Page 33 of Losing Control

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She watched him bite his lip before he moved to sit up straighter, as if his posture would make what he had to say a little easier. "It's because I'm afraid."

He finally looked up from the blanket he was playing with, but she didn't get more than a moment to look at him before her attention was pulled elsewhere.

"Mykie, can you do me a favor and stir this while I chop up more vegetables?" Caspar called out. "I can't do both at once."

Mykie sent Corbus an apologetic smile before she stood up and went over to the stove. She was surprised when he didn't immediately go back over to the chopping board on the side counter. He leaned into her ear, but to anyone else, it looked like he was showing her how he would like the food to be stirred.

"What's going on with him?" he whispered.

"If you didn't interrupt me, I might have been close to finding out," she snapped lightly.

Caspar winced. "Sorry. The conversation just seemed really serious, and I didn't think that was what this was supposed to be. I was expecting to be making dinner for the two of you while you were making out on the couch, or something."

"Corbus and I still haven't kissed, so forget about public make-outs. Besides, I wouldn't do that with you or anyone else around, Caspar. No matter how this relationship forms and how many people are in it, our individual, private relationships are still private to us. You know that, right?"

Caspar drew his head back and his eyes searched her face for a moment. She wasn't sure what he might have seen, but he nodded slowly. "Well, I'd have to support you either way, don't I? I wouldn't mind if you kissed him in front of me, just to let you know."

She frowned. He didn't have to do anything. Is that what he thought? That being a Hatchling meant he had to agree with everything she said? If so, they had to have a serious talk of their own.

She opened her mouth, an explanation already on her lips when Renly came through the door.

"How was your day with Ellenora? Torture?" Corbus joked, leaning his elbow on the back of the couch so he could turn toward the front door.

"Yes, but Mykie made it less anger-inducing," Renly said as he slipped off his shoes. He walked over to the side of the stairs and set them side by side with the rest of the boys' shoes before he came into the kitchenette area.

"Your sister wasn't too bad, Renly. I don't see why you don't go with her more often," Mykie said over her shoulder and she stirred the pan of noodles. By now, Caspar had gone back to chopping the vegetables.

"You have to be joking," Renly stated.

"A little," she admitted, "but I'm sure she's fun to shop with when you're someone that actually likes shopping."

"I don't mind shopping, but she just drags it out. What could be done in one hour takes ten with her." Renly sighed. "I don't know why I had to go with her instead of Mother. I could have stood in for any of the meetings she had or needed to plan for."

"It's nice to spend time with your siblings, sometimes," Mykie murmured. Caspar came over with a bowl of green vegetables and poured them in with the noodles, which made the pan hiss and sizzle.

"Do you have any siblings, Mykie?" Corbus asked. He moved from the couch to the chair on the other side of the island counter.

"Nope. The closest I've got are Jezebeth and Dexter. What about you guys?" she questioned. Caspar grabbed the spoon from her hand and went back to stirring. Even with him on crutches, she felt like they moved like a well-oiled machine or an older couple as she easily slipped out of place and sat down at the counter next to Corbus. He had his head balanced on the palm of his hand while the other arm was bent in front of him, his hand flat on the table. Before she could hesitate, she slipped her hand over and grab his unoccupied hand.

She mentally sighed in relief when he didn't pull away from her. So, he wasn't afraid of her. what did he actually mean, then?

"You've met most of my family," Renly said. He went over to the fridge and dug out a bottle of soda for himself before he settled himself next to her. "You just haven't met my oldest two brothers."

"I'm one of two boys, but my brother is only three, so they haven't started pressuring him yet," Corbus said bitterly. His hand tightened atop of hers before relaxing.

"I'm an only child, as well," Caspar stated. "Can you grab some plates, Mykie? Dinner is just about done."

Mykie complied and dug through the cupboard that Caspar pointed at. There were three plates on the shelf she could reach, but the rest were on the shelf above. She stretched herself on her tiptoes, but it was to no avail.

"Here, I've got it," Renly said behind her. He put a hand on her shoulder as he leaned around her. He pushed down as he grabbed the plates above her head and Mykie gasped. She set the plates down roughly on the counter and twisted her shoulder out of Renly's grasp. He wasn't holding her there, but the pressure on her sore shoulder made her go into panic mode. She barely resisted the urge to lash out from the pain.

"What's wrong?" Caspar asked.

"Your shoulder is bleeding," Corbus stated. Mykie looked and saw that he was right. She had taken off her jacket and checked her shoulder in the car before she came here, but she luckily kept a roll of gauze and wet wipes in her car along with a spare shirt for moments when she got too bloody on a job.

She couldn't do anything now, however, as her bloody shoulder bled through this shirt, too.

"What happened?" Renly asked. His hand moved slowly, but deliberately for her shoulder and Mykie took a step away. "I just wanted to see the wound. I won't touch it."

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