared at him. When did he see her in the Pit, and why didn't she see him? It must have been before she went into Chance's office. She felt a little grateful that he had thought about her when she was too wrapped up in everyone else. He took care of her last night, even if it was without her knowledge.

She also felt guilty that he thought she was avoiding him. He wasn't entirely wrong, but she didn't want any of them to notice her absence…just like she felt theirs.

Then, she remembered feeling eyes on her last night and she shivered, wondering if he watched her sleep. How many times had she missed him hiding in the shadows in the past, watching over her and making sure she was alright?

No. If it was him, he would have come in. He already revealed himself to her, so he wouldn't suddenly step back from her now. He obviously didn't have any reservations about entering her house this morning to make sure she was all right. That either meant that she was being paranoid, or someone else was watching her.

"Are you going to pick it up, or should I?" he asked, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair.


She realized that she had been sitting on the kitchen floor where she slipped this entire time. She looked down and flushed when she realized that the top of the robe had loosened and exposed much more of her than she cared to be showing off at the moment. A voice in the back of her head that sounded almost like Jezebeth wondered why Ryker hadn't taken advantage of the situation, but she shook that thought off. Ryker was concerned about her well-being, not how much of her boobs were hanging out.

Pulling the top closed with one of her hands, she pushed herself up and off the floor. Once she was standing, she grabbed the phone and checked the caller ID.

It was Corbus. He wanted to video chat.

She went back and forth in her head contemplating whether she should pick up the phone. It was time that she started talking to them before she risked losing everything they began together. She made up her mind reluctantly, dragging her finger across the screen as she accepted the call.

"Mykie?" He breathed. "Oh, thank God."

He was in the living room, from what she could tell. She was slightly surprised that he was out in the open calling her when he usually hid in his room.

"I hope you weren't worried about me," she said, sending him a confident grin. He was probably calling her after what Renly told him. "As you can see, I'm right as rain. Work has just been really busy since someone higher up had to step down suddenly."

She felt disgusting talking about Adam that way, but it was the most logical way to explain it without saying that a man was murdered just a week ago.

"I know you were working, but Renly came home scared out of his mind after he said he was going out to dinner with you. I know you can handle things yourself, but after how he reacted, of course, we were worried!" Caspar's voice butt in. Suddenly the phone was passed from one hand to another, much to Corbus' protest, and Mykie could see Caspar.

The amber-eyed boy looked exhausted. His hair was sticking up in odd directions like he just woke up, but she was almost positive that he didn't get a wink of sleep the night before.

"You look exhausted," Mykie stated.

"I've tried calling you throughout the week to make sure you were okay, but you never picked up," Caspar murmured. Then, almost like an afterthought, he said, "It's not like I could run after you."

She immediately felt guilty. Of course, Caspar would be worried after what he knew about her. Not picking up probably scared him half to death.

"You're resting your foot, right?" she asked, reminded of his injury.

"Yes," he grumbled. "That's not the point. What happened that night? Renly hasn't told or talked to anyone anything since Dexter drove him home. Just that you were hurt, and you weren't answering him, either."

"He didn't have a right to talk about it, anyway," Ryker muttered.

Mykie shot him a glare, motioning for him with her eyes to shut up.

"Who was that?" Caspar asked and Mykie mentally cursed.

"It's just Jezebeth. She'll be quiet now," Mykie explained, her words pointed as she shot a glare Ryker's way.

Ryker lifted his hand to his lips and motioned to them in a zipping manner.

"But you're fine?" Corbus said over Caspar's shoulder, pushing his face into the shot. Caspar pushed his face out of the frame. Corbus was able to quickly grab his phone before it could end up being dropped, however.

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