Page 48 of Lay It Down

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“Your dress,” he prompted. I’d forgotten to move.

I pulled the dress up over my head, then tossed it onto the ground, fully aware of Neo’s piercing gaze.

“I still can’t believe you don’t wear underwear. All this time...” He trailed off as I reached my hands behind my back and removed my lace bra.

“Holy shit,” he said, staring at my breasts. The nipples were hard, more ready for him than they’d been for any man before.

Somehow, I got my legs to move. Grabbing the plate, I did exactly as he’d said. First, I tore off the comforter to the sheets below. Then, as Neo closed the sliding glass doors, I dipped my fingers into the extra whipped cream.

He walked slowly to the side of the bed and watched. First, my nipples. Not feeling shy at all under Neo’s appreciative gaze, I continued. The space between my breasts, then a trail downwards. I placed a dollop of the cream on the inside of each thigh. And then between my legs. Finally, I dipped my finger back into the whipped cream. With one last swipe, I placed it on my lips like a sweet and creamy gloss.

And I waited. Thankfully, not for long.

Neo climbed onto the bed. Bracing his hands on each side of my head, careful not to touch me, he leaned down and licked the cream from my lips. Then, urging me to open them, he kissed me. A long, slow, and utterly sensual kiss that was over much too soon.

Pushing himself back up, Neo then turned his attention to my breasts. He licked the cream from the first, groaning, and then from the other, with a slight nip of the nipple, and then he moved to the middle of my chest. The whole time Neo kept himself propped over me, his hands close but not touching my body. With every lick, my legs spread farther apart. Then, realizing I’d said nothing about touching him, I did just that, splaying my hand on his shoulder as it flexed to remain propped above me, and I caressed all that I could reach. I touched Neo until he moved too far down for me to reach.

Without warning, he moved to the foot of the bed, and positioned himself between my legs. With one final, pleased smile, he bent down and flicked his tongue against each thigh, lapping up the whipped cream.

I wasn’t going to last more than a few seconds.

Sure enough, after I opened my legs even farther apart and, since he couldn’t do it himself, spread the folds that revealed his final destination, I came almost immediately. He barely had a chance to lick off the last of the whipped cream. Crying out, as I’d wanted to do in the car, I gripped the sheets as wave after wave took me.

By the time I opened my eyes, Neo had stood up and was now sliding a condom onto his incredibly thick cock. This was truly happening.

Or was it?

He stood there, at the foot of the bed, still hard, without moving.

“Give me permission to touch you, Thayle.”

“And lose twice in a row? Never.” My chest rose and fell as I regained my breath from the aftershocks of an orgasm that would probably be recurring in just a few minutes when Antonio Grado slipped inside me. The man of my dreams. The one I’d loved for what seemed like forever.

“Fuck it.”

He was between my legs so fast, I didn’t even have time to revel in my victory. Neo guided himself inside me, and though I wanted to close my eyes from the sheer pleasure of it, I didn’t dare. I would watch every second of this. To see Neo bury himself to the hilt, to see him as he began to move, as his expression reflected the pure pleasure I was experiencing too . . .

By the time he lowered his body onto mine, claiming my lips, my tongue, my soul, we’d found a perfect rhythm. Every pump brought us closer. When he reached down between us, rubbing and circling me, I promised myself not to ask how he knew how to do that so well.

“Please, Thayle,” he begged, breaking the kiss.

I didn’t know if he was asking me to come so he could too. Or if Neo was asking for something else. All I knew, as he peered deep into my eyes, circling his hips, his thumb, was that this was actually happening, and I came again. Calling his name, I shattered as he buried himself deep. When he collapsed on me, I embraced the welcome weight of his body. I held him close and vowed never to let go.



“Are there any fancy meetings today?”Thayle asked, rummaging through her luggage.

She’d just slipped on a pair of jeans, and although I was already dressed, and Wayne would be arriving shortly to pick us up for another full day, to finish off Cayuga Lake’s northwest wineries, I was tempted to head over there and unhook the back of her bra. To reach my arms around her, mold my hands around those beautiful breasts...

“Neo?” She turned.

“No,” I said, “no fancy meetings. It’s a pretty casual day.”

She grabbed a sweatshirt.

“Oh no, you don’t.”
